In order to pass the practical test, I cast a spell with a bit of originality mixed in, but the tree didn't stop growing.

「What? Isn't that the magic you know?」

Melissa asked back in surprise.

「Well, yeah. I instantly changed the chant. Hmm, that was a bit of a mistake.」

「No, Alec, this is no time to relax! Isn't this, the chant you just used, using all the magic of this planet to grow?」

That looks really bad.

「Ahem, Vanilla-sensei, please do something!」

I'll bow down as a student here.

「I can't believe it. ...... Also, Alec, changing the chant is dangerous, so please don't do more than one at a time. But Letty and you are both one letter away from being "natural disaster" Magicians.」

I don't agree with being lumped in with Letty, but the teacher has a point.

No, you don't usually think that you can grow this fast, do you?

「Understood. I'm sorry.」

「Anyway, the only way to do this is to cut off the supply of magic power. ...... With this many techniques, even if you have 500 MP, you normally wouldn't be able to activate them, but now ....... ――The jackal's bloodline commands, Mana, return to normal flow!」

The growth of the tree stopped immediately.

「As expected of teacher.」

「「 Ooohhh 」」

Her students and I look at each other in respect.

「Phew, I managed to stop the flow of magic, but this is not helping with the cleanup. Alec-san, what about the cleanup magic?」

「Well, I'm not sure. If you ask me to do it, I'll do it, but there are no guarantees. It's not strongly recommended.」

「Yeah, that's fine. If you mow it down, it'll fall over and be dangerous, and you can't burn it. Let's report this to the headmaster and see what he can do. Yes, the other students can continue with their practical work.」

It was a simple response, but I guess someone could do something about it.

The students regained their composure and cast a spell. Of course, it was the safe and normal spell that the teacher had taught them.


「Damn, it only grew three centimeters at a time!」

「Even if I can do this in time, there's no way my MP will last.」

「Then that's the only way. ......」

「Yeah, ...... is a pain in the ass.」

My classmates looked at each other and nodded with convincing expressions.

「Ha! You can't do that! You musn't do that――」

「「「――Budding life rooted in the mother star, gather its blessings and poke the heavens with your mana! Woodgrow!」」」

My classmates all chanted in unison, and I, Melissa, Kaede, Lumina, and all the other strong people secretly fused their magic power together.

The ground cracked loudly.

You're good, this class. Some of them are forming chant with their hands, and all of them are at a high level. 

I can't believe they all succeeded in activating the magic. 

「A-Are you stupid, you guuuuuuuys――――!」

Vanilla-sensei's screams of anger, dismay, and grief echoed throughout the area.

「All right, We've all passed the one meter mark, we've passed! So let's get out of here!」

I said, and started running.

「What? Are you sure?」

Marilyn looks at the teacher and wonders if it's okay.

「Anyone who wants to be scolded should stay where they are and do honors.」

「I'm sorry. It's obvious that she's going to scold me persistently, given her personality. She was totally pissed.」

Melissa is also running.

「Uwahh, I think that's a bad idea. ......」

But then Marilyn also ran.

「Hawawa, This is bad, but well, it's all Alec's fault, and yes, it's Alec's fault, and it's not my fault.」

Nene also runs frantically, using her [Empathy☆] to speak for her classmates' heartless words.

「You guys are idiots! Seriously, you idiots!」

But Kaede also runs. You've been casting spells too, haven't you?

「As a princess, I have no choice but to ...... run away. ...... I don't want any trouble. ......」

Lumina also runs as fast as she can.

「Aaaah! No way!? The spell is interfering with the flow and it won't stop! Oh no, no, no, no! Hey, you guys, help me! I won't scold you, but please, someone help me!」

Vanilla-sensei's voice turns into a plea, but I don't stop.

「Alec, are you sure this is okay?」

Kaede asked me with a straight face as I kept running.

「No problem. We've got a lot of professional professors here. We don't want any amateurs messing with it and making it worse. Look, we've already got reinforcements with flying magic. We're just following instructions to evacuate. We're amateurs, there's no way we can do what Vanilla-sensei can't. We're slowing her down. So the evacuation order is the right one.」

I'm sure Vanilla-sensei will claim later that she didn't say that, but in our confusion, we heard such an auditory hallucination.

Or it could be someone's prank, but I don't think we should be scolded for mishearing it.

「I see. You're a smart guy. All right, follow the teacher's instructions and evacuate!」

「「Yeaahhh! 」」

「「All right! 」」

It's a breathtaking reply.

It's the kind of trustworthy voice that knows everything, and even if you're interrogated individually later, you'll keep your mouth shut and take your secrets to the grave in silence.

The next day after school, I was summoned to the staff room.

The trees had stopped growing, so it seemed that the professors here were very good at magic. The only problem was that there was a large tree still growing, so they weren't going to be able to clean it up anytime soon.

「Aahh geez, what is that guy! That Alec guy! I've worked so hard to become a teacher at a prestigious school, and now he's a problem! Vanilla-sensei has been giving me a lot of grief, and if I could teach him in a day or two, I wouldn't have any trouble!」

My homeroom teacher, Caroline, is grumbling at her desk, but she's the one who called me here.


「Uhii! Oh, Alec-san, how long have you been there?」

「Just now.」

「I,I,I-I see. Oh, the headmaster wanted to see you~!」

The teacher says with a smile, but do I look that bad?

「I get it.」

I head for the door I see at the back of the staff room.

「So that's Alec...」

「The natural disaster Magician who creates the world tree? Good grief.」

「He's old enough, but isn't he already some kind of apprentice?」

「I hear he's an adventurer.」

「I thought I'd never see a student like Crusher Letty again, but I see, the world is a big place.」

「Two days into school and he's in the headmaster's office.」

「That's interesting.」

The teachers in their robes were whispering, but none of them seemed to be very angry.

「Please wait, Alec-kun.」

A young male teacher in a gleaming white robe with silver threads stopped me. I don't care what he says, but he uses strange language.

「What is it?」

「Ugh.....Ahem, where did you learn all those spells? Can you tell me the name of your teacher?」

「I don't have a master. I just rearranged a few spells on the spur of the moment and that's it.」

I'll tell you what it is.

「Y-you just thought of ......!? No, no, no. No way. That's ridiculous.」

「That's all you got to say?」

「W-wait, wait. I'm sure you have some ...... secret you'd like to share? If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to use a world class spell like that.」

「I'm not saying there isn't, but I don't have the right to tell you that.」

「What!? Y-You're so cocky! I'm only here to teach you!」

「Stop it, Cherry-sensei. Magic is everything here. Even if it's a student, you can't offend them by asking them to teach you. It won't go well.」

An elderly female teacher said smilingly, but she is a person who understands the reason of things.

She nodded for me to go, so I left Cherry Boy alone and opened the door to the headmaster's office.

「No, I'm not asking him to teach me anything, I'm just investigating the situation... Ah, I'm not done talking yet! Alec-kun!」