King Vernia's mornings are always late.

「Damn, I wish I didn't have to get up so early, but I'm dreaming of being late for school and in a hurry.」

I complained as I rolled my shoulders and relaxed my throbbing body.

If I'm going to dream about it, I'd rather dream about fucking a woman.

「Good morning, Master.」

A dog-eared girl with white hair brought me a jug of water. When her clear eyes recognized me, her expression relaxed gently with a smile.

「Oh, Meena, good morning.」

I took the wooden cup from Meena, moistened my throat, and got off the bed. It was chilly, and I shivered involuntarily.

「I wondered if the fireplace was ...... lit.」

I looked at the fireplace, but the fire was still burning.

The only thing wrong with castles in other worlds is that the heating is not very good.

「Master, please take these clothes. It's furry and warm.」

I put on the killer bear fur I received from Meena, but I must look like a bandit now. Well, I'll put up with appearances for now. It's better than being cold.

I take Meena with me to the castle dining hall. As we sat down at a rectangular table covered with a tablecloth, Meme brought us some soup at the right moment.

She's usually a blue-robed wizard, but today she's wearing a cat-ear hairband from a treasure chest on her head and a maid's uniform. Of course, it's my hobby.

「H-here you go.」

「Meme, don't be so scared, I won't scold you. Or is that it? Do you want me to scold you?」

「N-no, I don't want you to scold me. Hyahnn!」

After she put the soup on the table, I rubbed Meme's ass. Meme's cheeks were flushed and she was expecting this, right? Should I undress here right now and play with here?

I thought to myself, and as my hand tightened on the ribbon around her waist...

「Alec! What the hell are you doing?」

A sharp voice rang out in the dining room, and Serina, dressed in a more flashy red outfit, strode in.

You can tell her breasts are bell-shaped by the tight, uncomfortable sweater she wears, and her pleated skirt is very mini, but she's a noisy woman.

「Hmph... Serina, huh. I'm the king, I don't need to be told where to do my business.」

「I do. You've become so steeped in our bad customs, you're like a villainous boss. You need to start acting like a king.」

「I'll act like a king when I have to. ――More importantly, what's going on?」

After taking a sip of hot soup, I asked Serina.

「We talked about it yesterday. Today is Christmas, so we're going to inspect the city.」

「Yeah, that's right. ...... It's too much trouble.」

And it looks cold outside.

「No, you can't. It's the king's duty.」

「If you're so sure, why don't you try being king for a day? You know, like chief of police for a day.」

「Ehh? Hmm, no, I think it's better if Alec does it.」

If I do it, there will be a lot of women who want her to take over as king, and I don't agree with that, but there are people who are happy to have Alec as king.


We have a law on the miniskirt ordinance for beautiful girls. If Serina becomes the king, she'll be the first to repeal it, and that's no fun.

「I understand. Then we'll go out for inspection after breakfast.」

「Yeah. I'll accompany you. Meme, don't just stand there. If you have food, why don't you bring it to me?」

「Hauu, yes, sir.」

While fixing her slipped glasses and cat-ear hair band, Meme went back to the kitchen.

「It-It's the King! The king is here!」

「This is bad! Hurry up and hide!」

「Mamaa, I'm scared!」

I went out to inspect the castle town with Serina and Meena, but it was still like this. The townspeople were running around, making announcements on their own, and running away like spiders.

「Hmm, I'd like to say it's a daily occurrence, but ...... why is everyone so afraid of Alec?」

Serina also titled her head.

「I can't allow them to be afraid of master without a reason! I'll catch them and re-educate them thoroughly on the goodness of master in prison!」

「Stop it, you fool」

I have a feeling that Meena is the cause of this. Oh well.

I pulled myself together and headed to the market, where I found a large fir tree decorated with stars and colorful magic stones.

「What the hell is that?」

「Don't you know? It's a Christmas tree, Alec.」

「That much I know, Serina. More importantly, did you make them prepare that?」

「No, they've been celebrating Christmas in this world too, but not in a big way.」

「Hmph, it's unnecessary custom.」

「Ehh? That's fine, isn't it. Some kids are looking forward to Santa's presents, and, uh... ...... I think it would be nice to have some time alone together on Christmas Eve. ......」

Serina said, fidgeting with her hands

「Kehh, What's with this holy night」

I guess I was played by a conspiracy of the hotel industry.

