In order to defeat the Demon King "Black Anemone" and his servant Christina, I really need to defeat the "Sleeping Ancient God" and raise my level furiously.

The Sword of the God Slayer for this purpose is already in the hands of my lover, Sarah.

All I need to do is train up my job as a magic swordsman in order to learn the trump card "Dimensional Slash".

I've already figured out the route for that class change in the 【Job Tree】 skill.

The first step is to reach the same level as old master Varius, and that's what I'm aiming for.

Lancelot is considered to be the strongest in the Kingdom of Vernia.

Defeating him with swordsmanship is a requirement for the third swordsman job, "Sword Saint," and is the key to changing classes to "Magic Swordsman," like an old man who can also use magic.

「And noooow! The match between A-ranked adventurer and hero Alec and Knight Captain Lancelot of the Kingdom of Vernia will now take place!」

While everyone was watching, the official start of the match was announced in the courtyard of Erlandt Castle in high spirits.

「Aleeeec! The Welbard Waterfowl Sword cannot be allowed to lose to the Earth Dragon Sword! If it comes down to it, you must win even if you have to use magic! OKaaaayyy!」

I'm sure Yulia is trying to give me a pep talk from the audience, but you're talking out of your ass.

That's a perfect foul loss.

The reason I'm doing this match is to fulfill the class change requirements.

I'm not going to use any magic at all, and I'm also going to refrain from using skills as much as possible. Welbard-sensei says that skills are a part of one's ability, but if I lose here, I don't think I can beat not only the Demon King, but also his servant Christina.

At any rate, I had been completely defeated before Christina.

If her master, the Demon King, hadn't summoned her at that time, I doubt if I would have survived.

If I wasn't the strongest among the humans, I wouldn't be able to survive.

I'm under a lot of pressure, but I've cleared the Labyrinth of No Return.

Compared to the pressure of the ninth layer, it was nothing.

I didn't know when I would die there. There was always a hint of death clinging to my back.

Compared to that――hmm?

I don't know, maybe it's just my imagination, but I can see a pale aura floating around Lancelot.

What's with this guy? Isn't he getting a little bigger?

「Fuuuuhh. ............」

Lancelot exhaled a long breath, perhaps as an attempt at mental unification, and was naked on top. He is not going to wear mithril armor.

His toned body is visible even though I doesn't want to see it, but his muscles are completely different from those of a bodybuilder.

It's not like he's got great muscles.

But what can I say, ...... there is no waste at all.

You can find a lot of different types of muscles, such as short distance running muscles, weightlifting muscles, and swordsman muscles.

As for me, I'm equipped with dark, scaled armor, but a swordsman in this world is still a swordsman, even if he wears armor. There's nothing wrong with that.

But ......

Lancelot smiles at me, perhaps seeing me like this.

「Well, it's been a while since I've had a real opponent. Alec, It's a little late, don't you complain if I get too powerful and end up fucking you, okay?」

「Hmph, I don't have any interest in fucking men, and I have no intention of being fucked, you know?」

「It seems that you are still the same, but that's fine. Now, let's have a fair and square sword fight for the title of "Sword Saint".」

「Captaaaain! Please crush that hero!」


「Pull back, Alec! You're no match for the captain!」

「You pervert!」

「Boo~! Poop! Stupid, stupid, stupid, Alec's stupid. I hope you lose!」

The outside world is so loud.

The castle courtyard, so to speak, is Lancelot's home ground, so it's not hard to see why the cheering would be concentrated over there.

However, regardless of his skill, what is a pervert?

By the way, the one person who is shouting vulgar abuse is Letty.

「I don't mind Letty, but it looks like the people here really don't like you. What have you done, Alec?」

Serina says.

「Nothing. Maybe they saw me picking up girls somewhere, but I'm sure I didn't do anything so crazy in the city or in the castle.」

「I wonder about that.」


「Don't worry about it. Her Royal Highness has been talking to the soldiers.」

Lancelot said. When I looked at the princess, she was covering her mouth and giggling. It it her work?.

