I got the princess of the Kingdom of Vernia to admit her engagement to me, and a de facto harem kingdom was established.

However, the "Right of First Night for Everyone" that I proposed was rejected by Saki and Serina, and it seems that I can't just pull on the girls' sashes and have fun like a lord.

I barely got them to accept only the miniskirt compulsory cool biz law, and issued a proclamation that all unmarried beautiful girls must wear miniskirts when walking outside during the summer.

This shall be my first edict!

It's still spring, but I'm looking forward to summer.

「Alec, I'd like to see a system of bigamy between women. And the right to instant licking.」

Kaede insists, but I don't want to have any conflicts with the conservative nobles or the people for the time being.

This is not the time for that, and if we don't defeat the Demon King, we won't be able to talk about peropero (licking, licking).

「I'll think about it, also no right to instant licking.」

「What? You're the only one with the power. I'm the one who saved you in that tower and in the girls' dormitory, remember?」

「I introduced you to Sylvie and Karen for that matter.」

「Well, that's the thing.」

You've been blatantly deceiving me.

「Hey, you two, now's not the time to be talking about this. We're in a dungeon. Enemies could come out at any moment.」

Serina warned us that we were now in the underground passage of the pyramid "The Sacred Tomb of Irv" in the Holy Kingdom. We've come to that place again.

The prisoners that Kaede and I had freed were no longer here. That's why the natural cave was so quiet.

「It's okay, it's okay, the passage is straight and there are no enemies.」

Kaede said with a light wave of her hand.

「But there's something creepy about it, something that looks like it could be there. This is not good.」

Jouga shivers and looks scared, which is unusual for him. Kaede called out to him in a carefree manner.

「You're a man, aren't you, Jouga? Even if it comes out, me and Alec will beat it with ease. And we've got Serina, too.」

In fact, after that, everyone wanted to know how the 【Dimensional Slash】 worked, so I gave them a quick lesson, and to my surprise, even Kaede and Noel learned the 【Dimensional Slash】.

I can't help but wonder how they got enough points, but since they can actually use it, I have no choice but to admit it

When I asked them about it, they said they didn't even know why the number had increased. Well, they didn't seem to be lying, and the cause is still under investigation.

「Don't forget, I'm here too. Leave it to Yulia, the Welbard Waterfowl Sword Master who can use the 【Dimensional Slash】.」

「Oh yeah, Yulia can use it too, right?」

「Hoho, I also here.」

The head of the academy came all the way from Austin to join us.

With an first team and these members, it would be safe to say that we had the strongest lineup.

Serina, who was walking in the lead, stopped.

「Wait, there's something.」

「Don't worry, it's a stone door.」

I came to the location of the broken door.

Our goal, of course, is to get rid of the Sleeping "God".

「It's in shambles.」

「It looks like it was breached from the inside. What the hell is ......」

「Hmm, perhaps a human wandered in and touched the sleeping "God".」

The Headmaster made a guess.

It has been touched and someone turned into a non-human monster.

「H-hey, hey, grandma, are we going to be okay?」

「Don't worry. All we have to do is defeat it without touching it.」

「Is the sword okay?」

「No, Jouga, you guys don't touch it. Only those who can use the 【Dimensional Slash】 will go.」

「I understand. If any other enemies show up, you can always leave it to me!」

The entire party proceeded down the passageway and came to that wide open cavity again.

「Uwahhh ......」

「This is ......」

「I've seen some serious stuff. This is what I mean when I say my whole body is hairy.」

We all gulped and stared at the ancient god.

It looks like a giant dragonfly gem.

Just looking at it gives me goosebumps, which can only be described as instinct.

This thing is probably the natural enemy of humanity that eating humans.

「H-hey, hey, can't we sell this for a good price if we break it into pieces and take it home? It's such a big gem, uhehe.」

Only one of us, Letty, was stupid enough to say something like that.

「Don't be blinded by greed, Letty, and look carefully at the appraisal. It's not jewelry at all. It's a fake, a look-alike. Well, this one was born earlier than the gem, but...」

The Headmaster of the school said without amusement.

「Eehh~, tsk, you can't sell it? It's useless, even though it's a god!」

「Letty, even if you want to sell it, you'll have to defeat it first.」

I say something important. If I cut down its body, it'll wake up.

「But is it really okay to defeat a god whose name we've never even heard of?」

Fianna is concerned about it.

「It doesn't matter. Originally, it's not a god of this world. it's from outside.」

The Headmaster assured her.


「We'll talk later. It's waking up faster than I thought. It's going to wake up soon.」

「Speaking of which, there's a light.」

I think the light is flickering faster.

「All right, everyone. Those of you who can use the 【Dimensional Slash】, step forward.」

I said, and Serina, Kaede, Noel, and Yulia lined up beside me.

「Let's get the timing right. Three count, no. One, two, three, and we go at once.」

「Ah, this is bad, I'm going to sneeze. H-Hurry up, Alec.」

Letty will interrupt me at the right moment, but that's to be expected.

