The sky is blue and the earth is lit by the gentle sunlight.

It's a beautiful day.

I thought it would be nice to take a walk once in a while, so I took Meena and Serina out into the city.

「Hey, it's the king!」

「The king is here!」

「Uwaaannnn! Mamaa~!」

「Hurry up and get in the house! Quickly!」

It was a little sad to see all the people in the city screaming and running away at once and starting to lock the doors.

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

「This is unforgivable. I can't believe they'd be this rude to master.」

「Stop it, Meena. That will only make my reputation more worse.」

I said to the dog-eared girl with white hair who was about to draw her sword.

「Yes, I'm sorry. ......」

「I'd like to say that you deserved it―― but that would be overstating it. There's no need for the man to hide either.」

Said Serina, I don't know if it's the mood of the day, but her beautiful red hair tied into twin tails.

Women don't need to hide either, except for beautiful girls. Saki said that the people in the town will get used to it soon, but I don't know what to think.

「Hmm? What's that noise?」

From the other side of the street, a thud thud thud sound is rapidly approaching towards us.


「Yeah, Alec stay back a bit.」

To protect me, Meena and Serina draw their swords with serious expressions and stand in front of me together.

I don't need them to protect me, but with these two high-level people, even if the Demon King class comes out, they won't get beaten.

I don't think these two would listen to me anyway, so I'll let them do whatever they want.

「What the hell is that thing――?」

「Oh, I get it. It's Koobo.」

Serina said, but what kind of bird is it?.

In this world, not only horses, but also lizards and birds are used as vehicles for riding.

Koobo is a big chick, about two meters long.

It brakes suddenly in front of us, sending up a cloud of dust. And then it came to a halt, spewing dirt on the ground in front of us.



Damn, I got sand in my mouth.

「Phew, phew. What the hell is wrong with you?」

I spit, then asked irritably.

「My name is Aneesha, the Crimson M. Sun! Are you Alec, the bad guy who took over the kingdom of Vernia?」

A small white haired girl riding a red koobo asked while pointing at me.

「That's right, but Lancelot, the captain knights of the castle, is also on my side. It's not that I'm the bad guy, you know.」

She seemed to be a man who would not understand even if I told her, but I would at least explain to here.

「Then he's a bad guy too!」

「What? You don't seem to be from this town, but shouldn't you ask around a bit?」

As Serina says, she used to be one of those guys who would cut you down without even asking what was going on.

I guess they're similar. good grief.

「How laughable, It's a game! You'll have to play against me, Alec.」

This Aneesha pointed at me and challenged me to a match.

「Hooh? You've got some skill, I see. All right, let's do it.」

I pulled out my sword, but Aneesha got angry.

「That's not it! It's this one, it's this one I'm going to play with!」

She slap the koobo she's riding, but it looks like she's asking for a speed contest.

「How stupid. Why do I have to compete with you?」

「Because you're a bad guy!」

I guess justice is a drug that paralyzes human thought.

「Master is not a bad guy!」

「Leave her alone, Meena. Let's go to the store.」

「Ah, okay.」

「Oi, wait!」

Guehh, guehh! And Koobo squeals noisily and comes around in front of me, but I push it away with my hand.

Then Koobo poked me with his beak on the back of my hand.


As I expected, I lost my temper and punched it back. This is the power of a leve 300+ another world hero who has defeated the old evil gods. That was enough to blow away Aneesha on top of it.


「All right, let's go.」

「Y-Youuu.......remember this!」

I thought about grabbing her if she persisted in chasing me, but Aneesha seemed to have given up on that.

「Ah, the Koobos. Lately, there's been an increase in the number of Koobos running amok, and the castle has received several complaints and reports.」

When I returned to the castle after finishing my meal, Saki told me about it.

「Have Lancelot tighten up the crackdown. It's a nuisance.」


「No, wait, I'd rather ban it in the royal city of Erland.」

Men should only be allowed to ride on women.

「Hmm, I wonder if that would be a problem for the farmers and merchants who use them to carry goods.」

I guess so, too.

