Elisa's subordinate, the female knight Marin, seems to have a good impression of me.

If she smiles at a man in a tavern, it's a sign that she's OK for tonight.

Even if Marin is unconscious, it's time for her to grow up.

「Well, it's late tonight. Let's talk about what to do tomorrow.」

I end the conversation at a reasonable point and let everyone disperse.

The other patrons in the tavern were all talking about the black magic that pierced the skies of the Holy Kingdom and the stench of decay, and not a single one of them was paying attention to us.

I headed back to my own inn to get out of Serina sight, then used my 【Optical Camouflage】 and 【Distraction】 and followed back to the tavern to the inn where Marin and the others were staying.

I called out to her just as she was leaving Abel and Edgar and returning to her room.


「Hyaaa. Oh, Alec-san, when did you get here? You weren't here a while ago, were you?」

The light blue haired loli girl turned around in a panic as if startled. She wielded a sword with her delicate body. That alone was intriguing.

「Don't worry about that. I've been known to appear and disappear. Anyway, how about a little something tonight? How about a little adult fun, just the two of us?」

「Oh, no, thank you. The captain might be OK with it, so please go over there.」

Marin, who says with a smiling face, completely refuses.

「Do you, by any chance, like Abel?」

「No, I like him as a colleague and a friend, but I don't have any romantic feelings for him. In fact, I'm not very good with older people.」

「Well, I'll make you like it with my technique.」

「No, really, I can't. I'm sorry.」

She was rather good at saying no, but it seems that she was more popular than I thought. She's a beautiful girl, and she's the type of younger sister that you want to protect, so she's sure to be well-liked in the knightly order.

「I understand. I'm a gentleman, too. I won't force you. I'm sorry for interrupting.」

Today, right?


Damn, I guess I was wrong. I can force myself to go, but I don't want to make a scene, and I think another woman would be better for today.

「The mood is right and everyone is here. I'll go for someone who's not in the rotation.」

I went back to my room at the inn, trying to figure out who I was going to bed with tonight.

「Alec, it's, you know, my turn today. ......」

Serina, who had already taken off her clothes, folded them and was waiting naked on the bed, said with the sheet half covered.

「I'm sorry, Serina, but I'm going to skip this one.」

「Ehhh!? Heeey......I'm already soaking wet.」

「No, you can't. You should masturbate yourself to calm down. You can play with Kaede if you want.」

「Murghhh, you're so mean. Fine, I'll play with Kaede and be her lover.」

「Do what you want.」

I don't want to throw away Serina, but I'm patient here.

I left the room, careful not to let Serina find out about my fully erect lower body.

Now, who would is good ......?

Yulia...no, she seemed rather shocked by Varius' death, and she didn't say a word to me today.

It would be interesting to talk to her gently when she calms down a bit.

「Here's the hot water you ordered.」

「Oh, thank you for coming so late at night.」

As I walked along the inn's corridor, I saw the inn's slave clerk bringing a tub to Noel and Olivia's room.

Apparently, they were going to have a bath now. Even though it was a bath, in a country inn like this, all you could do was fill the tub with hot water and wipe yourself down.

All right, let's go with Olivia today.

I'm sure she'll agree to it right away.

As expected of a priest, she welcomes a troubled man with an open heart. She is even devoted.

Of course, she will ask for an offering, though. It's not that expensive. Three large coppers at a time.

I thought I'd surprise Olivia a little bit, so I used my 【Optical Camouflage】, 【Distraction】, and 【Instantaneous Movement】 intrusion set and entered the room.

「Nuh-uh! Oh no, it's for you, Noel.」

Careless. I thought that only women who care about their skin would ask for hot water this late at night.

I was dismayed to see Noel already undressed and sitting in the tub with his back to me.

He's a girl by all appearances, and he's a feast for the eyes, but when I appraise him, he's a man.

I don't want to see that thing on the bottom half of his body.

「W-Who are you? Alec-san? Master, you're there, aren't you?」

Oops, I've been recognized by my voice.


「Oh, what a cat. I said! Um, now that you've used a cat's meow, I won't be fooled. And it's the voice of an unhealthy, not-so-cute Dora the cat」

「Leave me alone.」

There's no point in hiding, so I proudly show myself.

「Ugh, I knew it.」

Noelle shrinks back and hides his breasts with his back to me.

