The following month, I returned to the Kingdom of Vernia and showed up at the Welbard Dojo to ask my teacher how to become a sword saint.

「Uumu, I see, I understand what you mean. But, Alec, becoming a Sword Saint might be a little difficult.」

Then, Welbard-sensei put his hand on his chin and pondered.

「Why is that?」

I ask him.

「A sword saint is a saint of the sword, a position that is revered by all. In other words, it means the highest-ranking swordsman. If you are not the strongest swordsman in your country, you cannot be called a sword saint.」

「I see. In other words, in this country, if I defeat Sensei, I can become sword saint, right?」

「No way. There are many people who are stronger than me. Don't you remember? I'm a swordsman with a rank of B.」

「I find that a bit hard to believe as well.」

「Well, I've been putting more effort into training my successors than raising my rank, so I've been slacking on my promotion lately. ...... Still, Captain Lancelot is probably better than me.」

「Oh, that's him, huh?」

He reminded me of a taciturn-looking man with wavy black hair and no expression.

It's the knight captain of this country.

I've met him once before, in Mox Village.

「By the way, I heard that he taught you to use the 【Zanetsuken】. Yulia was angry and wrote it in a letter.」

「Rather than teaching it to me, I stole the technique.」

「Hou. I've heard that he rarely shows his skills in public, but if that's the case, you saw through him at the first sight. You never cease to amaze me.」

「Well, to tell the truth, it's a skill technique.」

「Still, it's a skill. And you seem to have improved your skills a lot. I'm sure I'm no match for you now.」

「I think I can beat you with brute force, but I doubt it with swordmanship.」

「No, you're right, I said earlier that it would be difficult, but if you're stealing Lancelot's techniques, you might be able to fight on even terms or better. You should ask him to fight against you. If you tell him what's going on, I'm sure he'll be on board.」

「Yes, I'll do that.」

Well, if he refuses, I can just cut him down and win without asking any questions.

He had a calm personality, so he would probably tolerate me as long as I didn't kill him.

I went to Erlandt Castle, and since they would probably just turn me away if I talked to the gatekeeper anyway, I used 【Instantaneous Movement】 to sneak into the castle.

「Lancelot, huh ...... where is he?」

I walked through the castle looking for the smoked black-silver-haired man.

I also went around the soldiers' quarters, but there was no sign of him.

「There's no sign of him,......, perhaps he was on patrol outside?」

It would have been a complete waste of time, so I took off my 【Optical Camouflage】 to quickly check.

I called off the soldiers around here.

「Oi, you, do you know where Captain Lancelot is?」

「Beats me, If he's not in his office, he might be in the throne room reporting something to His Majesty.」

「Hmm, I see.」

I moved with 【Optical Camouflage】 again.

I was once to be called in this castle as hero by the magic cirlce.

I've been using 【Auto-Mapping】 since then, but it seems that every place I've walked up to that point has been recorded without fail. The throne room of this castle was also recorded.

「How convenient. Oh, there he is!」

I saw a familiar dark-haired figure in the back of his head.

It was a knight in light blue armor.

He seemed to be talking to the King of Vernia in the throne room.

「Oi, Lancelot――」

I'm familiar with these two, and I tried to show up and talk to them casually, but...

「Your Majesty! That won't be the only thing!」

I thought he was a man who rarely showed emotion, but this Lancelot was raising his voice.

「Lancelot, grow up. This is the best time to do it. This is the time when all countries are frightened of the Demon King and are scrambling to take countermeasures . It's a great opportunity for the small country of Vernia to become a major power, isn't it?」

The king of Vernia smiled as he stroked his prized white beard.

「I'm sorry, Your Majesty. May I? First of all, all the major powers have their own strong armies. With our current army, we won't be able to cut down the enemy's main force, let alone their defenders. I'm sure we'll have our hands full defending this country.」

「Fufufu, that's where the another world heroes come in.」

It was the voice of another person who said that.

A blonde girl in a white dress that showed off a lot of cleavage came out from the side and slung herself over Lancelot's shoulder.

「Her Royal Highness ......」

What? There was a princess in this country?

I've never heard of her.

And she's an arrogant, erotic beauty.

Why didn't anyone tell me about this ......!?

「Just in time, Alec, I'll tell you something.」

The king looked at me in the back and smirked. It's a nasty smile to see.

When I first saw him, I thought he looked like a vicious old man.

「If you want to talk about it, let's hear it.」

I already know what my answer will be, but I'll say so.

「You're not the only hero who has conquered the Labyrinth of No Return, Alec, and is active as an A-rank adventurer, you know?」


I already know all the A rankers from Saki's information and the letter from the King of Grandsword, but I dare to make a surprising face at the King of Vernia here.

「Erwin, the hero who was summoned here with you. He also became an A rank adventurer and graduated at the top of his class from the Austin Academy of Magic. I heard that the hero Keiji defeated the Earth Dragon in the south. Shin was such a mess, but still, I'd say last year was a good year for us. The other years' heroes all ended up at B rank.」

I'm currently sending early horses to all the C-ranked heroes and above scattered around the country to contact them.

「Hmph. I see. So you've been calling us with this kind of intention.」

I'm not particularly surprised by that story.

「It's natural. Most heroes are quickly killed, but there are those like you who persevere and become strong. If you don't, who will give you gold and equipment for free? Of course, I will prepare a high reward for you. No, you're better off with a woman, heh heh heh.」

「No, I want both. If you give me this country and its princess, I'll give you a little help.」

I said lightly to the king. Give me all your money.

「Wh-what!? Kuhh, y-you want reward this country, you'd say.........Tskkk! As I though. you're just another world hero who doesn't know his place. I can't handle it. But you have no right to refuse me. Lancelot!」


Lancelot drew his sword intimidatingly in accordance with the king's will.

「Lancelot, I don't mind you being a loyal knight, but you need to think for yourself. Is now the time to do that?」

I ask.

「No. But, Alec, with greed like yours, I thought it might be better to teach you a little self-control for your own good.」

「Hmph, what the hell do you think you're doing? Well, whatever, it's a bit of a strange turn of events, but I've come to offer you a match. A pure sword fight.」

「Oh, you mean to me. You certainly look a lot stronger than you are before.」

Lancelot says, looking at me fearlessly.

He's taller than me, so he's looking down on me a bit.

He thinks he's going to beat me, doesn't he?
