Volume 20 - Prologue

Vernia's new king works occasionally, but mostly every day is a Sunday.

Some nations have adopted the slogan, "If you don't work, you don't eat," but in the Kingdom of Vernia, they leave it to their trusted companions and capable vassals to make sure that all the people don't starve.

As long as everyone is able to eat comfortably, even if there are one or two people who are lazy, they won't be blamed for it.

Nevertheless, I have to pretend to be working once in a while. It would be a shame if a revolution broke out when I was the king.

「We're going on a tour of the city today, Meena.」

「Okay, master!」

With my loyal subordinates in tow, I decided to take a serious trip to the castle town today.

「It-it's the kiiiing! The king's hereee!」

「Quick, get the women and childre

n inside!」

「Mamaa~, I'm scared!」

......It's been a long time since I've been serious about but, I'm starting to wonder if the world would be better off if I just stayed in the castle.

「Master, please don't worry about it. There will come a time when the people of this town will understand the goodness of master.」

「I guess so.」

It's not like I'm kidnapping women and children for food or imposing harsh taxes.

It's just the occasional trip to the dumpling shop and a little touch of the waitress's ass.

「S-somebodyyy! Help!」

As I regained my composure and walked through the quiet streets, I heard a woman's scream from a back alley.

「Master, I'll go help her.」


Meena quickly ran off, and I decided to follow her. Considering our level, the other party is just a thief anyway, so there should be no problem even if Meena is alone.

However, what I saw in the alleyway was not a thief, but one of our companion.

「What? Kaede-san? What are you doing?」

Looking at Kaede, who had the woman pinned down from behind, Meena asked with a puzzled look.

「Tsk, someone is disturbing me. Here, you can go now.」

Kaede clicks her tongue and releases the woman, who bites her lip and runs away while still holding her chest.

「Kaede, if you're going to pick up girls, do it a little better. There's no way you're going to get your hands on someone in the middle of the street in broad daylight.」

I said to the black-haired girl, who remained there in disgust. Today Kaede was dressed like a punk rocker, wearing black leather hot pants and a long coat with iron studs glued to it. She's not wearing any makeup, but there's something about the way she's dressed that makes her look fancy. After graduating from Austin Academy of Magic, I became aware of her color ....... No, she was always a color demon.

The women in the world don't feel safe when there are someone like her, even if they are the same sex. And now, of all people, a binge-eating bisexual.

「No, I was going to use a little technique to make her cum and then take a break around there, but I'll be careful next time. I'm not a straight guy, but the material was good, so I got fired up.」

「That's absurd. Even the master wouldn't do something like that. ......」

Maybe it's because this guy is actively making a scene that the "Black Cat of the Wind" clan is getting a bad reputation and I'm being avoided like before. Good grief.

「Kaede, if you want to be a part of the "Black Cat of the Wind", stop talking to women who aren't lesbians. At least street rape is forbidden.」

「Hmph, I hear that's what the princes of the Gilan Empire do, Alec. Use your authority well.」

Use your power to your advantage, huh? I'm a little bit attracted to that, but that's just an animal. I wouldn't allow such a thing to happen to my woman, and I still don't want it to happen.

「Shut up, if you want to do that, you should go back to Gilan.」

I said to Kaede firmly. Even if she's not a prince, she's the daughter of a great nobleman, so she should be able to do something similar.

「Hmmm, my brother is so annoying when I go home. ......」

「Fred? Maybe you'd be better off with a nagging chaperone.」

「Give me a break. I've just gotten free of the house. All right, I'll do better next time. I've got some eyedrops somewhere...... ,or better yet, some sleeping pills.」

It doesn't make much sense if the direction of doing well is crime.


Meena is also angry.

「I know. It's just a light crime joke. By the way, Alec, where were you planning to go?」

「No, I don't have a specific reason. I was just making my rounds as king to see if there were any suspicious people out to wreak havoc like you.」

「I see, then, you've done your duty as king. That's good thing. I commend you. And while you're at it, why don't you skip a bit and follow me now.」

「I won't go with you if you're hunting women.」

I don't have to do that. I have plenty of good lovers.

「No, no, no, it's not a real woman. Don't worry. I just saw in the free newspaper that they're handing out that they're going to be releasing their new lesbian Shunga at an auction down the road.」

「Hmm. Yuri stuff?」

「Yeah. I was actually on my way to buy it. Alec finds erotic books intriguing, don't you?」

Erotic books.

It's an item that tickles a man's fancy, a magic book that awakens his passionate libido, a symbol of freedom that only a highly civilized society without superstitions can tolerate. To love, create, and enjoy the sweet arts. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the Philosopher's Stone in the alchemy of happiness.

It would not be surprising if the powers of the day were to demand it. Alright, the theoretical armament is perfect!

「Beats me. All right, let's go.」

You never know when you might accidentally find a bargain.

「Master ......」

Meena looks a little concerned, but in two dimensions, there's no such thing as an unhappy victim. It doesn't look like an auction organized by Kaede, so there shouldn't be any problem.

I followed Kaede and she walked into a complicated back alley. There was psychedelic graffiti on the walls, and men with bad eyesight were hanging around.

「This way, Alec.」

Kaede went down the stairs between the buildings. Underground.

Maybe it's a sewer, but the smell of stale water assaults my nose and eyes.

Careful not to fall into the muddy waterway on the side, I walks down the narrow passage and follows Kaede ahead. She turns to the right this time and continues on.

At the end of the passage, there was another wooden door with two rookies standing in it like gatekeepers.

「What's the password?」

one of the stern men asked.

「To be number one, you are allowed to do illegal things.」

Kaede answered.

「Fine, the two in the back are with you too, right?」

「Yes, they are.」

「Then get your asses in there, both of you.」

「Kaede-san, what was that password just now?」

Meena asks with a reproachful expression.

「Don't worry about it, it's just a code word.」

「But ......」

Kaede seemed unconcerned and moved on.

I followed her down a narrow corridor and found myself in a surprisingly neat hall with chairs lined up.

There was a podium in front of the room where a speech could be made, and I remembered that Kaede had mentioned an auction before we came here. We were here to buy a lesbian Shunga.

However, this seems to be a normal way to find illegal-looking items, but there's no way around it. I'll tell Lancelot later and have him check it out. ...........But to be honest, I'm not sure what I'll do if I find illegal pornography or live pictures of minors.

The three of us sit down in chairs and wait for the auction to begin.

「Oh my, Alec!」

Then, Serina came in after us.

「Hmm? Did you come to buy something too?」

I couldn't believe that a self-proclaimed "Ally of Justice" would come to a place like this as a customer, so I asked her what she wanted.