The next morning, I came out of the classroom with an unsuspecting look on my face, and my classmates came running up to me.

「Alec, what happened?」

「What was your punishment?」

「How did you get scolded?」

Well, they've had a bite of the one that created the world tree, so I guess that's what they're bothering about.

「Nothing. I got just a little lecture, but that's it.」

I simply told them the truth. Of course, I was just trying to be cool, anticipating how they would react when they heard that.



「But after all that, ......」

They don't believe me, but I guess they still don't understand the "common sense" of this school.

「It's not that. I did all that and got away with it with very little blame. Do you guys even know what's this place is all about?」

「It's a place to learn magic, of course.」

「That's roght. Don't make fun of me.」

「There's no need to come to school if all you want to do is read a textbook.」

「That's ......」

「There are things you can't learn on your own.」

I nodded my head in response.

「I'm sure there are.」


「But this is a school of magic. To learn is to study, to improve your skills, to master your knowledge. It's okay to experiment and fail. Isn't that what were looking for, to practice magic through trial and error?」

I'll point it out.



「Now that you mention it, it's true」

My classmates groaned.

「So, if a student makes a few mistakes, it's not something to be scolded about. Just stand your ground..」

I said a good thing.

「Fuhh. That's what happens when you make a mistake in class. Blowing up the headmaster's office is already class disruption or terrorism.」

Kaede pointed out sharply and turned the conversation around.

As expected, I couldn't refute her right away.

By the way, this guy is so quick with information.

「Huh? Blowing up the headmaster's office, what the hell are you thinking!」

「Are you stupid!? You're an idiot after all!?」

「No matter how much of a delinquent you are, there are some things you should do and some things you shouldn't. ......」

The class's eyes quickly turned to a stern stare, even though they had been looking at me with respect. Good grief.

「Kaede, it was just a small mistake in the experiment. I didn't mean to blow anything up either. I just got into a little magic contest of skill with the headmaster.」

「「「 What!? 」」」

「I'm surprised you survived that. My brother was spotted by the headmaster and was hospitalized in the temple for half a year.」

Kaede says that her brother is Craig, the head of the dormitory. He also had a stocky build, but I guess muscles doesn't matter when you get hit by magic.

「Oi, you gotta be kidding me! You're going to send me to the hospital just because spotted by headmaster?」

「Hey, what are you going to do now, Alec!?」

「Yeah, it all started because you used a weird spell!」

They're going to point the finger at me for the world tree thing, but the bottom line is that these guys are just worried because they're afraid they'll be held jointly and severally responsible.

「Calm down, the matter of the world tree has already been settled with the reprimand from the headmaster. No matter what happens, you won't be penalized.」

「Yes, I think it's wrong to blame Alec when everyone else has also chanted.」

Marilyn defended me. She's a good person.

「We'll soon find out if Alec is telling the truth or not. I'm sure my sister - no, Vanilla-sensei - will inform your homeroom teacher of your retention soon.」

Melissa, who had been watching from her seat and not participating in the questioning, shook off her twisted drizzle of hair and said.

「I see, well, that's one way to put it.」

「I can't wait for Caroline-sensei to get here.」

「Good morning. ......」

The homeroom teacher came in with a somber voice, a complete change from yesterday.

I feel a little sorry for her, but I didn't do anything wrong either, did I?

「Um, teacher, about the retention...」

One of the students couldn't wait to ask her about it.

「Oh, yes, yes, that's the thing. Vanilla-sensei gave me a lot of grief, but I heard that all the students passed Basic Magic A.」



「Yes, the other classrooms are having classes, so please be quiet. Changing the chant without permission can lead to unexpected dangers, so be careful. In particular, don't use strong language, something like 'Star'.」

「What? But that's also used in elementary detection magic, isn't it?」

「Yeah, well, there are combinations of them. ...... Well, frankly, it's hard for normal people to meet the activation conditions, so you don't have to worry about anyone but Alec-san. That's enough.」

In a throwaway way, Caroline seemed to want this matter to be over quickly.

