It was the morning of September 8th in the Kingdom of Vernia.

It was the day of destiny that I witnessed at the "Door" of the "Labyrinth of No Return".

「Master, were you able to sleep?」

Meena, who is hugging me, asks me.

「No, I didn't get much sleep. After today is over, shall we have a good night's sleep?」


「Good morning, Alec. It's finally today.」

Serina came to the bedroom.

「Oh. Well, I've done all I can do. There should be no problem.」

「I hope so. No, it'll be fine.」

「Yeah, I'm sure.」

Serina approached the bed and asked for a kiss, so I didn't tease her, but give her the kiss.

I held her hand, but unlike usual, her hand was cold as if it had been frozen.

Even though she had become a hero, she was still a high school girl until a year ago. There was no way she wasn't afraid.

However, when I reached for her buttocks to warm up her body, Serina suddenly pulled away from me, not wanting to.

「I'll see you later. I'm going to go on patrol first.」

What, you're not going to fuck me?

I don't really understand a woman.

I had no choice but to get off the bed and ask Meena to help me get dressed.

「It's finally today. Darling, everyone in the first and second teams are ready!」

Saki also arrived, but it seemed that everyone had already finished their preparations. As expected, everyone couldn't sleep peacefully.

「Okay, but I don't want to get too worked up and fall asleep during the show. We'll have some time to spare until it comes out. Saki, please tell everyone about that too.」

「Got it.」

I saw the "Demon King" a year ago.

I'm going to fight it today.

Annihilation or survival...

Now that I have the 【Dimensional Slash】, I'm confident that I can survive. But whether or not it will change the future is still unknown.

I look out the window. But whether they knew about our fate or not, the sky looked the same as usual.

There was not even a hint of the Demon King.

It was quiet.

「Your Majesty Alec」

A black-haired knight came from behind Saki.

「Oh, Lancelot. How is the situation outside?」

「So far, there's nothing unusual, and no sign of Christina. I'd like to add more security patrols.」

「No, if we make things too intrusive, they might see it and slow down the start of the war. That would be troublesome.」

「As you say. Then we'll go as we are.」

Here in the Kingdom of Vernia, there was peace itself, but I heard that the Gilan Empire was already in a battle with the Demon King's army.

The empire's messenger reported that they were fighting the good fight, but .......

I don't know.

It is very likely that even A rank adventurers will be annihilated by those black anemones.

In any case, neither magic nor swords will work against it.

Even so, they are still fighting the "Good fight", so they must be controlling information anyway.

The Gilan Empire had refused all offers of reinforcements from various countries, and no requests had been received here in the Kingdom of Vernia.

In the end, no matter how urgent the situation was, they could not build a system of cooperation that would allow them to include the armies of other countries.

Even if it was a crisis for the entire human race.

I don't think it's a pity.

In less than half a year since the Demon Kingdom's loyal servant Christina appeared, I guess humans are like that.

Most people don't have a sense of crisis until they are in pain.

That's the reality.

There is nothing we can do about it. The only thing left is for us to decide what to do. That's all that matters.

「Alec, w-what should I do? I'm so hungry, even at a time like this, I'm eating three times as much as usual. ......!」

A red-haired girl with a slightly swollen belly comes over and says, "I've been eating three times as much as usual". In both of her hands was not a sword but a bunch of bananas.

「You can eat as much as you want, Marilyn.」

「I got it! That's true isn't it!? Alright! I'll eat!!!」

Marilyn suddenly felt energetic and swallowed the banana as she headed for the cafeteria - happy is the guy who can eat and feel better for it.

Marilyn suddenly felt much better and swallowed a banana as she made her way to the cafeteria――Those who can eat and feel better by doing so are also happy.

But you have to peel the banana and eat it, Marilyn. Even gorillas peel their skin and eat it.

Today, everything will be decided――

「Master: ......」

Meena looked at me with an unhappy face.

「Don't look at me like that, Meena. Even if something should happen, we're not going to live a life of regret. Isn't that right?」

I gently put my hand on Meena's shoulder and smiled at her.

I meant it.

「Yes, but――」

I knew what Meena meant.

She's worried about my life.

「Ahh, of course, I'll survive and do whatever I want. I won't let the Demon King's army do whatever they want anymore.」

I said as if I were declaring clearly.

If it's life or death, I have to bet on life.

It's my only life.

To be honest, I've always been a weak gambler. It's better now that I have the 【Luck】 skill, but I still lost a lot of games in the Grandsword arena. ...... No, I was able to beat Murphy in a card game.

I'll trust myself now.


Meena nodded vigorously. The trust in me is immense.

I'm tempted to let her go, but I'm sure she wouldn't want that.

