I tried to quickly close the door because of the noise, but Cherry-sensei seemed to have used some kind of spell and quickly barged into the headmaster's office. Bam! and smashed his nose against the door with a flourish.

「Fughh! Owwhhh ......!」

「Are you okay? Here's a potion.」

He looked like he was in a lot of pain, so I took pity on him and kindly offered him a potion.

「Hmph. No thanks, I've got some on me. Listen here? That was just an accidental mistake. You know what they say, a good pen makes a bad pen.」

Cherry points at me with a straight face.

I've been caught by an annoying person, haven't I? However, as expected from a teacher, you can't tell him to get out.

「I don't care about that,but ......」

I looked around in the headmaster's office.

There are some fine furnishings in here, this was a school of magic, and the shelves were lined with potions of all colors, some of which were bubbling and looked dangerous.

A sticky red liquid is shaking in the bottle, but what is it for? It's disgusting.

There's a black cat sitting on the big desk in front of me, but its owner doesn't seem to be home.

I don't like to be kept waiting, though.

「Welcome to the office, Alec.」

Did the cat just talk?

No, there's a slight presence behind the desk.

「What are you doing?」

I use my [Levitation] to jump over the desk and snatch up that thing behind the cat.

「Hyaaaa! Hohoho, Not bad for someone who's already been found me, eh, my dear?」

Loli, who looks like a schoolgirl, is laughing in her saggy robe.

「Are you the headmaster?」

「Oi, Alec! That's rude to her!」

Cherry-sensei is getting angry behind my back, so it seems that this loli kid is really the headmaster of this school.

I was expecting a stern old man with a white beard. ...... Oh well, I prefer a beautiful girl to an old man.

So who was that old man who was talking so much at the entrance ceremony ......? Well, what does it matter?

「That's fine, that's fine. Indeed, this mistress is the headmaster of this school. You can call me Luna-chan if you like.」

「Headmaster, if you're going to give me sermon, get on with it.」

「You're not a very nice person, are you? You BAD! All right, I'm done.」

...... I've had a lot of teachers on Earth, but I've never had a sermon end in one second.

「Headmaster! That's just too much. It's not good for the dignity of the academy」

「Cherry, you've only been here a short time, but magic is everything here. You have to show your magic to have dignity. For example――Open from the truth of flux, and command Alec to turn in the manner of an ancient master and servant」

The Headmaster pointed her wand at me and chanted a spell.


My body began to spin on the spot, as if I were weightless.

Is this gravity magic? No, chants are not like that. I don't remember making a master-slave pact with her, but ...... she seems to be using some kind of cheat-grade causality.

I can't even resist.

I tried to control my posture with [Levitation], but that didn't go well at all, either.

I'm not going to get drunk and vomit because of the [Anti-sickness medication], but it's no fun to have your body turned around like that.

Then it's magic for magic's sake, isn't it?

「The four great spirits are Sylph, let your wings flap in a gust of wind! Wind!」

I'll use wind magic to control my posture, smartly warded of course. Nothing but my body will fly.

「Well, well, well, that was a tour de force. It's not as interesting as a beginner's magic, but I'd say you're in the "Sage" class when it comes to controlling magic power」

「T-This guy! He can also handle non-chanting warding magic at the same time! A freshman in the middle school? That's ridiculous. ......」

Cherry was surprised to see me, but since my body randomly rotated this way and that, I couldn't maintain an upright posture with a one-tempo delay even if I used the wind to control it.

I might be able to do something about it if I took the skills to counter it, but I'd be wasting skill points if I put all my energy into a sermon or a dignity contest.

「I give up, Headmaster.」

「Hmm, fine. You're an adventurer and you're not blinded by this. I think it would be better to give you a test that makes you more desperate, but I also think we need to set the stage properly for this.」

The loli headmaster hints at a scary Spartan education, though.

「I don't want that either. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. The magic is just fine.」

A black magician who summoned a strange monster to the village, and a black sea anemone that appears a year later. In order to defeat her, I need to learn the [Dimensional Slash] skill. In order to learn it, I need to change jobs to become a magic swordsman and find out for sure.

Of course, breaking into the girls' dormitory is one of the main objectives.

「Hohoho, Is that what you want? Alec the Hero. Your harem kingdom is still in the process of being destroyed. It's still not enough to defeat that thing.」

「You bastard, how do you know all this!?」

「Fufu, It's not my place to tell you.」

You annoying child. You want us to fight over magic?

Fine. I'll take it.


A series of ice javelins by [super fast tongue].

If this is a saturation attack at close range, no matter how much the opponent is the head of the magic academy, there will be no damage.

Once the barrier is up, I'll use instantaneous movement to leap inward and beat the crap out of her.