I'm not going to use the Sword of the God Killer, I'm going to use my existing sword. I'm worried about using a sword here that I haven't tried out yet.

「Let's go. ......, one, two,―three!」

「Achooo! Goddamn it, you son of a bitch!」



「Waterfowl Sword Secret Technique 【Dimensional slash!】」

A black shadow flies from the tip of each sword.

The shape of the gem is distorted, and it is sucked into the shadow.

But the huge body does not disappear immediately.

「Oh no, it's awake!」

Dragonfly's eyes light up and it opens its mouth.

「Leave it to me!」

The Headmaster sets up a barrier in front of us.


The dragonfly let out a deafening squeal, and green liquid flew from its mouth.

It was repelled by the barrier, but it hit a rock and sent up a cloud of white smoke.

Is it strong acid?

No, this is ...... the rock glowing?

This liquid seems to have the property of remaking matter into the same composition as dragonflies.

That's scary.

But we're not playing around either.

More than half of its body has already been swallowed by the 【Dimensional Slash】.

We can do it. It's just a matter of time.

「Hmm? Has the suction stopped?」

「This is bad! It's trying to manipulate the dimensions to stay in this dimension too!」

The Headmaster shouted.

「Damn it, Anyway, cut it down! All of you, attack!」

「「「 Roger that! 」」」

Jouga and the others also cut in and attack it.

「【Kabuto-wari!】 Guh! Ouuuch! What a hardness!」

「But it's been cut down! Keep going, Jouga!」

I also flies a 【Dimensional Slash】, but it's hard to use it repeatedly; it also consumes TP.

「Khhh, [Starlight Attack! Kyaaa!」


Serina performed a special move, but the rainbow light bounced off of her.

It was a close call, but Serina managed to avoid it.

As I looked, the dragonfly's glow grew even brighter. This is not good.

We need to do some serious damage here.

Is there anything I can use now? No, there's that thing. It's the Sword of the God Killer I got from Sarah.

It's a sword, but it's shaped like a tube, like a relay baton.

When I switched the sword to the silver tube and held it up, the tube reacted and glowed pale white with voom .......

I see, so this is a beam saber. Moreover, it seems to be able to extend its length according to our thoughts.

「Okay, eat this!」

I set the beam saber to its maximum length and slashed at the dragonfly.

There was no response, but I succeeded in vaporizing the dragonfly with a sizzle and wounding it deeply.

「You did it!」

「Not yet. Letty, use gravity magic, extra large. Use my name.」

The headmaster, whose hands were stuck in the magic barrier, said that.

「I-I got it!」

Instructed by the Headmaster, Letty, who had been shooting the Stone Bullet, switched spells.

「The black hole of the other world, the bottomless stomach, in the name of the Great Mage Luna, I hereby command you to swallow it all up, become a tiny dot, and collapse on itself! Abyss Hall!」

A dark sphere collided with Dragonfly's outstretched arm, causing one of its arms to disappear.


「Umu, I would have preferred to have it right behind its body, but oh well. Alec, please cut the space in front of you. If you don't, it'll swallow us too.」


I'll curve the 【Dimensional Slash】 and block off the space between the dragonfly and us.

『Good morning. You little ones, you are in no position to turn your blade on me, the god of old. Jouga, Letty, Luna, Alec, I'll remember your names. Take the curse of my passion! No matter what happens, I will make sure you get the message!』

I could feel the anger in its thoughts, but by then it had disappeared without a trace.

「Did we do it, ......?」

「Clear! 【Enemy Counter】 Zero!」

Serina announced in a joyful voice. 

「「「We did it!」」」

Phew, I-It was a close call. I thought I'd messed uuup!」

Letty slumped to the spot, but she passed the test. If it hadn't been for that big spell, we might not have been able to eliminate it.

She's a rank A mage after all.

「But it looks like it left some kind of curse at the end. Are you guys okay? Is there anything wrong with your bodies?」

Hannah was concerned about that.

「Hmmm, no, not really ...... Ugh!」

Jouga moaned, but I also felt a stinging sensation on the top of my head.

「Gyaaaa, my hair is falling out all over the place!」

「Damn that bastard ......! What have you done!」

Me, Jouga, and Letty all lost a lot of hair on our heads, which was all that happened, but it was a sad sight.

The only one who didn't lose her hair, Loli baba, smiled and said,

「Hoho, don't worry, I completely blocked out the dimension before it cast the curse and defeated it. You can try using the potion, yes」

Hearing this, we hesitantly sprinkled the potion on our head.

「Oooh? Ooooooh! Brother, my hair is growing back!」

Hair was growing out of Jouga and Letty's heads at an incredible rate.

I touched my own head and found that my hair was growing back too.

「Phew, what a rush.」

It looks like it's going to be back to normal. Nice potion.

「Fufu, that's great..」

Everyone smiles in relief.

I checked the status level and it had gone up to level 316 at once.

「All right, let's head back.」

「「「 Roger that! 」」」

Now, with this maybe we can defeat the Demon King.

We all felt that we had won.