We'll be together when we die.

「Oh, Welbard-sensei.」

Meena turned around, but Welbard-sensei also showed his face.

「Yaa, good morning, both of you. I hope I'm not disturbing you.」

The burly armor sensei is wearing is probably in preparation for today. He has also promised to participate in the Demon King War.

「No, it's fine. Is something matter?」

「Well, I was just wondering how you guys were doing. From the looks of it, you look fine. You've got good eyes. It's good to see you're not lost.」

Welbard-sensei said, smiling generously.

「Yeah, I'm counting on you, too, Sensei. When I saw the future, you weren't there, Sensei.」

「Hmm. It's not something I can handle on my own, though, but well, leave it to me.」

「Alec! It's coming! The Demon King is here!」

Sarah shouted as she came running in.

「All right, sound the alarm! Let's get out of here!」

I ran out of my bedroom and down the hallway of the castle as the bells were ringing loudly.

「Sarah, who's responding now?」

「It's a party between Serina and Elisa. Oh, Hannah said she's going around to the back gate.」

「That's good.」

Just in case this is a diversion, that's what we'll do. Because It's Hannah, she would never run away.


I thought it was an enemy, but my heart went cold as something big and ugly and black came out from the side of the corridor.

「Uohh! What is it, Doria? Don't scare me. I've always told you not to show your face out of nowhere!」

「Geezz, that's so rude. If you keep reacting like that, I'm gonna come out of nowhere in the middle of the night with makeup on.」

It's so annoying to see a big guy with muscular, spiky, black, turn-of-the-century armor running around like a woman.

「You know how gross your face is, and you're doing it on purpose, aren't you?」


「So, where's Bard?」

Okama Doria is alone, and there is no sign of his partner, the dwarf. Bard, the former S rank adventurer "Impregnable Tank". He had also rushed here. It's a connection from the Labyrinth of No Return. Although the cooperation between countries failed, there are some people who are willing to risk their lives to help us like this.

「Oh, he was the first one to head for the main gate. I hope he doesn't die. ......」

Doria showed an uneasy look that didn't suit him.

「He's not that easy to beat, isn't he?」

I say. I've heard that the Bard stopped the Behemoth's blow head-on.

「Oh my, god, Alec is such a naughty, he's got balls ...... in the morning.」

「Shut up!」

「You and Dori-ane are so close, Alec.」

「That's not true, Sarah.」

「Yes, but I'm in trouble. ...... They say that friendship between a man and a woman is not possible. ...... Ha! It's a little painful in my chest. Could this be the flutter of love? The sudden beginning of love? What do you think, Alec?」

I don't think his armor fits.

It's stupid to answer every question. I'll let you say what you want.

「Your Majesty, be careful!」

I nodded back at the soldier who saluted me, and walked out of the castle. We're still in the castle town area, and there's an outer gate.

It must have come out there.

There was a loud explosion on the other side of the outer wall, as if someone had used magic.

But I can't see what's going on outside from here.

――I must hurry.

I've been running all the way from my bedroom to here, but I'm not out of breath.

「Then, I'll go ahead. You guys come after me!」

「「 All right! 」」

Using 【Instantaneous Movement】, I stand on the outer wall first.

「Hmm? Where are you?」

The black anemone is not there.

Serina and the others are there, and there's a crater in the wheat field, so there must have been a battle here.

「Serina! Where is it?」

「Oh, I already took it down.」

「What? ...I see.」

「Yeah. My 【Dimensional Slash】 ended it with one blow. It looked just like you said, a big black sea anemone. It was shiny, and I'm pretty sure it was.」

「If there's a second one, leave it to me. Because it would be unseemly for a Templar Knight to miss the first spear. I looked at the thing and hesitated, but only for a moment. What a blunder!」

Elisa said angrily.

「That's fine, captain. If someone else defeats it, it will be easier and better. We who were there get a medal for it.」

Edgar said and slurped down a can of liquor.

「What are you doing, Edgar!? The day is not over yet. We're not supposed to drink until the day after we've confirmed that all the enemies have been killed.」

「Hey, hey, hey. This is just a free decongestant, though.」

「No, you can't. We're on a mission.」

「Master, it's their smell.」

Meena, who was not caught off guard while everyone was almost out of it, tells me.

「They're still here!」

I shouted to warn them.


Serina looked up and saw a girl with white hair and a twisted drill floating in the air. It was Christina.

There was also another demon, perhaps a demon race, a full-body blue humanoid demon flying and flapping at her side.