I've heard that outside of Japan, Christmas is celebrated with families. Having sex on a holy day to celebrate God is just plain wrong.

「Geez. Anyway, let's buy some presents. I've asked Alec to come to the orphanage so that we can give them to the children. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have a gift from the king.」

「Fool, Isn't that Santa that should give them a gift, isn't it?」

I'm not evil enough to destroy a child's dream.

「Fufu, Yeah, right.」

We went around the markets and shopping districts and bought stuffed animals, dolls, kendama, chess boards and pieces, stilts, karuta, bagoma, etc., all neatly wrapped.

As expected, there were no computer games on sale, but there were cubes with different colored faces that could be rotated, so I guess kids could have some fun with them.

「Oooh, thank you very much, Your Majesty the King. I'm sure the children will enjoy it.」

The old sisters of the orphanage smiled at me, and I hoped they would.

「Now that it's getting dark, we should probably head back to the castle. Hmm? Meena?」

I was about to leave, but Meena wasn't there.

「Meena's already gone back to the castle. And I've got some places I want to stop by now. Follow me.」

I can't help it, I'll go with you at least for today.

I wondered where we were going, but it was the first market.

「Wow, look! It's glowing!」

The magicians were also out, and the magic stones on the fir trees were glowing, just like the illuminations. The stars shining under the night sky are quite beautiful.

As I looked around, I saw several couples who seemed to be in love, looking up at the Christmas tree shoulder to shoulder.


「Ah ......」

I thought it would be nice to do this once in a while, so I imitated them and held her shoulders.

It was really uncomfortable to see her leaning on me so frankly.

She closed her eyes and asked me to kiss her, and I thought about giving tease, but I guess it's good to be nice once in a while. I responded.

「Nnhh...... Hey, Alec. I feel like doing it. Let's go to the castle bed.」

Serina, with a flushed face, says with an upward glance.

「All right.」

When we returned to the castle, however, she said she was going to come by my room for later and then went back to her room. What the hell, a shower at a time like this? I was not happy, but I decided to wait for her in bed.

「Sorry to keep you waiting.」

Serina came back unexpectedly fast and was wearing a red Santa suit. It wasn't a normal Santa suit, but a sexy mini-skirt Santa with a belly button look.

「What do you think?」

She put her hands on her hips and struck a self-conscious pose.

「That's suit you.」


I stripped off her Santa bra without hesitation and grabbed her breasts with both hands as they popped out from underneath.

「Nnhh, Aahhnn!」

Seemingly already aroused, Serina let out a loud moan and shuddered.

I played with her cherry-red nipples, tugging, crushing, and pinching them.

「Aahhhh! That place, is feel good!」

Serina grabbed my hand with an unbearable expression and closed her eyes.

「Then let's do it in the doggy-style.」

「Wait, I'll take off my skirt, Ahh!」

「No, just leave it on.」

I stripped her down to just her panties, but red string pants and all, you're underestimated me, Santa.

「Ehhh? I don't want to get this dress dirty, it's my favorite, but, w-wait, Alec, Aahnnn!」

「If I let it out inside, it won't get dirty.」

I forcefully thrust myself into Serina's reluctance.

「Hey. Ma-Make your you let it out inside, okay?」

「Ahh, sure. As long as you can catch it without letting it overflow.」

「Ehh? He-, wai-, Aahhh, nnhh, Nnhhh~!」

When I move my hips, she seems to have lost her freedom, and she's a lewd woman.

「Come on, tighten it up. Isn't it loose?」

I'm going to spank her with a Level 1 spanking. Spank!

「Aahnnn! M-Moreeee!」

「Oh, man....You're such a pervert, aren't you? You're not having an orgy with the hoodlum around here, are you? Serina」

「I-I'm not! Because the only one I like is Alec!」

「Hoh. I'm looking forward to seeing what your friends will think when you go back to the girls' school on Earth and play [spanking] in the classroom.」

「Y-you can't do that, but, kuhhh! This is good, I'm going to cuuuummmm~!」

I couldn't help but ejaculate as she tightened her grip on my cock with such force. The timing was a little off, and a large amount of white filth landed on her favorite Santa skirt.

「Uhhh, th-that's the best ......」

Still, she mumbled with a blank expression on her face, and it seemed to be the most pleasant night of her life.

Merry Christmas!