「Now, as for today's training, when you run out of MP, you may put your feet on the ground, but you will lose points. The penalty is one butt touch.」

The old man in the air says this with a serious face, but you just want to touch it, don't you?

「Other penalties, please」

Serina also says immediately with a clear face.

「Then, with boobs, hehehe!」


「Ehh? Kuhh, you're so merciless with your cute face, destroying and taking away the dreams of old people with short lives.」

「No matter what you say, it's rejected.」

「Same as me.」

Yulia, of course, refused to accept this penalty.

「We'll be late for my training, old man. No penalty today, I guess.」

「Hmph, You're a disciple and you call your master an old man, I can't accept this!」

The old man who turns his back on me is not going to teach me anything if he sulk. I can't help it, I'll just apologize here.

「Please forgive my rudeness, Valius-sensei, but we have a limited amount of time due to circumstances. When you teach me the Dimensional Slash, I will give you a hundred beautiful women.」

I said with a flicker of give-and-take.

「Hohou, a hundred, huh? Of course, you're in there, aren't you, Serina-chan?」

「No, I'm not in there, Old--ahem, sensei.」

「Hmph, that's boring. Well, as long as they're beautiful, that's fine with me.」

「You really are the worst kind of pervert old――sensei right. ......」

「Um, can we just get started?」

The cold expression of Yulia seems to completely dislike Varius, which is very different from her attitude towards Welbard-sensei.

Well, she didn't originally sign up as an apprentice just to observe.

The old man is already in the mood, though.

「All right. Now, let's start by training the control of magic power and body control at the same time. What you need to do is simple: seriously avoid my sword. That's all.」

As soon as he said that, the old man disappeared, leaving behind an afterimage of himself.


The old man suddenly appeared right in front of me, and he slashed at me in silence.

I don't even have time to draw my sword.

I had no choice but to use my [Instantaneous Movement] to escape backwards.

「You idiot, your escape is too monotonous!」

This time, a voice came from behind me, and at the same time I felt a sharp pain in my back.


「Alec! Hey, Old Master! You're seriouly slash at him!」

「Come on, this is just a scratch.」

「A-Are you okay, brother!? You're bleeding like a really bad!」

「Master, ......!」

Jouga and Meena, who had come all the way down from the carriage to see what was going on, gasped.

「Tsk, don't worry, I'm fine.」

The first thing I need to do is to close the wound on my back and stop the bleeding, using the skills of [Block Pain], [Regrowth] and [Increase Regeneration Speed].

Full recovery would come later.


And since the old man was attacking me in the middle of regeneration, I was desperate.

「I won't let you! 【Starlight attack!】」

Serina attacked the old man from the side to keep him in check, and I managed to buy some recovery time.

「Oi, oi, Serina-chan. Don't attack me, okay?」

「No, I'm not going to hit you.」

「No, you were going to hit me!」

「Because, I won't hit you.」

She smiled.

「Nuh-uh. She's got a nice face, but she's a crazy woman. Alec, is this what you want?」

「Yeah. I keep her around because I like her. It's obvious.」

「Hmph! You're a young man with a big mouth.」

Calling me a young man when I'm middle-aged makes me feel like he's mocking me, but he's not wrong, because Varius is old and his skin is very thin.

「One more time, Alec! And just when I thought it was over, Yulia-chan was next!」

「Kyaaaa! Hey, what are you doing? Please don't molest me!」

「You're naive! This is a life-and-death training session, don't make a fuss over someone touching your ass!」

The old man shouted with a devilish expression on his face, but what he was doing was just molestation.

The two women gave him a cold stare.

「Oh, I see. If it's life and death training...」

「It seems like it's okay to fight back a little.」

Serina and Yulia nodded at each other and slashed at the old man in coordination.

「【Starlight Attack!】」

「Waterfowl Sword Secret Style! 【Falcon!】」

Let me explain. The falcon is the fastest bird that can fly, and its speed is ――Uohhh!?

「Come on, Alec, you're too careless.」

「T-That's ridiculous. You're over there just now.」

I looked again at the old man on the other side, who was catching the swords of Yulia and Serina, but damn, there was another one.

I can also use some sort of alter ego, but it's the kind where if one of them gets stuck, the other one disappears.

And yet, this is different.

「Whoa, whoa, whoa, You don't even know the art of "Alter Ego?" Erotic kid.」

「Don't treat me like a kid!」

I turned around and used a barrage of ice needles.

It's a beginner's magic, but it's much faster than the javelin I'm used to, and it's easier to get a head start.

「Hou, You seem to be getting to know how to use magic a little better. But when you're using the ice attribute, which is the second slowest after the earth attribute, you're not quite there yet.」

「Damn, If that's the case, then――freeze the rain, raise the wind, and show the judgment of heaven with the roar of the thunder beast! Pierce it! Lightning!」

Relying on my [Magic Knowledge], I use the lightning spell with the fastest transmission speed.

「Hoee-hoee, you're slow, you're slow, look, I stopped it.」

How in the world can you kick back lightning with your feet?

And since I don't feel any magical surges, he's using completely physical techniques.

「You monster. ......!」

「It-It's amazing ......Kyaaa!」

Serina, who looked away, scream when her ass is touched, but don't get all wet and make me cuckolded.

「Alec-san! That's the application of static electricity through air friction!」

Yulia saw through the essence of the technique and advised me, but I see.

I'm not surprised that Yulia saw through it, but I have to give respect to the old man who used it as a technique.

That respect is this.

「OmitsuruOman NebutsukiName-tsuki-ryu....... 【YukaYuka MurasakiShi KitsuneKo RiRi!】

I swung my hips at high speed, using my clothes and hips to generate static electricity, and kicked the lightning that the old man had flicked back at me again.

「Mmurghh, You stole a technique I've only shown you once! You're good. And the name of the technique is also very close to the mark.」

「Well, once you know the trick, there's nothing to worry about. The rest is just physical ability.」

「Hmph, you know how hard I had to work to develop that physical ability? That's why the heroes of the other world are ...... Well, whatever, Now, don't look at me, you two. Let's practice! Now, recite the names of the techniques.」

「I won't do it even if it kills me.」

「I don't want to say that because it sounds obscene.」

「What did you say! You're a member of the OmitsuruOman NebutsukiName-tsuki-ryu, but you can't even say it's name? Ooh, what a pity. And you call it obscene!」

「By the way, Old-man――Sensei, what is the origin of the name of your school?」

If it were a serious name, it would be rude, so I'll check just in case.

「It's obvious, all I could think about during my hard and painful training was the female body! I wanted to lick the most erotic pussy I could find, and that was all I thought about as I practiced day in and day out.」

I knew it was useless to ask.

He's just a dirty old man.

But that's good.