「Oh myy? Where did the Demon King go?」

「Beats me. It's probably just wandering around. The Demon King, who has zero intelligence, is in trouble. It takes a lot of yarn knitted from the mane of a pink unicorn to move it around. But well, just in time, I see that the soldiers here have come out, so I'll introduce myself for a moment. Before we disinfect and destroy the filth.」

A humanoid demon descends to the ground and smirks.

「Listen up! Humans, I'm a superior――Whoaaa! Wh-What the hell are you doing!?」

Serina was shooting an oversized fireball at the demon.

「You work for the Demon King's army, right? So of course I'm going to attack you!」

After saying that, Serina cuts the distance with 【Dimensional Slash】.

She's still a cowardly hero for not letting her opponent identify himself.

「W-Wait, I'm still saying my name, GGGHOOO――――!」

「All right!」

「N-No way, I can't believe Sol was defeated with one blow. No, he's the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings――Guhhhh!?」

The arrow fired by Mare pierced the chest of the dismayed Christina.

That's good, because it's disqualifying as a sniper to make your opponent notice you by shouting your enthusiasm every time.

「Are you one of the Four Heavenly Kings? You look weak for someone like that, Christina.」

I use 【Instantaneous Movement】 to step in front of her and say that.

「Sh-Shut up. Under my spell, you'd be nothing――」

I'm not going to let Christina, who has her right hand over her head, use her magic.

I'm not going to let her use 【Charm】 either.

Before that, I made her eat my 【Dimensional Slash】.

It was a quick attack.

She seems to have used a magic barrier with no chanting, but all defenses are ineffective against the 【Dimensional Slash】.

Christina, the Fourth Heavenly King of the Demon King's Army, was gone before she could even scream.

Not even a shred of corruption was left.

I've avenged you, old man.

「Darling, I wish you could have made them tell the names of the other two of the Four Heavenly Kings first. I know you don't want to cause any damage to the city, but...」

「Saki, they're even weaker than I thought. If the four heavenly kings are at their current level, two of our first team members and one with a 【Dimensional Slash】 will be enough.」

「I see.」

「So, that's enough for now. I'm going to reinforce Kaede and the Gilan Empire, huh? Where is Kaede?」

「Oh, Kaede-san was taking Nene-chan to the inn over there a while ago.」

Thalia said.

「Damn it, at a time like this! Thalia, go after her and help Nene. We have another problem.」

「O-Okay. Two soldiers over there, follow me!」

「「 Ha! 」」

「I'll go with you.」

If Serina follows her, there will be no problem. Sometimes she and Kaede seem to enjoy a night in bed together, but not at Kaede's behest. But then again, lolicons are bad guys. You can never be too careful.

「Alec, what do we do now? Please give me the next intructions」

Frederick asked me to give him some instructions.

「Nothing in particular, Frederick. We've already taken care of the Demon King. Anyone who wants to patrol can stay, but the rest of you can disperse. Ask Saki about the rest.」

「Hmmm.......The legendary Hundred Year War is not so easily over. ...... But, according to the executive just now, that was the Demon King, wasn't it?」

「Isn't that right? Well, that's it then. Good work! Cheers!」

Clyde and the others quickly withdrew with a smile on their faces, but that's fine for the second team.

They can't fight the Demon King. I had decided that I would do this battle with just the first team, but Clyde and the others volunteered to be there. I thought it would be good to have them as backup. ...... Well, even if they have to fight hard, that's when the first team is really in trouble.

I'll have to put the second team to work on something else.

「Heeeeeey, Aleeeeeec! Heheee!」

A familiar boy's cheerful voice sounded from the other side.

Keiji and Erwin will be here any minute.

「You're too late, guys!」

Even though you're hero, you're late for the big battle.

But now the future's been changed.

We have survived this fateful day.

―With our precious friends.

The beautiful girls of the nation are also safe. 

The remnants of the Demon King's army are probably still around the Gilan Empire.

Maybe Demon King No. 2 and No. 3 are still there.

However, as a member of the class "Komuso," I no longer have any enemies.

I also have strong allies.

Then, the rest is already decided, right?

All I have to do is go on a great adventure to fuck all the women in the world.

I also need to master my erotic skills.

Loli and sex! 

Well, it doesn't have to be today.

What I can do tomorrow, I won't do today!

Isn't that what the great man who touched and sincerely loved the great outdoors said?

It's good to have a tomorrow and room to spare. It's good for everyone.

I took a big step forward.

「Fuwaahhh. Well, I'm off to bed. Meena, let's go back to the castle.」

「Okay, master! I'll accompany you!」

I leisurely returned to the castle, looking forward to the beautiful girls of tomorrow that I had yet to see.

Far above the castle, in the clear autumn sky, a number of erotically shaped clouds floated in the air, seemingly warmly congratulating the harem kingdom, me, and the humans on our victory.