Noel, who only looks like a woman, was a woman! 

No, I think you know what I'm talking about, but that's what I'm saying.

「Then come to bed, Noel.」

「Huh, so this is where you teach?」

「That's right. You don't think my technique is normal, do you? That's a bit insulting, don't you think?」

I said that on purpose, taking advantage of Noel's misunderstanding that I was going to teach her how to use a sword.

「N-no, I didn't mean to insult you, I'm sorry.」

「Then sit in front of me and sit on the floor. Concentrate. Whatever happens, don't open your eyes and don't turn around.」

「Y-yes, I understand, Master. Gulp.」

She believed me when I said I was a master. She's usually such a solid guy.

That's how much she seems to admire my technique. Well, I'll think of a way to do the 【Instantaneous Movement】 later.

That being said, I'll be sure to eat her tonight.

I also got the permission of her guardian Olivia, who was watching me curiously next to her.

「Now, I'm going to get your mind right. In our language, it's called aura.」

「Qi, Aura? I've heard of them being used by famous swordsmen and martial artists, but I've never actually seen one.」

「Don't think about it. Feel it.」

「I-I understand. I won't think about it.」

Good girl.

I grabbed Noel's boobs, which were only covered by a jacket, from behind with both hands.


「Don't make a noise.」

「I-I'm sorry.」

Oh, this is amazing. I'm sexually harassing her with impunity, but Noel doesn't get angry.

She'll be furious later, but, well, only after I fuck her.

Olivia winked at me and gave me a thumbs up, and I wondered what kind of mother she was.

Well, I guess it's love for Noel, who's so rigid and serious, to become a little more flexible and independent, to get away from her mother.

I'll take that as a good sign.

「Concentrate and practice your mind. Store the magic power in your stomach and feel my aura in your chest.」

「I-I see, Master, should I feel the aura of Master's hands?!」

「That's right.」

I rub Noel's boobs over her clothes.

If I don't do it like that at first, Noel will notice right away. She's not stupid.


「What's the matter, Noel? You've got a lot on your mind.」

「I-I'm sorry, Master. You know, I've never had a man touch my breasts. ......」

「You fool! I told you it's a distraction. Feel the aura. How can you feel my hand?」

「Y-Yes, I did. But do you have to touch my breast. Nnhh」

「Well then, I'll let my hand go and try it. Can you feel it?」

「.........Kuhh, no, nothing. ......」

「This is proof that you haven't got a feel for it yet, you inexperienced bastard. You can't understand that I'm lowering the difficulty level to match your ability?」

「I apologize for that. Please, touch it directly.」

「Good. I'm trying to be friendly and serious. Don't make any unnecessary assumptions on your part.」

「Yes, sir.」

We have an agreement!

Next, I'll rub her nipples in a more and more naughty way.

「Nnhh, aahnn, kughh, umm, master, you're just touching my nipple...........」

「This is because they are the most sensitive part of the breast. Don't get me wrong. It means they're sensitive to auras.」

「I-I see. B-but this is, kuhh.」

「I didn't tell you. This is going to be hard training for you. And you're a woman. If you want to quit here, you can do so. The hardships I had to go through when I got the 【Zantetsuken】 and 【Instantaneous Movement】 were more than this, but ......」

「No! Please do it. I'm sorry for being so weak, Master.」

「You're gonna do it. Good one, Noel. You've got potential.」

「Yes, sir.」

Okay, I can go further from here.

Olivia is standing next to her holding back her laughter, but she's not laughing, so I'll forgive her.

Next, I pinch her nipples over her clothes and knead them. Crush them.

「Kuhh, yahnn!」

「Hang in there. This is the moment of truth.」

「Y-yes, uuhhh, aahhnnn!」

Noel was starting to make sweet, winning noises, but she was almost there. In a little while, she won't be able to resist even if I break her apart.

Her voice is already beginning to drown in pleasure.

「Y-You can't do that, Master, I can't think of anything.」

「Good, don't go against the flow. How's your body feeling right now?」

「Y-Yes, my whole body is on fire and my nipples are tingling.」

「I see, you're better than I thought. I didn't know you could sense a glimpse of aura in such a short time. ...... Sorry, Noel, but I apparently underestimated you a bit.」

「Ehhh? So this is the aura?」

「That's right. It's not the full picture yet, though. You need to focus your senses more. See how my fingertips are moving, and supplement that in your mind.」

「I-I got it. Mmmm, ahhh, kuhh!」

I pinch her nipples, stretch them, and grab her boobs.


「Haah, haah, uhhh, Master~!」

「What's the matter, Noel? We're almost there!」

「Y-Yes, but I'm sorry, I'm kind of at my ...... limit. I feel like I'm losing consciousness.」

「Hang in there. You've worked hard for years to become a knight, haven't you? If you quit here, the knights will laugh at you and say that it was too much for you.」

「Kuhh, b-but, aahhh, I'm sorry, Master, but I was wondering if you were playing a trick on me.」

「That's not unreasonable. I'm touching your breasts. It's natural for you, a woman, to be conscious of your feminine side. But what about me? I've been touching your breasts for a while now, but I haven't exposed my male instincts.」

「Ehh? Isn't it a man's instinct to touch my chest?」

「That may be instinct, but it's not! That's sex!」


I touched her vagina firmly. It's pretty wet, and It feels good.

「Do you understand?」

「Y-yes, I'm sorry. ...... Well, that's about it for today, it's just so hard.」

「I don't blame you. But the way you're feeling right now, you might be able to feel your aura here.」

「Eehh, wait a minute, No, don't touch me. Aahnn!」

When I touched her genitals, it was a good reaction, but Noel didn't like it.

「Bear with it.」

「I-I can't stand it. Also, no matter what you think, you're here for sex!」

「Hmmm, you've noticed.」

「I-I will notice, you perverted old man. Please get out of here.」

「Okay, okay. But the nipple thing is the real workout, and I'll have another one for you next time.」

There's no point if she hating it, so I'll just say so.

「...... Thanks.」

She seems to be quite suspicious, but she seems to understand that if I make it a definite catastrophe, Noel will never be able to learn my swordsmanship.

When I got off the bed, Olivia gave me a strange look.

「Oh my, is it over already?」


I remained serious, but signaled Olivia with my hand that I'd be back, and left the room.

A little strategy.