However, the postponement of the Inquisition allowed us to buy time to rescue Elisa.

When we returned to Frederick's house, we checked on the progress of the mission.

「Saki, how's the preparation going?」

「It's ready, darling. Perfectly.」

「You're the best, as expected sub-leader.」

「There's just something that's bothering me.」

「What is it?」

「There's a place called the Tomb of the Sacred Irv, but it's just as heavily guarded as the Rubidoux Castle, and there's a lot of suspicious plainclothes cops wandering around.」

「Is that on your escape route?」

「No, it's close, but we can bypass it.」

「Then don't get too close. Go around.」

「Copy that. I thought you said rescue was more important than investigating something we don't need right now.」

「Yeah, that's right.」

「Wait, if you're referring to Irv's tomb, it came up a few times when I was canvassing.」

Serina said.

「Why is that?」

「This royal capital isn't the original royal capital of the Holy Kingdom. I heard that the capital was relocated two years ago.」

「Oh, so that's why the buildings were amazingly white.」

「Right. No wonder it's so beautiful like it's new. I heard that Irv's tomb used to be the tomb of another country. They used to call it the Royal Tombs.」

「In the Wigger Empire, which was invaded by the Holy Kingdom.」

Saki gave a supplementary explanation of the name of the country that was destroyed.

「Hmm? They're using the royal tombs of other countries as their own for posterity?」

「That's right. But it's not a tomb, it's a sacred place, different from a temple ....... It's not a place of worship, and access to it is strictly restricted to the Black Knight.」

「The Black Knight, huh ......」

What is the reason why the Holy Kingdom of Ufa, which seems to have rebuilt all the buildings in the royal capital in its own colors, cherishes the tombs of the countries it has destroyed?

I was a little curious.

「Is there any treasure lying there?」

Kaede made a wild guess, but I couldn't give her an answer until I checked.

「Who knows? Okay, we'll investigate that too. But you guys stay out of it. We can send a request to the adventurer's guild here under a false name and have another adventurer do it.」

「I see. We'll be getting out of here as soon as possible, so I think we should report to Austin's guild.」

「I'll leave that to you, Saki.」

「All right, you can leave it tome!」

「After Saki's work is done, we'll get moving.」

「「「 Roger! 」」」

About twenty minutes later, Saki returned, and we left Frederick's house fully armed and equipped.

There are less than twenty of us in the first team.

The second team is scheduled to start moving at the same time.

「Now, it's finally our turn!」

said Juga.

「Hehe, my arms are ringing!」

said Luka.

She was wearing bikini armor with no armor underneath and her belly button showing, probably in anticipation of a hot battle.

「Come on, let's eat!」

What are you doing, Marilyn?

「O-Oi, Alec, what's going on here? Where are you going?」

Frederick came out to see what we were up to.

「You're better off not knowing anything.」

「Are you going to Elisa's? Then I'm going with you.」

「But if you do, you'll never be able to come back here.」

「I don't care. I've caused a lot of trouble for my childhood friend, and I have to at least make amends.」

「You're a pretty good guy.」

「I don't need a compliment from my rival in love! Look, I'm not giving up on her yet, Alec.」


You're supposed to be a thorn in my side, but I feel like I've met a worthy opponent.

「All right. Let's see who can win Elisa's heart.」

「I'll accept that challenge!」

「But first, we have to get the princess out of the tower.」

「Right. I'll pretend that you're traveling to Castle Rubidoux on my orders. The name of the game is to find a bandit who insisted on the love between woman.」

「Are you talking about me?」

「Don't admit it so easily there, Kaede. I noticed it in your voice too, but you keep quiet about it.」

「No, it's terribly unacceptable to be treated like a criminal just for talking about love between women!」

「Anyway, pull yourself together. Elisa comes first now. And don't touch Elisa, Kaede.」

I'll go ahead and nail her.

「Oh? That's not going to happen, Alec! When I heard she was a Templar Knight, I was burning up with dreams of training a bullheaded princess knight with a whip.」

「Go dream about something else. Come to think of it........if you're looking for a strong knight, there's a female elf knight named Sylvie in the Kingdom of Vernia. I'll introduce you to her later. You can train her with the whip as much as you want. I'm sure she'll be very happy with it.」

I introduced the silver-haired Sylvie-Walloy-Attarma to Kaede.

「What!? R-really!? Okay, let's take care of that. Kuhhhh, she's a dainty elven M princess knight! Finally, It's here!」

Sylvie's not so dainty, but I'm sure they'll get along just fine as perverts.

「All right then, Alec, I'll go lead the second team.」

「Yeah, I'm counting on you, Hannah.」

They're not so soft that they need babysitting, but just in case, I'll put Hannah with them.

「Let's go.」

「「「 Aye! 」」」

Adventurers with dangerous scents strolled side-by-side through the beautiful chalk streets, swords hanging from their hips.

The operation begins.

Frederick says shortly after we start moving.

「The priest seem to have sensed us. They're beefing up their security.」

「But they don't seem to be setting anything up yet.」

I've noticed the white ninja group, too, but they're just following us at a certain distance.

「Of course. It's not like we've done anything wrong, and we're a search party in all but name.」

「But still, the fact that we are being watched, Frederick, suggests that they suspect you of doing something too.」

「Kuhh, well, my childhood friend and good friend, Elisa is being held captive. It's only natural for them to be suspicious. And they're right.」


When we arrived at the lakeside of Rubidoux Castle, a group of ninjas were waiting for us in front of a small boat and were trying to pass through.

Seeing this, Frederick stepped forward.

「My name is Frederik-von-Denwein. I am an escort knight! I would like you to step aside.」

「I'm afraid I can't allow that, Sir Denwein. If you wish to see the Templar Knight, you must come alone, and you will leave your sword with us.」

「No, I'm not here to see her. I'm here to find the heretic who bothered Lord Bodine at Castle Rubidoux.」

「Hohouh, that's very auspicious. However, your role is to protect him,. I think it would be better if you stayed with High Priest Kabler's bodyguard as per your duty, rather than moving around as you please.」

「That won't be necessary.」

An old man clad in vestments appeared from behind.

「「High Priest K-Kabler 」」

「As you can see, I already have an escort. Frederick, the fact that the heretic has not yet been found is a serious matter. You are to cooperate with Lord Bodine and search the entire castle. This is an official order of the High Priest.」

「Ha, Ha!」

The high priest, who looked at me and smiled, seemed to be on our side.

I owe you one.

I was going to take a bunch of gold from the treasury of Rubidoux Castle, but I guess I'll hold off on that.

We proudly crossed over to Rubidoux Castle in a small boat while a group of faceless ninjas stared at us.

Well, third time's a charm.

Wait for me, Elisa.