Volume 19 - Prologue

After returning to the Austin Academy of Magic, we spent our time training and learning magic.

We don't know when Christina will attack us again, but we hope to have enough level and power to counter her before then.

「Dimensional slash! ...... Damn, no good, huh. ......」

This is the first time I've ever used a 【Zantetsuken】 with magic power.

I've been trying to get a foothold on ...... to manipulate the dimensions, but I have no idea what to do.

I should have at least gotten a hint from the old man.

You didn't tell me anything, and then you went off on your own.

「Darling, you're always working hard.」

「Saki, huh? You came all the way to the academy, did you have any information?」

「That's right. It's not about Christina, but I got some new information about the Tomb of the Sacred Irv in the Holy Kingdom.」

「I see. Then let's gather up the others. Wait for me there.」

「I understand.」

I headed to the classroom of the high school's star class. l also use 【Instantaneous Movement】 to move as well, and I won't neglect my training.

I believe that Dimensional Slash is an extension of these time-space manipulation techniques (skills).

I came to the classroom.

I knock and enter.

「Come in. Oh, Alec-sensei...」

Cherry, who was teaching inside, looks at me and says.

「I apologize for interrupting your class, Cherry-sensei, but there's something urgent I need to talk to Serina about.」

「Hohou, so it's about the case? If that's the case, I'll go with you. Now, students, it's time for self-study. Serina-kun, Nicole-kun, and Meme-kun, please come with us.」

「「「 Okay 」」」

Go out into the hallway

「Can I tell you something?」

「What is it, Serina?」

「I feel very uncomfortable when you're called "Sensei".」

「You're talking about that again. I've already finished my mage course. In addition, I was hired by the academy as a part-time lecturer. If you have a problem with that, you can talk to the head of the academy.」

「I already told her. You say you passed all the exams, but I'm sure there's more to it than that. It's strange that Kaede is also become a teacher.」

「She wanted to be a teacher in her previous life too. I guess it's not that strange. She's been studying the course all night, you know. You should pay attention to that effort. And me, of course.」

「You're definitely doing this for erotic purpose.」

「Of course.」

I'm proud to say it.

I use my position as a teacher to eat my students.

What else is there to do?


「Serina-kun, it is true that what Alec-sensei is doing is unbecoming of a faculty member. However, we can't fire him unless we have clear evidence. Besides, about resurrecting the Demon King is the more urgent and important issue right now.」

「No, I understand the logic, but something is bothering me. ......「

「I'll get rid of it later in bed.」

「That's not what I meant!」

「You're a noisy guy. I've heard that Saki has gotten some information on the Holy Kingdom. Let's hear about it first.」

「In the Holy Kingdom? No way. Christina?」

「No, she's not talking about Christina.」

「I see. She haven't come out since then. ......」

It's been three months since then, and it's already spring, but Christina and the Demon King haven't made a move at all.

It's eerie.

Christina is said to be a graduate of this school, but we don't know anything about her except that she studied ancient magic.

「She must have something she doesn't want us to know right now. For that, she used magic in a fancy way.」

I'll tell you what I can think of.

「Yeah,...........it was a demonization spell.」

Fortunately, the only thing that rotted was the air, but from what I heard afterwards, all the trees in the forest right below it withered away.

「If the unholy world ...... is turned into a demon world everywhere, we'll be in big trouble!」

Nicole clasped his hands in worry.

「But it's a big world here too. I'm sure that no matter where they start, they won't be able to complete it quickly.」

「Yeah, ...... Ah, Saki-san.」

「Looks like everyone is here. Let's get started.」

「Yes, please.」

「Okay. When Darling went to help Elisa in the Holy Kingdom, you told me to investigate the Tomb of the Sacred Irv as well, right?」

「Yeah, I think I did.」

「I sent a quest to the Adventurer's Guild, but unfortunately, the place was heavily guarded, and all three parties that went there to investigate were wiped out.」

「What? What's their rank?」

「At first, this quest didn't have a rank, but after the first D ranker was wiped out, I was assigned a C rank, then a B rank, and still no luck. It's just that the first solo D ranker is still being held captive. There was a letter from the enemy to the guild. This is the first letter.」

Saki handed it to me, and I unfolded the parchment scroll.

『This is your last chance. If you want to help O'Neill the Austinite, you must prepare 1.5 million gold. If you don't, O'Neill will be dead.

――From the Wiggers Liberation Front, that can intimidating enough to quieten a crying child』

In the lower right corner of the text, there is a black masked angry face drawn in poorly done handwriting, perhaps as a symbol.

But what can I say? ...... Something is wrong.

「Let me have a look.」


I gave the letter to Serina.

「This..... looks like a hostage asking for money, but what is it? Something like this ......」

Serina also felt uncomfortable from the letter.

「You must think it's strange, right? To write that a crying child will be silenced, and to demand 1.5 million gold from a mere D ranker. If I were the leader of the Liberation Front, I'd make an example of such a small fish by sending him his head without demanding any money.」

「Indeed. What kind of person is this O'Neill guy?」

Serina asks.

「He's a bard who used to work at a high class tavern in Vernia, but he left the country about ten years ago to go freelance. However, he was caught by thugs here and there, and this is the seventh time he's been taken hostage.」

「「What!?」」 「What the heck!?」

I guess being caught seven times means that even after being locked up six times before, he still went into dangerous areas without learning.

「How ridicolous. Just leave that stupid man alone.」

I said with a sigh.

Life is important, but those who take it for granted are just plain stupid.

「That's why ...... this is the second letter.」

I don't want to read it, but Saki pulls out a scroll and I take it.

「Hmm? This seal is ...... no way.」

The imprint on the red wax looked familiar. It's a six-pointed star, the symbol of Austin Academy of Magic.

The seal had already been opened, but the shape was still there.

「It is what you're thinking」

I read the letter out loud.

「Now it's time for the Spring Sale Big Bargain! The lives of poor O'Neill and Letty are about to disappear. We are looking forward to your warm donations. 500,000 goldl is enough! Take it, thief! Alec, seriously, help me. Don't miss the bus! I'm really gonna kill you. Pay up.」

――from the cold-blooded and unapologetic Wigger Liberation Front, which kills hostages quickly.

「「「Uwahhh ......」」」

Everyone in the room looked dumbfounded. I slammed the letter down on the ground in anger.

「You've got to be kidding me! The Wigger Liberation Front that's supposed to be holding the captive and the handwriting that says 'Alec, seriously help me' are all the same person!」

「By the way, the second one is Letty's handwriting, right? Her handwriting is messy and she spelled one word wrong. It looks familiar.」

Serina, who picked up the letter, said.

「The Austin Adventurer's Guild, who received the letter, thought it was suspicious. They followed the man who brought it to them on their own. The destination was ...... an luxury inn in Austin, where they saw a female mage wearing a dark purple pointy hat and robes.」

「Letty, huh ......」


「Ah, I forgot all about Letty until just now, but she seems to be doing well.」

Hoshirina says it plainly. Well, I can see why you would feel that way if you were Letty.

「She's an A-ranked mage, even if she's rotten. I didn't know where she was, and I thought she could handle it on her own, so I left her alone too. ......」

I didn't go to help her, so she twisted it into an elaborate ruse.

...... No, she's going to cry and complain, but he's not going to go crazy.

This O'Neill guy is suspicious.

She must have been offered to be an accomplice by this guy anyway.

Letty is in trouble, too. She's in a tough spot right now.

「It's time to raid a luxury-class inn and get to the bottom of this.」

「「「 Agreed 」」」

With everyone's unanimous consent, we formed an raid team.