「Hey! Alec-kun, come on! You can't go against a teacher, of all people, the headmaster, you'll get more than expulsion, boy!」

Cherry is upset and tries to stop me, but I'm in her way. Didn't you hear what the headmaster said?

"Magic is everything" here.

However, Cherry is also a teacher at this academy, and his movements are agile, as if he used the magic to strengthen his body without chanting.

I decides that I can't avoid it, so I dodges it with [Instantaneous Movement].

「T-teleportation!? L-Legendary level magic with no chanting!?」

No, it's a skill.

「Hohoho, this is very entertaining. This year's freshmen of students is quite impressive.」

The laughing Headmaster was initially caught by the barrier, but from there she hit me with a series of fireballs without chanting, and then hit my ice javelin, vaporizing it.

I'm afraid that beginner level magic is more powerful than the intermediate level magic of the heroes. ......

But I won.

Fire spells don't work on me, you know?

Because I have [Fire Resistance Lv5].

「O-Ouch! Please! Both of you, this is a sacred study hall and the highest school of knowledge, you must not engage in savage fighting! In times like these, we must remain calm and discuss things peacefully!」

「Cherry, I'm not going to hit you, so don't avoid it half-assed. You're in my way.」

「Cherry-sensei, it is the tradition of this school to discuss magic passionately. The founder of this school and a rare magician, Nanoha the "Raging Spirit", also taught this」

「That's absurd! This isn't a discussion, it's just a shooting match!」

You're right. But I never knew there was such a thing as a "gunner," and magic has a lot of depth.

「Oya, I can't get any damage. It's not like it's an attribute barrier spell, so it's either an artifact-grade rare item or a gifted item. Good, this is why appraisal bindings are so interesting.」

It seems that the headmaster is fighting by sealing off her own [appraisal], but I wonder if it was a [prediction] type skill or magic that read my fate.

――rather than that.

「Tsk, you're not out of ammo yet? Damn it, you don't have [Magic Power Generation], do you...?」

The skills I have don't necessarily mean that this Loli Headmaster doesn't have them.

「Hohoho, I don't have any of those devilish skills. It's the result of various boosting equipment and daily MP health drinks.」

So there's a bottom.

But this Loli Headmaster would not use the same magic until she ran out of ammunition, so she switched to electric shock magic.

According to my [Magical Knowledge], this is an intermediate [Lightning].

「Hohoho, there, there, avoid it, avoid it. It's a good target.」

The ice javelin on my side is blocked by a magical barrier, but even if I jump inside it and reach for it, the loli girl will create a further barrier inside and step back, so it's a tug-of-war.

「Damn it!」

The damage is not half bad, as this Loli's electric shocks pierce my body one after another. As is expected of the head of a prestigious magic academy, the power of her attack magic is quite strong even when she takes it easy.

If this guy had been serious from the start and used her big magic, I wouldn't have stood a chance.

But it wouldn't be interisting to just give up.

If I don't take a shot at her and give her a blow, the reputation of the "Black Cat of the Wind" will be at stake.

No, that's not quite right.

I don't care about the face, but if people think I'm okay with not resisting the fate of annihilation, it will affect the reputation of my way of life.

Everyone should at least show a little struggle.

I thought better of it and decided to use a spell that would have the highest hit rate against the barrier.

How do you deal with an opponent who has a magical barrier (barrier) that completely prevents magic with overwhelming power?

I can also use [Instantaneous Movement] to hit her body at random, but it's not like I want to kill the headmaster.

Besides, I've never tried this skill before, as I'm very cautious about what happens when two human bodies overlap.

Then, this is it.

「――Pile on the curses of apples crashing to the earth, and hang your head even when you don't mean to! Gravity headshot!」

As a [Sage], I mobilized all my [Magic Knowledge] and modern knowledge, and used the magic that Letty used before as a hint.

It is a customized gravity magic.

This should be able to overcome the barrier.

Of course, the opponent was a top-notch magician.

I also chanted the explosion spell at the same time to create a diversion and pressure.

「Murghh, that spell is not good!」

The Loli headmaster must have figured out what kind of spell I was chanting halfway through, because as soon as she changed her color, she immediately cast another spell.

But I was one step ahead of her.

The Headmaster's office was enveloped in a blinding flash of light, and the shock overwhelmed everything.


The explosion was more spectacular than I had expected, and the next thing I knew, the side walls were completely gone and I could see the sky.

The room is a pile of rubble.

...... I shouldn't have done that.

I went a little to far.

「Fuuh, good grief, you're the second person to blow up the headmaster's office.」

It's hard to believe that the Loli Headmaster came out from under the rubble ...... without a scratch or even a speck of dust on her.

That's what I get for my tweaked original spell.


Let's learn the magic thoroughly, shall we?