One of the heroes, the surgeon Kojima, had been in contact with Christina.

The "Door" on the tenth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return.

In the future that I saw there, it looked like Kojima was holding Meena's stomach and treating her, but that was not the case.

Kojima was just trying to bring out a new Demon King from Meena.

「Doctor Kojima! Christina is our enemy! She's a servant of the Demon King, you know!?」

Serina tried to tell him what was going on, but...

「I see, the Demon King. Then her power makes sense. Well, God or the Demon King, it doesn't matter to me either way, Serina-kun.」

「You are ......!」

For Kojima, who has no interest in games or fairy tales, it's no wonder that the one who gave him the power seems to be a good being.

No, he probably doesn't even see it as good and evil.

「Anyway, Alec, get rid of that monster. We're inside the castle.」

Lancelot said with a serious face. As the head of security here, I'm sure he's not happy about this.

However, since Kojima is working on the king's orders, it's hard for him to do anything about it.

「That's fine. You owe me one, Lancelot.」

I said, and readied my sword.

The black snake was still undulating on the corpse, but it hadn't attacked anyone yet.

It is small in size, and Kojima's technique is probably not as good as his master Christina's.

There's still time to spare.


I tried to use 【Job Change】 to change my class to 【Sword Saint】, but I was already a 【Sword Saint】.

Well, since I defeated Lancelot, the most powerful man in the country, in a fair duel, it seems I was able to change automatically.

In addition, I can change my class from here to a 【Magic Swordman】. There is no doubt that there will be a 【Dimensional Slash】 at the end of it.

If there isn't, we're in trouble.

「All right, I can go all the way to 【Magic Swordsman】.」

The window showed a list of potential class change destinations in white text, and it even showed Magic Sword Saint.

It is the second job of the 【Magic Swordsman】.

The 【Komusou】 above it is also grayed out, but visible.

【Magic Sword Saint】 New!

Sorry, old man.

I had to stand in line with you, didn't I?

Varius, who figured out this route all by himself, was amazing, but I, who grew up this fast ―― no, it was the old man's way of training.

It's a lot easier to follow something.

That's why we have to pay respect to our predecessors.

With this: ......

I should also be able to get the 【Dimensional Slash】 that I saw in that browser game.

I now understand how it works.

You grab the ground with your toes, use your body's physical abilities to create acceleration, and manipulate time, space, and even dimensions.

I look at the skill candidates.

【Dimensional Slash】

There it is: .......

This is the most powerful skill I've been struggling to find for months.

It is a technique that ignores the opponent's defense and literally cuts through the dimension itself.

It should be able to deal with split-type enemies.

【Dimensional Slash Lv3】 New!

Level 3 consumed a total of 25,000 points at once.

It's a heavy skill that requires 5,000 points at level 1.

I'll rape that girl with the glasses if it's not good enough.

I could have raised it to level 4, but then I wouldn't have been able to take any other skill, so I left it at that.

Level 1 should be enough against this snake.

「Now, go, servant of the Demon King! He's your enemy!」

Kojima pointed at me and commanded the snake.



I silently cut off the black snake that jumped at me in a single stroke.

The blade of my sword, the area around it, shades black and sucks the black snake in like a vacuum cleaner.

The black snake disappears without a trace, leaving only the man's corpse.

All right, the air around me seems to have decreased a bit, but there seems to be no problem with the space. I can use it.

The space around me hasn't shifted either, and I don't have to worry about things flying out of me when I slash.

「Wh-What the hell? This is ridiculous. Even if you cut it, it should divide and multiply. Magic shouldn't work on it either. What did you do?」

Kojima asked, surprised by the unexpected.

「What? I did it like this.」

I fired another 【Dimensional Slash】, this time at Kojima.

It was to check the power of level 2, but as soon as the air around the blade turned black, the shadow flew away.

It was smaller in size than Kojima's body, but he was sucked into the shadow.

There was nothing left of him.

It didn't even allow him to defend himself.

It was a terrifying skill.

「Uohhh? He's gone. Where is he?」

Jouga drew his sword and looked around.

「Don't worry, he's completely gone. He will never appear in this world again.」

I say calmly.

Maybe he's out there somewhere in the flat universe, but even if he were out there in a flesh and blood body, he wouldn't be alive.

There would be no way to get back here.

Whoever is responsible for the Demon King will not be tolerated, okay?

It's possible that Kojima has summoned the Demon King.

「Alec, y-you've finally, finally mastered that thing, haven't you!?」

Serina notices and asks.

「Oh, yeah. Now I can take on gods and Demon Kings alike!」

I said with a grin.

「Awesome ......」

Now, all we have to do is figure out what to do with this place: ......

「Guards! What are you doing? We must capture the Demon King's faction, and the enemies of God, the enemies of the Kingdom of Vernia!」

Lancelot points at the king and yells.

「「「 Un-understood! 」」」

The soldiers, their faces twiched, obeyed Captain Lancelot's order and hung the king on the noose.

「You guys ......! Have you forgotten my face!? Lancelot is a traitor!」

The King of Vernia also shouted loudly, saliva flew out of his white beard. His eyes glittered and he flailed about like an old man, but his physical strength seemed to be commensurate with his age and he was pushed back by the soldiers.

「H-however, His Majesty was trying to use the Demon King's companions to defeat the heroes.」

「As expected, that's ......」

The soldiers said, frightened.

「What's wrong with that! This is all part of making Vernia a superpower!」

「I don't care. Gag him and put him in jail. His Majesty the King is disturbed, no, he has sold his soul to the Demon King.」

Lancelot says, you're probably right. Even if you get the status of a great power, it will be useless if the land is rotten.

Caius――the King of Grandsword would not have thought of such a foolish thing. The king of Grandsword was always aloof, adventuring secretly into labyrinths and throwing his work to me, but he did his job well and was loved by his subordinates.

No matter how much of a king you are, there are still some things you should do and some things you shouldn't.


This time, without any dismay, the soldiers followed Lancelot and dragged the rampaging King of Vernia into the castle.

「Your Royal Highness, which way do you intend to go?」

Lancelot said to the princess, who was trying to sneak away from the scene.

「Eepp! I-I don't know anything about it!」

「I'll ask you about that in your room. It doesn't matter, tie the princess up, too.」


「Lancelot, after your interrogation is over, if you don't mind, I have some questions for her as well. Alone.」

I say with a serious face. Of course, there's nothing I need to ask the princess.

I'm sure Lancelot will ask her about the relationship with the Demon King and Christina.

Once we are alone, I will use my erotic skills to make her hair stand on end.

「I understand. I'll let you take some time later.」

Just as planned!

「Alec ...... are you sure this is all right?」

Serina furrows her brow, though, and looks worried.

「Hmph, leave it to me. That princess would lick my boots if it meant she could survive, wouldn't she?」

「You're the worst ......」

Even Serina, who has been looking at me with contempt, is not opposed to this, so I guess the Zen of the throne is now in sight.

If you get close to the princess, you're as good as in control of this country.

Lancelot will be chivalrous and will not seek to become king himself.

It's the birth of the Harem Kingdom!