You know, you don't need a to cover your chest. ......

「You've got swollen breasts too?」

I could see his shapely breasts between his arms.

「It's my pecs. I've been working out.」

「No, no matter how you look at it, those are the saggy tits.」

Fat guys are bulky even if they're men, but Noel's hips are tight like a woman's. Ummm, he looks like a woman.

He has beautiful platinum blonde hair. His skin is also pale.

「A-Anyway, please get out of here. I'll call someone.」

「Don't worry, I'm not into eating men. I thought you were Olivia.」

「Huh? No, I heard you're after my mother, which makes me even more worried.」

「Where's Olivia, by the way?」

「I won't tell you.」

「What if the leader doesn't know where the members are? What if it's an emergency and she need someone to treat her injuries?」

「Then I'll take care of it.」

「Hmph, well, okay.」

I was just about to walk out the door when Olivia came back into the room.

「Oh my, Alec-san, why don't you call me and I'll come over?」

「Yes, I would. Let's go, shall we?」


「Wa-Wait a minute, Mother! You're going to his room at this late hour?」

「Oh my, you're still awake, Noel. And did he see you naked?」

「Yeah, well, he didn't noticed it.」

「Hmm? What do you mean, I didn't notice?」

「Ah ......!」


Noel's face was suspicious.

「Answer me, Noel. After all, it's just after Christina came out. There's also the matter of the criminals, Letty. If you hide something bad, I might have to ask Saki or Hannah to interrogate you.」

I don't think this guy is loyal to the demon king, but it's worth being cautious.

「No, it has nothing to do with her. ......」

「Well, it's a good time to do this, Noel. Actually, she's a woman.」


Olivia says.

「Don't joke about that. Just give me a serious answer.」

「Oh my, then, why don't you take a look at her bottom half?」

Olivia continues, .......

「Are you sure he's a woman? If you're lying, I'll have you introduce me to all the young virgins in the temple.」

「Yes, of course.」

「Ugh, Mother, what on earth are you doing?」

Before Noel, who looked so nervous and unsure of what to do, could escape, I flew to his front side with my 【Instantaneous Movement】.


「Murghh, Mmm, that's a crack, and a slippery one at that!?」

I can't believe my eyes when I find a genuine female organ.

「Sigh ...... That's right. I'm a woman.」

Noel says as if she has given up.

「But for the appraisal ......」

「Yeah, I was praying every day because I wanted so much to join the Order, and then the Goddess came out and ......」

「Is she a girl with glasses?」

「No, she was not wearing glasses. She said her name was Freya.」

「I see, that's good.」

It seems that there is another god in this world than the girl with glasses (Admins).

「Hmm? Good? Well, anyway, she gave me her blessing, and I was able to fake the appraisal. But  ...... when I checked carefully, I found that the Knights of Vernia had women, too. It's just that there are very few of them.」

「And that's why you were acting as a man. What a joke!」

「P-Please don't say that! I've had a lot of trouble with this. Besides, I'm getting used to it. ......」

「No, I'm telling you, you look like a woman.」

「Sigh, I get that a lot, but anyway, please shut up. If you've been fudging your background and gender, you could be expelled from Knight Order.」

「If that happens, I'll let you join us.」

「Hah, I'm thinking that Master's clan would be good for me, but I have a crush on Captain Lancelot.」

「What, you want to conceive his child?」

「N-No, I didn't mean it like that! I mean, as a knight, I admire him.」

「So you're not in love with him?」

「No, it's hard to get close to someone who's so quiet. He explains the mission well, but there's no small talk, you know?」

「Well, there are people like that.」

「Well, you'll catch a cold, Noel. Now wipe yourself off and come to bed. Red rice tomorrow.」

「Huh? What do you mean by that, I don't understand?」

「Hmm, red rice, huh」

It seems that people here also prepare sekihan for celebrations. Rice is not produced very much, though, so we can only eat it once in a while.

「All right, Noel. I'm going to make you a full-fledged woman.」

「Oooh, so you're finally going to use the 【Zantetsuken】 and 【Instantaneous Movement】?」

「Hmm? Yeah, that's right. I'm going to teach you exactly that.」

That's not the case now, though.

「I-I understand. Then, I'll change my clothes. Please wait.」

Noel is mistaken, but oh well.

We're having red rice tomorrow!