The Inquisition is held in the Holy Kingdom of Ufa.

It's a dreadful trial, and if you say something carelessly, you will be executed for it.

How many victims are there?

「It's two or three people a year. As you can imagine, it's unheard of when it comes to big names with the rank of Temple Knight.」

Frederick shrugged his shoulders.

「What, two or three people are executed every year?」

Serina was surprised.

「No, it's only about half that go to execution.」

「That still seems like a lot.」

Serina said, but it's better not to judge based on a feeling, as there is a combination of population.

「How about a similar case?」

A woman who had a fiancé and slept with another man.

She's a ridiculous lewd bitch.

「I looked into it myself, and in the last ten years, there have been four, all of whom were executed.」

One hundred percent.

「Hey, ......」


「That's going to be tough this time too, isn't it?」

「Kuhh, it's all your fault, Alec.」

Frederick, who had been explaining in a calm manner earlier, raised his voice and glared at me.

「Well, don't be so hasty. If you were officially engaged and had performed the ceremony or something, then Elisa's wrongdoing would be questioned.」

I'll make that point.

「That's ......」

Frederick, who had no objection, apparently hadn't even given her an engagement ring.

He's almost like a stalker.

Even according to Frederick, Elisa's reply was very suspicious.

「What? You didn't do anything? What about give her the ring?」

「I've been meaning to give it to her!」


「He's no good.」

「Yeah, right. You're such a jerk. You said you were childhood friends.」

「But, Fredrick, if you self-report that you were mistaken, that won't incriminate you.」

「That's ...... no, that's still not possible either. My father has sent a letter to all parties involved stating that we are officially engaged. ...... Damn, what a huge disgrace to the Denwein family. ......!」

Frederick has his head in his hands, but I've seen the right way to attack.

「So man up, Frederick. If you want to save your beloved girlfriend, that's the only way, okay?」

I say this with the intention of destroying their engagement as well. Of course.

「Wha, wait a minute, maybe there's another way. ......」

「We~ll, If you can't think of anything else, then I guess you'll just have to do it.」

「I guess so.」

「Frederick, you reap what you sow! Kuhh, the joys of other people's misfortunes... blah blah blah...」

Letty is making fun of him for posing with a sticky bar, but I'm not going to go that far.

「No, I don't need you to tell me that much when we've never met. It's rude, you know」

Frederick says with a sour look on his face.

I signaled to Letty and the others with my hand to stop him from going any further, as he fell silent and pulled his horse away from our carriage.

He felt like he was engaged to his beloved childhood friend.

Frederick was thinking about married life, and maybe even the name of the child he was going to have.

He's a neatly dressed man who seems to be rather meticulous.

It would be a shock to anyone if he had to ruin it with his own hands, even if it was just a diversion for the Inquisition.

「Damn it!」

「I feel sorry for him. I think it's someone else's fault.」

Serina points at me in a low voice.

「It's his fault. It's his fault for not getting consent. I did get consent before I fucked her.」

「Sure-sure, after you forced yourself on her anyway. ...... Oh, come to think of it, you called Elisa at the restaurant, promising to be alone with her.」

「Yeah. You know, after I politely explained in advance what I was going to do. You can't call that rape or coercion, right?」

「Ugh, ....... Oh, but there was also the matter of Elisa's misunderstanding and slashing at you, and the assassination of Misha and Sasha. You took advantage of that, didn't you?」

「...... I don't know if that ever happened. It's just a trivial matter.」

「Geez. I'll ask Frederick about the details of the engagement later.」

It looks like Serina has taken pity on Frederick or is planning to follow him.

「Suit yourself. I don't care what he said, I care what Elisa thought.」

「Yeah, I guess.」

Serina nodded, but she seemed to recognize Frederick's disadvantage.

Well, it's my girl, so it's only natural.

「I understand what you mean, but I still think Alec is totally to blame.」

Just when you think it's settled, there's someone who flips you over.

「Shut up, Forehead.」

「I-I'm not Forhead! I want you to call me Yulia.」

「Then, Yulia, I'm going to ask you just in case, but tell me why it's my fault?」

「Okay. I don't think it's a good idea to cross the line before marriage.」

You're a hard woman. Well, that's not a bad idea.

It may sound old-fashioned, but what's good is good, and what's bad is bad.

There is nothing new or old in that.

「I see. But if you marry someone with whom you are not sexually compatible, you will be unhappy.」

「Aaahhhhh, I don't know anything about compatibility!」

Yulia's face is bright red up to her ears, and at times like this, I want to take her off, but I have to get her used to it first.

「Listen, Yulia. Compatible is...」


When Serina suddenly screamed and the horse she was riding went into a neight frenzy, I quickly grabbed my sword, but didn't manage to pull it out.

「Oh, that's a good response, Serina-chan. I think you and I might be a perfect match.」

「You dirty old man ......!」

With her hands behind her back and holding her hips, Serina looks like an demon.

The fact that the Varius who touched her is no longer there and is keeping a tight distance to guard against the [Starlight Attack] is a proof of his skill.

It's not hard to avoid a slash from her, but he won't take a single risk.

He may have a blank look on his face, but he is surprisingly cautious. 

「Well then, it's time for the promised lesson.」

The old man said as he stepped into the carriage with me, but the fact that he said it right after touching Serina's ass was quite calculating.

「All right.」

「Hey, Alec, aren't you mad at him for doing that to me?」

「No, I'm angry. Quite angry.」

「Ehh? Then why ......?」

「That's why I have to be on time for his training. If I don't become stronger than him, I won't be able to get even.」

「Hmm. ...... For me?」

「Well, I guess...」

Just a little.

「Fine. then, I'll go with you.」

「Okay, it's decided! Now, the three of you will use levitation magic to get away from here for a bit. If the horses are startled, they won't last the long journey.」

The old man says it's a good theory.

「Serina, can you fly?」

「Yes, Letty taught me, so I'll be fine.」

「How about you, Yulia?」

「Yes, I can fly.」

「Then we're good to go. Let's go.」

Me, Serina, and Yulia will use levitation to get out of the carriage.

It's time to train.