「「I understand...」」

The students seemed to understand and went along with it.

Of course, I was also silent in affirmation.

There's nothing good to come out of rehashing this story.

「All right! Well then, let's learn about fire magic today.」

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After the boring morning class, Nene shook me awake.

「Alec-san, Alec-san, it's lunchtime!」

「Oh, okay.」

I was trying to stay awake today, but I fell asleep.

「Um, Marilyn-san was in a huge hurry to run out of yakisoba bread. ...... What is it?」

「Oh, I see you have some here. Don't worry, Nene. It's just that it's a popular bread that goes fast.」

「Oh, really? Oh, thank goodness.」

Nene patted her little chest as if relieved, but she seemed to be worried about such a thing.

「What, that's why you were so shifty? I should have told her earlier.」

Kaede said. I was curious, since she was the only other person left in the classroom.

「Was there something you wanted from me?」

「Well, not really, but I just thought you were an interesting guy. That's all.」

It's Kaede who says it shyly.

I don't know about that.

「Well, let's go have some food. How about you join us at our table?」

I'll invite her to join us.

「What? Ah, yes, then.」

Kaede nodded bluntly, and although she seemed confused, she didn't seem to have any hostility towards anyone.

Well, if she's just a NEET, she's probably harmless to leave her alone, as long as she doesn't fall into the trap of thinking "I'm going to make it big in another world", even if she have to drag other people down.

I don't think she's going to get in the way of my harem kingdom because she's a woman.

When I went to the cafeteria, Serina was glaring at me openly, and the enemy was inside.

「Alec, what's going on? You're going to have to explain to me exactly it properly」

「Shut up, It doesn't really matter to you」

「Of course there are! There's a rumor going around that you're the one who caused the explosion in the headmaster's office.」

「It's true.」


「By the way, the first person to ever blow up the headmaster's office was Letty-sensei.」

「Weeel, *ehe*.」

I'm not complimenting you, though.

「Huh? What are you doing, Letty? Hahaa, you've been expelled from this school, haven't you?」

「No, I didn't! You see this blue ring? It even has my name engraved on it, and it's my very own diploma!」

「That's right. It's not nice to insult your teacher, Serina.」

「No, hmm ......, Don't change the subject. But why is Letty the teacher ......?」

She seemed unconvinced, but as long as the magic is good, anything is possible here.

「By the way, what about you?」

Serina looked behind me diagonally, but I hadn't introduced Kaede to these guys yet.

「This is Kaede, my classmate.」

「Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Serina.」

「Ah, ah, yeah, ni-nice to meet you...」

Kaede who looks away from her for some reason.

「You've been talking to me normally, but what's with that reaction?」

「Because she's cute, isn't she? That girl too.」

Kaede whispered back.


「You've already become friends with her... Wow, Alec, that's great!」

Serina, who reads without hesitation,  would get the wrong idea.

「Ah, I'm called Kaede von Craig. By the way, I can't get rid of the long red hair, but this platinum blonde hair is so beautiful!」

「U-uwahh, please don't touch me!」

When Noel's hair was touched by Kaede, he jerked back.

「Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it...」

「Ahem. I'm Noel, and I'm from the Lily class. Nice to meet you.」

「By the way, that guy is a man.」

I'll make sure there are no misunderstandings. 

「You're joking again. How can such a beautiful girl be a man ...... Nah!?」

It seems that she's also had an appraisal, and Kaede stepped back as if she was appalled.

「Yeah, well, he looks like a woman, but he's really a man」

「Ehh? Why isn't this a girl? It's a scam... ah, well, I don't care if it's a guy. As expected, Serina is good.」

「Uhh, I'm sorry, don't put your face too close to mine, Kaede. Don't touch my hair either.」

「Ahh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you're really cute~!」

Kaede looked at Serina with enraptured eyes.

This woman, Is she into Yuri (lesbian)?.