It was a one-on-one race between me and Aneesha.

However, Aneesha was too preoccupied with the front to block my course.

The long straight road still continues, and once we're side by side, I have the advantage of engine power.

「Tsk, you're faster than I thought! But! Bembe can make the turn ahead without slowing down! Let's go, Bembe!」


I remembered that the Hachiroku had slipped earlier, so I slowed down before the curve.

I had almost passed it, but I had no choice.

Just before the curve, I accelerated again and soon caught up with Aneesha, but this time she blocked my course and wouldn't let me go ahead easily.

But I don't care, I'm still pushing.

Hachiroku head-butted Bembe in the ass. Aneesha loses her balance and almost falls off her koobo.

「Hyaaah! O-Oi, that's dirty! You can't drive like that!」

「Shut up. You kicked someone else down once and you don't want to be kicked down by someone? Don't be a pussy about it, you bitch!」

Hachiroku seemed to know the rules of this race, and poked her koobo with its beak, head-butted her koobo, and persistently tried to push Aneesha away.

As we approached the curve again, I pulled on the reins and slowed down the Hachiroku.

To my surprise, Aneesha accelerated even faster and plunged into the curve.

Isn't that going to make her koobo legs slip?

I wondered, but it did seem to be slippery. ――But.

「Bembe, slip and ruuuuuuuun!」

Bembe shows a drift that is a little hard to imitate.

「Tsk, next time, you should do the same, Hachiroku.」

「Guey ......」

What, you don't like it?

You've got a scar over one eye and a vicious look on your face, but you're a surprisingly chicken-hearted bastard, aren't you?

In addition, even the acceleration in a normal straight line is you're getting sluggish.

「Ahh, that's enough. Just a normal run.」

Then it's magic or skill, but I'm starting to feel like an idiot for seriously playing a game where I don't even know what I'm going to win.

I don't even want to try to draw a double-crash , because it's too impractical.

I had already rounded the last bend and could see the goal where Ione was standing.

There's no way I'm going to win from here unless I do something.

「Hahaha! Did you see that, Alec! This is the waltz of me and Bembe! It's a feeling of togetherness that can't be achieved by some impromptu duo you met yesterday.」

Yeah, yeah, good for you. Keep merging with the birds.

「Grandma, can you ride by yourself? I'll help you.」

「Okay, thanks a lot. Then, let's go home, Priu.」


I gave up on the race, but near the finish line, I became a little worried when an old lady stopped by the store and was riding dangerously in a silver koobo.

「Hachiroku, stay away from that.」


This guy must have known that it was dangerous, because it immediately shifted its course and slowed down. 

「Ahh! No, Priu!」

Sure enough, a silver Koobo suddenly rushed into the middle of the road, blocking Aneesha's course.


「Damn it, please make in time!」

I used 【Instantaneous Movement Level 2」’ to catch and save the grandmother who had been thrown into the air.

I don't know about Aneesha.

「Are you okay, Grandma?」

「Yes, yes, thank you very much.」

The race is now invalid due to the accident. I have more important things to do than race.

I'll go on and tell Granny.

「You'd better sell that silver koobo and get another one. It's got a bad temperament and a bad head on its shoulders.」

It's not well-trained, but that's not the point.

「That's right. I'd only just bought it.」

When I returned to the castle, I instructed Saki to inform the koobo merchants not to sell the dangerous koobo.

Anyone who violates this rule will forfeit all their money.

Then I increased the number of free regular horse-drawn carriages and changed the system so that old people wouldn't have to ride koobo.

Life and safety come first.

I don't care about speed games or the profits of contractors.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

「Guehh! Guehh!」


...... again.

「Guards! There's an intruder. Catch her and throw her in jail! We'll have to kill the Koobo.」


「Alec! It's a game! What are you doing!?」――「Guehh!」

Phew, it's been a peaceful again today.

「Come on, Lily, let's have sex.」

「Ehh, we're doing this in the morning?」

「You don't like it?」

「Mmm, okay! Ehehe.」

When Lily came up to the bed, she seemed to want to do it too, and I could see that her face was already flushed with excitement.

She has grown up to be a very erotic child.

But that's good.

I stripped off Lily's dress and touched her thin cloth panties with my fingers.

「Ahh, Nnnhhnn, Alec!」

Lily, who was already mellowing, quickly stained the thin fabric and moved her twitchy bottom mouth.

I lifted her small, light body and easily flipped her over, this time rubbing and stroking her tiny butt.

「Mmm, hmm, my butt, it's good ......!」

I continued stroking her with both hands, moving from her armpits to her flanks.

I used my fingers to check the soft bulge, which seemed to have not fully grown, and used my tongue to taste it.

The two little mounds soon glistened with saliva and shook like pudding when I played with my fingers.

「Alec, Lily wants it here already: ......」

Lily spread her fingers over the part of her body she wanted, and then she wanted mine.

「What, already? That was fast.」


「All right.」

I picked her up from behind and placed her on my lap, slowly tucking her in where she should fit.

「Ah........aahhhh........aahhh, you're inside me」

Lily giggled seductively, showing the sex appeal of a young girl.

I move my hips rhythmically, gently at first, then more and more vigorously.

「Nnhahh, Nnhhh, hhaah, Aleec, aahnn, Aleeec~」

Lily begins to moan sweetly and comfortably.

I bite her earlobe to increase the intensity, then snake my tongue down her neck.


Lily twisted her body in disgust as if she was being tickled, but I held her firmly in place with my arms and wouldn't let her go.

「Oh, no way, I'm coming, I'm coming already!」

「Not yet.」

I told her coldly and quickened the tempo, but I couldn't make her cum yet.

「Aaahhh, haaah, Nnhhhhhhhh~~」

Lily starts to shake uncontrollably from the pleasure, but my arms are still locked around her.

The only thing I can do is to increase the speed of my hips and forcefully penetrate and expand Lily's tight interior.

「Ahh, ahhh. ahh, ahh, no I'm cyyummiiiiiiing!」

She let out a faint scream, and the muscles in her stomach jerked and twitched, and then her whole body seemed to relax as if all the strings had been cut, and she seemed to climax.

Her tightness was really good. I knew I had to ride Loli.

The first round was over.

As I watched Lily sleep with her innocent mouth half-open, I thought about how I should play with her in the second round.