「Then it can't be helped, we'll just have to deal with the ones who run amok.」


A week later, Lily wanted to go to the dumpling shop, so the three of us went there with Ione, who was my escort for the day.

「Sorry to keep you waiting.」

The clerks here are already regulars, so they're not afraid of me. I've been picking up cute clerks after hours and fucking them with their consent. It's the king's status and the power of [Charm☆ Level 3].

「Yaaaay, here it comes!」

Three plates were laid out on our table. On the plates were several bite-sized white dumplings covered in flour. The dumplings were covered with a generous amount of translucent Anmitsu, a thick, golden brown sauce.

「Mmmm. So sweeet!」

Lily immediately threw the white dumpling into her mouth with a toothpick and made a joyful face.

The way she licked her lips with her little tongue was a little intriguing, so I thought I should fuck her when I got back to the castle.

While thinking about this, I stuck the toothpick into the dumpling on my plate.

「Gueh! Gueh! Guehhh!」


Hmm? This squeal is from ......


「It's a game! Alec!」

「Damn, I got dirt in my eyes!」

「Uwahhnnn, Lily's, Lily's dumplings is~!」

It's really annoying.This is a clear obstruction to business.

「Wait, Ione. I'll take care of this asshole.」

I stopped Ione, who had her hand on the handle, and I stood up.

「The rules are simple! We're going to go around this town in a Koobo, and whoever gets to the finish line first wins!」

Aneesha said, but let's accept it, that's the game.

「All right. Bring me one of those Koobos.」

It's my order as king.

A Koobo with the best legs in Erland was immediately prepared.

Well, I don't think I'll lose even to an ordinary Koobo, though.

「Let's get started!」

Ione gave the signal, and Aneesha and I slapped the reins vigorously, sending the koobo into motion.

「Gueh! Gueh! Guehhh!」

The two Koobos seem to know that they're in a competition, and they run while checking each other out.

「Hahaa, You can't even compete with that slow-moving Koobo!」

Aneesha laughs, but this one is still new to me and we just haven't caught each other's breath yet.

I'm not in a hurry, because I know from my appraisal that this koobo's level is higher than her.



「I've got to get out of here! Crimson M is on her way!」

She didn't even bother to brake or avoid the road, which means she might just hit a passerby.

「Oi, go ahead and get rid of the passersby by restricting the surrounding traffic.」


I ordered the soldiers who were around there to ensure the safety of the traffic.

As she approached the corner of the city, Aneesha leaned her body diagonally across the koobo to bring her center of gravity inward and made a beautiful out-into-out curve. Turning a right-angled alleyway with a maximum radius, huh?

She was an idiot no matter how you looked at her, but whether it was instinct or experience, she seemed to understand a certain driving theory (technique).

I tried to imitate her and take the same route, but the koobo I was riding slipped, and for a moment I had a close call.

I don't have to worry about falling off my horse because I can use my magic and skills if it comes down to it, but if I use them from the start, I won't be able to compete.

「I don't care who you are, I'm not letting you run in front of me!」

Aneesha spits out an arrogant line that ignores the basic premise that public roads belong to everyone.

「Oi, Hachiroku, you must be getting warmed up by now. Let's get serious.」

As we come to a long straight road, I slap the ass of the purple koobo I'm riding.


The Koobo accelerates and quickly closes the distance between me and Aneesha's red Koobo.

「You bastard are in my way, asshole!」


However, Aneesha kicked the koobo in front of merchant and made him fall down.

That sucks. The road is wide enough to avoid him.

「Oi, Krinan, stop involving innocent people in this. The one who's involving innocent people is the bad guy.」

「It's Crimson M. Sun Anesha! This guy's name is Bembe, I'm is Aneesha the Sun, and we're a team, Crimson M, on, Sun! You've got to remember that!」

I don't know. I don't care if it's a pet or a vehicle, I don't want to remember such an embarrassing team name.

「Okay, "Kurri-M-san" for short. Whatever, I'm catching up, okay?」

I said to Aneesha, standing right next to her.