The forest in the Professorial Research Area of the Academy of Magic.

That's where I was doing battle with Sarah's party.


I used my 【Instantaneous Movement】 to dodge Sarah who was slashing at me with a longsword, and slashed at her in the opposite direction.

But even though I was trying to take her back and slash her from behind, she had a premonition and immediately turned around to deal with me.

She was a top-class A-ranked player in the Labyrinth of No Return, so she was indeed strong.

Still, the training I've been doing every day has made me faster than before, and I'm more than capable of fighting on even terms.

If I put my skills into the fight, I could probably beat Sarah.

But that level is not good enough.

I need to be able to defeat an S-ranked Okama Doria in a single blow to stand up to a god or a demon king.

It was necessary to aim for the strongest of humanity, the level of Warriors, that realm.

「Sarah! I'm on it!」

Jamie, the muscle woman, comes slashing at me from behind with a bastard sword.

Of course, I had already noticed her that. I have 【Eye in the back.】

「The blue flames of freezing that erupt from the abyss, burn them all up! 【Alternative Flame!】」

The other magician in Sarahr's party, Lunette, hits me with a forbidden spell class spell.

I instantly judged it to be a flame attribute and repelled Jamie's bastard sword, catching the flames as they came.

「Y-you must not do that! Alec! Hurry up and run!」

Lunette, who chanted, panicked, but as I expected, no damage was done here.

「Don't worry, Lunette, I'm safe.」

「Wow, unharmed by my most powerful're really a monster」

「Khh, my arm went numb too. Alec, you've raised your skill again. How much stronger can you get?」

Jaime asked, frowning.

「Not yet, I need to be able to hit an S-ranked guy with a single blow. I still need more training.」

「If you are now, wouldn't you be able to hit Bard, the "Impregnable Tank"?」

「I don't know about that. Sarah, are you okay?」

Sailor, who was out of breath and in a big hurry, seemed to have become quite exhausted.

「Yeah, I just need a little, *pant*, *pant*, reest~」

「Sierra, take care of Sarah. We're done for the day.」

「Suure. I'm tired too.」

The old man's policy of training through actual combat, life or death, is the most efficient way to train.

The level itself hasn't risen that much, but this is the best way to improve your combat instincts.

I went back to my room, sat down on a chair, and thought to myself.

Incidentally, since I became a teacher, I got a private room. I can bring my students here every night.

「I can raise my level quickly by killing the sleeping god. After that, it's the Demon King. The problem is.......whether or not I can get enough offensive techniques to get to that point. If I can get the clue to the Dimensional Slash, I can .......」

I've been trying various things, and we're all trying to figure out how to do it, but I still haven't gotten to the 【Dimensional Slash】 yet.

The untimely death of Varius is regrettable.

The old man had trained his own body beyond the limits of a human being, and that is how he obtained the【Dimensional Slash】.

Perhaps the mechanism itself is terribly simple. Like the technique of creating static electricity and kicking an electric shock.

I'm sure I could have done that electric shock kick.

But unfortunately, ...... I don't have the same amount of time to train as the old man.

I have less than six months left.

「Fuhh, it's no use thinking about the old man all the time. I'm going to take a break and get a woman. ...... No, I'm going to take another look at my skills.」

When in doubt, rely on your skills.

I unify my mind and think of a candidate.

【Job Tree】

This is it.

I don't know why I didn't notice it before.

Well, it's okay, I need to raise my level to a certain extent, otherwise I may not be able to clear the requirements and qualifications.

【Job Tree Lv5】 New!

With this, I should be able to see my way to a class change to Magic Swordsman.

I also have 【Job Change】, so I'll use points to raise the skill level of this as well.

【Job Change Lv5】 Level up!

That's it.

Magic Swordsman is available at ......

Swordfighter → Swordman → Sword Saint

Sorcerer → Mage → Mage Gunner

Sword Saint + Mage Gunner = Magic Swordsman

Sword Saint → Magic Sword Saint → Komusou

「I see it!」

I've figured out the route.

It seems that you have to change to the highest class of swordsman and mage, and then go from there.

I thought I'd be able to use my skills to change jobs, but while I could change to a mage, my sword saint skills were still grayed out.

I had no choice but to try changing my class to Gunner and then to Swordsman.

「My speed went up, but that's about it. The next step is to become a sword saint. ......」

This is something I should probably ask Welbard-sensei rather than the headmaster.

「Saki, let's go to the Kingdom of Vernia.」

「I understand!.」

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

When I returned to the Kingdom of Vernia, I immediately went to Baroness Aelyria's mansion before going to the Welbard Dojo .......


When Aelyria found me in the garden, she ran up to me and hugged me.

Her silver hair is as beautiful as ever.

「Alec-sama, I was just about to meet you.」

「That's good to hear. Then, let's do it outside today.」

「Eh!? Uh, ...... at the inn?」

「No, the garden. It's right here.」

「N-No way, w-we can't, there someone who can see us...」

「There, in the shadow of the bushes, we can just hide.」

「But if anyone comes ......」

「Don't worry, we'll show them.」

「Ehh!? Ah, n-no, don't make me take it off, not here!」

While making Aelyria resist, I rub her breasts and lick her neck to get her into the mood.

「NNhh, aahhh, no, my body's on fire, no waaay」

「There, that's good and wet. I'll put it in.」

I unbuckled my belt and inserted her from behind.

I didn't mean to put it in roughly, but Aelyria bent over and made a charming sound similar to a scream.

「Aaahnnnn! Kuhhh, It's been a long time since I've had a man in my life, and I'm already cumming!」

「You're lying, you've been taking men into your house and doing it every day anyway.」

I grabbed Aelyria's hips and moved them rhythmically, while blaming her for her words.

「I-I would never do that.. Ahnn!」

「Is there a woman who invites a man other than her husband to come over and fuck her in the daytime like this?」

「Aah! N-no, it's only Alec-sama, for now.」

「That means yesterday was different.」

「N-noo, except for the Baron, auhhh」

「Look, someone's coming.」

I said, and stopped moving once.


In a hushed voice, Eiria seemed to be struggling to remain unnoticed.

But I've got a 【Sign Detection】, so I know there's no one around here, and I'm getting to it.

It's just a bluff.

「There you go, what's the matter, make your usual naughty noise.」

I whispered in Aelyria's ear as I moved my hips in and out of her Doggy Style position.

「No, p-please, no, don't move――Aaahhnnn! It's coming out, my voice it's coming out, aahnnn! N-no moreeee, aaahhhhh! AaaAaahhhhhhh!」

Shouting and shaking, Aelyria seemed to have tasted the ultimate in immorality.

But that was a bit of a mistake. I didn't think about the voice.

Well, I guess the servants here will keep quiet even if they hear something.