「But if your concentration is disturbed by this, you will not be able to beat me.」

「I know.」

「Now, both of you, step forward. I will be the referee, dispatched by the Swordmanship Guild.」

The man with the sharp eyes said, but when I appraised him, he was level 52. Will he be able to keep up with our movements?

Well, Lancelot is not the kind of guy who cheats, so the rest is up to me.

「Well then, bow! ...... Ready. Begin!」

Lancelot made a sudden move.

His hand disappears from view, leaving an afterimage.

I felt the wind pressure on my face and stepped back, but I guess that's what happens when 【Kinetic Vision】 is off.

The blood flowed from my cheek, but I was able to dodge, and the wind pressure alone was enough to do this.

It's a little hard to do without any skills.

「What is it, Alec? You're not as good as I think you are.」

「Yeah, I've been underestimating you a bit. I'm going to use all my skills.」

「Now you are talking. Skill is not magic. It is a skill that you have acquired. I will use all of my skills against you.」

When he say that, I'm tempted to use my ice javelin in rapid succession, but I'm bound by swordsmanship here.

I gripped the hilt of my sword once more and kicked the ground.

「H-he's fast!」

「W-What the hell was that?」

The soldiers were surprised, but even they must have seen my figure like an afterimage.

The speed was too fast for normal people to follow.

I slashed at him five times, but they all dodged.

I had a fair amount of confidence in my attacks, but Lancelot's defense was unfathomable.

He's even called the Sword Saints. He must have never suffered even a single blow in a serious match.

In this world, restraint is not about stopping short, but about not killing.

When it comes to a battle between two great swordsman, the tip of the sword never misses and heads for the vital point with precision and accuracy.

No, you can't think of it as a fight.

It should be thought of as a fight to the death.

One of us will lose our life in an instant.

That is the real seriousness of this fight.

「I was surprised. Where did you get that speed to dodge all seven of my attacks?」

Lancelot stopped his hand and asked.

「The fourth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return.」

I answered frankly.

The 【Instantaneous Movement】 is something I got from Spectre with 【Skill Copy】.

「I'll try to get there later.」

「I think it's impossible for you to get these skill for the rest of your life.」

「Fuhh. But I can do something similar.」


I was taken aback when Lancelot closed the gap to five meters without using his feet.

The astonishment and analysis of the situation became a gap in my mind.


「「Aleeeec!」」 「Brotheeer!」

I was hit by Lancelot with a horizontal cleave.

In addition, he swung his sword mercilessly and was in the attack position for a follow-up strike.

I want to run backwards, but I'm sure he expects that too.

So, I dare to step forward and escape.

A viciously accurate attack sliced through the air behind me.

I'm saved. ......

「*pant*, *pant*, daaamn, now that's one defeat: ......」

I managed to survive, but if I'd done it without my skills, I'd be dead right now. 

「Hmmm ...... I'm pretty sure I just cut all the cervical vertebrae in your neck, can you still stand up?」

「Aleeeec! There are a total of seven cervical vertebrae! How can you take seven attacks and not avoid them!? It proves that you can't see his attacks!」

Yulia showed her useless knowledge, but Lancelot didn't swing his sword seven times.

He slashed with his right hand, and halfway through, he twisted the sword's flange with his left hand to change the angle.

Moreover, I couldn't see where the attack was coming from until it hit me.

Even with my 【Kinetic Vision Lv5】.

That's how fast Lancelot's attack is.

He's even faster than me.

Lancelot, you said before the match that it would be better to teach me a lesson for later, but now you're ready to kill me.

This is not a matter of skill or physical level.

It's about how you focus on the fight in front of you.

That's the point.

In that respect, I seem to have too many distractions.

I'm still thinking about it right now.

If I think before I act, the amount of thinking I do will inevitably cause me to fall behind.

Maybe it's a skill, but he's also reading my actions.

What should I do ......