The mission to rescue Elisa, the Temple Knight, who had been held captive in the Holy Kingdom of Ufa.

After crossing the lake that surrounds Rubidoux Castle, the operation is finally reaching its final stage.

「Alec, there is no problem here.」

Yulia, who is cooperating with us in the rescue mission, was waiting for us on the other side of the lake.

She's usually the one who challenges me on everything, but now she's cooperating like a different person.

「Yulia, take Elisa to Point B.」

「Sure, that's fine, but weren't you together with the old man and Kaede?」

「The old man and Kaede are fighting a summoned monster right now. It's a nasty enemy, but, well, they'll both be joining us later.」

「I see. Well, with the strength of those two, it's a needless worry?」

「Yeah. More importantly, there must be a magician nearby who summons monsters that are immune to magic. Be careful.」

「The black magician? I understand.」

I'm worried about leaving Elisa for a while, but I have to send an army from the castle to the other side.

Idiot Letty's is being held somewhere, so the number of people who can use 【Levitate】 is limited.

Me, Yulia, Kaede, Old man, and Serina, that's about it for people who can fly.

We can probably get by with just Serina and Kaede, but since there are so many of us, it would be faster for me to go and help.

The old man can fly, but he can't be used for transportation.

I can leave the men, Jouga and Frederick, to him, but I can't leave the women.

I can see him sexually harassing them while they fly in his arms.

「Alec, be careful.」

「Yeah, you too, Elisa. I'll see you later.」

I left Elisa and went into the Rubidoux Castle.

I could hear the sound of swords clashing, and it seemed that Serina and the others were still fighting the guards.

「What the heck are you doing, Serina?」

「I know, but these guys recover quickly, kuhh」

There were a number of white-robed healers behind the guards, but that would have been easy to take care of with her [Starlight Attack].

Well, since she's dutifully following Welbard-sensei's teachings, I'll help you out.

「Serina, in a situation like this, you'd have to silence them from the recovery role.」

「I know, kuhh, but there's just too many of them.

「Then use range magic.」

For my part, of course, I'll use the high-speed rapid-fire (shooting) javelin with [super fast tongue].





「It's cold!」

There you go. I've silenced all the healers.

Inquisition chief Bodine is hiding in the back with his guards, but I leave him alone if he won't fight.

「Damn you, you infidels! Frederick! You're going to hell, too!」

「Lord Bodine, a world without Elisa is already hell for me!」

「You fools! Then you'll all go to hell together! What are you doing, taking your time with these infidels!? Fight! You're still God's warriors!」

Lord Bodine reprimands the guards, but a pep talk won't make up for the difference in skill.

With the healers silenced, we were able to subdue them in no time at all.

「It's over!」

「Wha, there's no way the infidels are going to win ......!」

「All right, let's move out.」

「「「 Copy! 」」」

But as we were leaving the castle, we saw a new guard coming towards us.

「Damn it.」

「Lord Bodine! This is bad! The Wiggers are revolting en masse.」

「What? God-forsaken rebels. It was a mistake to let them live! I don't care if they're babies, kill them all! Don't let a single one of them live.」

「As you wish!」


There are people who are in trouble if they are left alive.

I used my 【Instantaneous Movement】 to stand in front of Bodine and slashed him.

「Guhh, you bastard......Alec! You defy the will of God!」

「Well, at least the girl with glasses I know wouldn't want this to happen.」

「D-Do you bastard know who Adominus is!?」

「Adominus? Is that the name of that girl with glasses?」

「Oohhhh! That can't be! How can a infidels know what God looks like!? I don't accept it! I don't acceeeept it!」

「I don't care what you think, but get the hell out of here.」


「「Chief Inquisitor!」」

The guards intervened to protect the chief inquisitor.

「Alec, hurry up!」

「All right, I'm coming.」

The Chief Inquisitor is still alive, but we need to get out of here first.

He's not going to make it with that deep wound anyway.

I kicked aside the guards standing in my way and made my way out of the castle.

「All right, Jouga, hold on!」


I floated back and forth across the lake, carrying everyone with me.

「Darling, this way!」

Saki had prepared a carriage for us on the other side of the lake, so we got into it.

「Is everyone here?」

When I saw that Elisa was inside, I was convinced that the mission had succeeded.


「But the old master isn't here yet.」

Saki said.

「Hmm? Tsk, what are you playing at, that old bastard? I'll go check it out.」

「Fufu, no need for that.」

I heard a cheerful girl's voice from above.

「Who is it!?」

I jumped out of the carriage and looked at the sky, where a girl with white hair and a twin drill hairstyle was floating.

――clad in a sinister black robe.

「If it's old master Valius, I've taken care of it. This is his memento. Please accept it.」

The girl threw something, which fell on the grass, and it was a staff with blood on it.

I immediately shouted, "Appraise it!

「Saki! Take everyone and go ahead! I'll buy you some time here. Hold this.」

I tossed the Golden Bracelet to Saki and handed it to her.

「I-I get it. Darling, please don't die. I don't want this to be a souvenir.」

「I know.」

「I'll fight too.」

「No, Serina. You have to get the Dimensional Slayer at all costs.」

「T-that's only if you――」

「That's if I don't come back.」

「Heh, that kind of strategy is useless. Because you're all going to die here. Fufu♪」

The girl laughed with a creepy voice.