We easily defeated the pursuit of the Guillan soldiers.

We spared no expense and took the best inn in the Valencia's capital.

After all, sleep and safety should not be skimped on, and it would be better if we could all stay at the same inn.

The room was large and spacious, with a luxurious leather sofa. We spared no expense, and the room at the back of Valencia's capital had a king-sized bed that was longer than it was wide, and could sleep five people at once.

The interior was lavishly decorated, probably for the aristocracy.

It wasn't a long journey, but I was freed from the cramped carriage and stretched out to sit on the bed.

「Master, have some tea.」


I receive a silver cup from Meena and gulp down a cup of tea with just the right amount of hot water.

Phew, I feel calm――.

Just when I thought so.

「Pong, urgent news, urgent news. The ungrateful person who attacked the art exhibition (festival) in "The City of Lovelake" are on the run. If you find them, please inform the soldiers. Repeatedly underdogs will report to you. ......」

Maybe it's about us, but we didn't attack each other. Meh, whatever.

「Meena, can you turn that thing off, because it's noisy?」

「Okay, but, um, I don't see a switch. ...... Which one is it?」

Meena fumbles with the magical figurine, but can't seem to turn off the broadcast.

「Well, that's okay, just stick it in the back of the bed.」


「Alec, dinner's ready.」

Serina came to call me.

「I see, let's go eat then.」

We tucked into a sumptuous meal of crab, sea bream, and other seafood, took a bath, and went to bed.

It's good to travel like this once in a while.

As I was sleeping soundly in my soft bed with Meena as my pillow, I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice.

「Good morning, everyone. This broadcast is brought to you by the underdog, a persistent companion from birth to hell. So, let's get energetic and start our morning exercise!」

「That's depressing, Meena. Can you take that to the other room, please?」

「Yes, sir.」

I changed my clothes and complained to the inn maid at breakfast.

「I can't stand the noise of those magic tools. The guests will be happier if you throw that thing away.」

「I'm sorry, sir, but we're required by law to do that, and there's nothing we can do about it.」

「Hmm? Is that so?」

「Yes, we're being taxed heavily in the name of royalties, and we're ...... no, it's nothing.」

The maid kept her mouth shut and looked around, but the people here didn't seem to like it either.

「It's horrible, they make you use it when you don't want to, and even take your money. If the government is going to do this, why not make it free?」

As Serina says, it's probably just a way to get more taxpayer money.

When a greedy person sits at the top, there is no limit to what he or she can do.

Well, it's a foreign country.

The purpose of our coming here is only to eradicate the smuggling organization of the dangerous drug "Madamada". We don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

「Serina, we're going stay at this inn for a couple of days and investigate "Madamada". As for the route, it could be safe through this city.」

「You're right, it's a big city, maybe this is the source.」

Lily's face twisted in disgust when she heard this, but I guess anyone would feel uncomfortable if their hometown was spoken ill of.

「That's not necessarily true, but just in case, investigate it.」

「Got it. Hannah and Kaede, you have to help me too.」

「Yeah, I know.」

「Ehh? Are you trying to get me to do this job? But I refuse.」

Kaede refused.

But there's a limited number of members who might be able to gather information without standing out. Kaede is especially convenient, though, since she has the skill of invisibility.

「Well, I think we can do something about it on our own.」

Saki winked at me.

「This is just a rumor I overheard, but I heard that the underdog station has a legendary loli idol named Polin-chan, and considering her chastity, it would be best not to ask Kaede to do anything――」

「Say that info first! Idiot! All right, let's infiltrate the underdog station! Let's go, you guys!」

Kaede, who was suddenly very motivated, ran off without even leaving her breakfast. I'll leave it to you.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

While I was lazing around, Kaede and the others came back.

「Alec, this is no time to relax and sleep. Polin-chan is a once-in-a-century talent! She's the number one underdog star!」


「Hey, I don't care about Polin-chan. About "Mada Mada," it seems to be flowing from the underdog.」

Serina reports, but if the underdog is a public institution of the Gilan Empire, this is going to be even more troublesome.

「Are you sure about that, Serina?」

「Yes, I am. I heard that one of the underdog broadcasters has been arrested for possession of "Madamada". He's not an adventurer, but he was also carrying around a glass bottle, and he said he uses that bottle to smoke "Madamada".」

「Hmmm... ......」

I don't doubt that the broadcaster is a dangerous drug addict, but the evidence is weak as to whether the broadcaster is a smuggling ring or not. The president of a tobacco company doesn't smoke, and even if it is a drug organization, it's hard to imagine him getting his hands on the product.

「Anyway, let's sneak in and find out a little more.」

「I guess so. I'll ask around at the bar tonight.」

Serina nodded.

「I'll go to the guild.」

Saki seems to be going around the adventurer's guild and merchant's guild.

「All right. Meena, you follow me and Kaede.」

If Meena can smell the drugs, she'll be able to find "Madamada" right away if it's there.

「Okay, Master!」

「And Hannah, it might get rough, so tell everyone to be ready to leave at any time tonight.」

「Okay, I got it.」

With Meena and Kaede in tow, we headed for the underdog broadcasting station.

「That's the underdog station.」

Kaede pointed at it, but I couldn't help but ask her back.

「What? That's ......? Isn't that a castle?」

The center of the city of ”White Rose”. There is a white chalk wall waiting for you, and you can see a spire beyond it, but this is a castle no matter how you look at it.

「Ah, it used to be the Royal Palace of Valencia. I heard that it was seized and further expanded and renovated.」

Kaede explained, as if she had done that much research.

「Is it run by the powerful person? But it's odd that they put so much effort into broadcasting. ......」

「No, it probably means that they can't control this place without putting that much effort into it. I guess the Empire doesn't do broadcasting as a hobby either. No, I don't know.」

Kaede twists her head, but if it is a hobby, it's in bad taste.

「...... Ha! Master! I'll ask Saki-san to make the same thing for me when I get home.」

There are idiots who would say such a thing.

「You know, Meena, I don't want to become popular by blackmailing or brainwashing the people. That's not popularity at all. Popularity is only when people like you.」

I say. There is no value in fake popularity that is created by forcing people to like you with power and control. It's the things that people like even if you leave them alone that have meaning.

「Haah. You're right. ......」

「Well, I'm sure you're thinking of me, and it's enough for me that you guys adore me. It's not a matter of numbers.」


「You're right. I prefer Alec, Loli, and Shota than that those fucking unfunny broadcasts. Well, Polin-chan is definitely popular, but it's not like the other broadcasters are paid over a hundred thousand gold a year!」

In Japanese yen, that's a little over ten million. It's a surprisingly high salary for a major corporation, even though they're only broadcasting. 

「The maid at the inn said that they are forcibly collecting the money through royalties. Okay, let's tear it up.」

I'm getting a little naughty.

「Yes, master, let's punish those who impose heavy taxes.」

「Nice! Polin-chan's "Kaiawase" live broadcast! We're going to get 100% viewership!」

Of course, only lolicon and yuri lovers would watch such a thing, but I like the idea of hijacking the broadcast.

The three of us grinned at each other and headed for the castle.