Volume 18 - Epilogue

Today, I touched Noel's breasts all over.

I can go. I can fuck her.

It's a straight line to my dream oyakodon.

I went back to my room, killed a little time, and then headed back to Noel's room.

Of course, I didn't knock, but used my intrusion skills to sneak into the room.

「Nnhaah, d-doon't, my mother is sleeping next to me, but I can't do this, she'll notice, ahhnn」

Noel was masturbating in her own bed.

I knew it.

There's no way a woman can be touched like that and not get excited.

And it's Noel who has lived an ascetic life up until now.

It's probably the first time she's been touched that much by a man.

Maybe this is the first time she's masturbated, too.

「Nnhh, kuhh, my body is burning, and I can't stop my fingers. ...... Why ......」

「Do you want to know, Noel?」

「Eeekkk, M-master? You're not hiding in there, are you?」

「No, I just came to check on you. If you're exposed to a strong aura up close, your body will malfunction for a while. I was worried so I came to check on you, but I knew it.」

「Ehh? What kind of condition am I in?」

「I'll be honest with you. It's a little dangerous.」

「Oh, no.」

「But don't worry. I have a lot of experience, and I know what to do in this kind of situation.」

「Oh, as expected, Master.」

She may despise me later, but I can't change Noel's virginity.

「Now, think you've been tricked and leave it to me. It'll take the heat right out of you.」

「P-please. I don't think I can sleep very well like this.」

「I know, I know. You've endured well.」

I nuzzled her cheeks, then took off her clothes and sucked on her nipples.

「Kyaaaa, hey, wha-what are you doing, Master?」

「I'm sucking out your aura.」

「Ehh? You're just sucking on my nipples, right!?」

「This is what the Headmaster of the Academy of Magic in Austin said. Don't get caught up in just the visible surface of things. The aura is not yet visible to you. Try to imagine how it would work if you could see it.」

「No, but, ahnn, why don't you just suck on it, and with your tongue, hiyaaah, you're just flicking and licking it!」

「I'm a guy, too. When I see a beautiful girl like you, my instincts kick in.」

「P-please take it seriously.」

「I understand. But you're getting out of danger. We're almost there.」

「Really? I'm kind of burning up even more than I already am.」

「Look at the aura. But you don't understand, do you? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're back to normal.」

「Haah. Nnhh, kuhhh, I can't believe I'm doing this, aahnnn!」

「Then open your legs.」

「L-like this? Hyaaa, w-where are you licking!?」

「Endure it!」

I'm going to use 【Super Fast-Tongue】 to lick Noel's most sensitive part.

「Aahhh! Aaahhhhnnn!」

You came. It happened so fast.

「What do you think, Noel? How do you feel now?」

「Y-yes, it's fluffy, it's white, and it feels good. ......」

Noel's expression of contentment was one of happiness.

「The aura removal technique was a success. I'm sure you feel much better now.」

「Haah, I guess you're right.」

「Then I'll put it in.」

「Yeah? Kuhhh, ~~!! Wh-What are you doing?」

「It's an aura infusion technique. Now you'll be able to handle auras tomorrow.」

「No, this is sex, isn't it? Please p-pull it out!」

Damn, I guess I've been found out.

「I can't help it if I'm discovered. Yes, it's sex. But, Noel, I'll come up with some serious training methods and give you some skill points as an apology later.」

「I don't want to! A-Anyway, auhh, p-pull it out, I'm not in that kind of relationship with you.」

「But, I want to to have that kind of relationship with you.」

「Kuhh, I don't want to be in a relationship with you!」

「I'm sorry, but I'll do my best to train you. I've taught you a few things in the past. And how about that? You seem to be feeling it.」

「W-What do you mean, feeling it? Aahnn, you mean sex?」

「That's right. You're making a good noise. You seem sensitive.」

「Ugh, it's no wonder you're doing this to me. Please, please, take it out!」

「Well, wait a little longer. I'm coming out too.」

「W-What do you mean, "come out"?」


「Ehhhh!? N-noooo, Aaahhhhhh!」

Phew. This reaction was a bit of a letdown for someone who was so adored of me as teacher.

「Geez, Noel, you're such a worrier. If you take the birth control pills, you'll be fine. Come on, Alec-san, let's play with me next.」

Olivia said.

「Yes, I will.」

I go to the bed next to her and undress Olivia while giving her a thick tongue kiss.

Olivia complies and hugs me, it's still better this way.

「M-Mother!? Wh-what on earth are you doing ......?」

Noel, who has regained consciousness, looks at us and is surprised.

「Hmm? It's sex.」

「N-no, no, no, no.」

「Whaaat? I'm a woman too, I want to have some fun. And seeing you having sex for the first time makes me want to do it too. Aahnn!」

「Noel, take a lesson from your mother. This is what a woman does to a man.」

I said as I inserted myself and moved my hips.


I've been a good friend of Olivia's for a long time, but I don't think Noelle was expecting that kind of relationship, and she seemed pretty shocked.

「Aahnnn, I can't do it anymoreee, Alec-saaaan!」

The sexy Olivia makes a nice noise.

「Okay, let's finish this.」

I sucked on her soft, full breasts with my 【Super-Fast Tongue】 and moved my hips with all my might.


Phew. Olivia is good, after all. She has a kind of receptive power.

「A-Alec, I can't believe that you even lay a hand on my mother ...... I won't forgive you!」

「Ehh? Noel, I'm doing this on my own terms, okay?」

「No, you must be threatened by him with something. ...... You don't have to worry about me, Mother.」

「Geez, that's a big misunderstanding. All right, Alec-san, I want you to punish Noel for what she did to you.」

「Okay, if Olivia asks, I won't say no.」

「Eh? Mother? Hey, Alec, d-don't touch me.」

「Geez, you've been worshipping your master for years, but you don't trust him.」

「She's right, Come on, Noel. Your punishment is doing a cowgirl.」

「S-stop it, uuahhhh, don't put it in~」

I put Noel on top of me, who was still struggling with her body, and moved my hips.

「Aauhhh, kuhhh, I'm losing strength, ――AahnnnI」

「Fufu, it feels so good, doesn't it, Noel? You should be more honest with yourself. God doens't forbid that a man and a woman should have intercourse.」

「B-But this guy is...」

「It's not this guy, it's Master. Of Sex.」

「Eehhh, nooo, you're wrong, aauhhh!」

「Olivia, I know you're free. Get on my face.」

「Yeah, excuse me then. Oh, my?」

It's 【Insert Nose】.

「Okay, I'm gonna let you two, mother and daughter, get along.」

「Wow, I'm looking forward to it.」

「Hey, what's this!?」

Noel is freaking out because she can't accept the reality, but she'll get used to it.

I moved my hips and nose exquisitely to make them both feel better.