With the permission of High Priest Kabler, we were able to enter Rubidoux Castle unharmed.

But, as expected, his authority seems to end here.

「From here on out, the inside is under the jurisdiction of the Inquisition. Outsiders are not allowed to enter.」

Fully armed soldiers, perhaps having been informed by the ninja group, were lining the corridors of the castle.

「Damn, this is it. ......」

Frederick mumbled bitterly early on, so I told him.

「Frederick, you're giving up too soon. Just buy yourself some time here. I'll take care of the rest.」

「I understand. I just need to buy some time, right?」

「Yes. But first, close your eyes. Serina!」

「Yeah, I got it. ――Come, light of justice, light of evil, Divine Flash!」

Serina holds her right hand next to her right eye in a sort of salute pose, and uses flash magic. It's a blindfold.


The guard took a serious hit from the flash, and held their face with both of their hands.

All right.

「Ka, you don't understand. You really don't understand, Serina! You're a girl, you're not a "Divine", you're a "Honey"!」

Kaede said regretfully.


「You can't talk like that to a Heisei-born.」

Most of the time, even if she knew, Serina wouldn't like it.

「I was born in the Heisei era too. Not over there.」

Kaede insisted on whispering the second half, but it didn't matter.

Let's move.

「Are you following me?」

I say to the two invisible guys as I pass over the guards.

The three of us who can use invisibility are me, Kaede and the old man.

The old man doesn't want Elisa to see him, but he's following us on his own, so there's nothing I can do.

If he tries to touch her, I'll attack him, no questions asked.

「It's obvious. But don't forget about Sylvie, Alec.」

Kaede said.

「Introduce her to me too, Alec.」

「Yeah, I'd be happy to introduce you to Sylvie.」

I say to the old man.

「What did you say!」

「Oi, I don't need a old man.」

「Well, you two can talk about that later. Right behind here.」

I peel back the tapestry, open the hidden door, and enter the spiral staircase.

「Fufu, there's a princess knight in captivity just up ahead........It's here, it's here!」

「I'm excited. Nuho!」

...........I'm worried.

「I knew you guys don't need to go there. Wait here.」

I turn around and tell them.

「What are you saying? We can't let you go out there alone, Alec.」

「You're right. You should rely on us more.」

I don't care if you say it in a voice that is full of desire and sniffles.

I could have stopped them with my own strength, but I didn't want the enemy to know we were here, so the three of us had no choice but to head up.

「Listen, you two, don't touch Elisa.」

「I knooow that, I'm not going to touch her. I'm just going to give her a little licking.」

「I'm fine with just ogling.」

「No! No licking, either. I'll tolerate the ogling.」


「Hoho, you understand me well. That's why you're my first apprentice.」

We made it to the top of the spiral staircase.

I release my optical camouflage to reveal myself.


「Alec, now――」

「We don't have much time. We have to get out of here now.」

「I understood」


I'm cut Elisa's chains and take her hand.

I'm going to use 【Levitate】 all the way out the window from here.

「Move aside, Alec!」

But the old man suddenly hit me from behind and pushed me away.

「Old man! I don't have time to play around in this situation!」

「Of course not. Take a good look, you immature bastard.」

「Hmm? Ah!」

On the floor where I was standing until a moment ago, I saw a purple light floating in a circle.

「This is a magic circle!」

「A trap!」

「You two go on ahead. This is going to be a little tricky. I've never seen a magic circle like this before, even though I'm a professor at Austin, so the magicians of Ufa are pretty good.」

A shiny black snake emerged from the magic circle, but it was a familiar color.

A black summoner.

I never thought I'd run into a black magician's magic here.

Worst timing ever.

「Be careful, old man. It's immune to all magic attributes.」

「That's what it looks like. Well, don't worry. I've got a magic sword, so this will be piece of cake. Nuhh?」

Sure, the old man sliced through the black snake easily, but the sliced snake was still moving. And there were more heads.

Oh no, it's a ...... splitting type!

「Old man, I'll go ahead, but take it easy, okay?」

「Chick, worry about yourself. You never know where a mage with this magic might be lurking.」

That's true.

「Let's go, Elisa, Kaede!」

「All right!」


I took Elisa in my arms as a princess and jumped out of the window to the outside of the tower.

I leave it free fall for a while, and then used [Levitate] to slow down.

「Alec! To the right!」


It's a good thing that Kaede noticed, but the "white bird" came rushing in from the sky in a straight line.

I can't dodge it, so I use 【Instantaneous Movement】 to escape.

The big bird plunged into the steeple with the same momentum, making a loud noise and destroying the wall.

But the bird is still alive and well, flapping its wings.

「Good grief, you owe me one, Alec.」

Kaede says as she lands on the ground, but it looks like she'll be taking care of the "white bird".

「Yeah, Kaede, I'll introduce you to another 15-year-old maid named Karen.」

「She'll have to be OK with instant licking.」

「That's okay. She's the kind of people who can take a whip and a candle, Kaede. That's your kind of girl.」

「You ...... have an absurdly wide circle of friends! I've made up my mind! I'll follow you for the rest of my life!」

I wonder what it is, it's the words of a beautiful girl, but I'm not too happy about it.

「That's fine, but magic doesn't work either on that bird, so be careful.」

「Hmph, Alec. Did you forget? I'm an another world hero too!」

Kaede shouted and leapt up, blue flames covering her entire body.

「――Burn! My wings, born of chaos, my body, in Kaede's name I command you, Flame Burst!」

I hope those flames will work on the bird.

Well, she's an ex-neet, so she'll know what to do.

「Alec, give me your sword. Let's fight it out.」

It seems that even Elisa has gotten into the spirit of things.

「Fool, if you don't get to safety, the others won't be able to escape. Think of this as your mission, Elisa.」

「Murgh, you're right. I've been selfish without considering the situation of the others. Forget it. But I can run on my own feet now. Put me down.」

I was a little lost, but she's also a very skilled woman who has reached the depths of the Labyrinth of No Return.

「All right. But you can't cross the lake unless you're in my arms anyway.」

I put Elisa down and took out a spare sword from item storage and handed it to her.

「That's ...... Mm, I'll ask you again then.」


Lily, who was outside the castle gate, spotted me and called out my name.

「Lily, it's the second phase. Get the people inside to clear out.」

「Roger that!」

「And tell everyone there's a black magician nearby.」

「Uehh, can I go home?」

「I'll let Serina and the others know.」

「Fuh, fine」

I cross the lake with Elisa in my arms.

I looked around, but there seemed to be no problems so far.

There were no guards outside the castle, as if they were fighting with Serina and the others inside.