It seems that the "Underdog Broadcasting Station" was created after the Gilan Empire conquered the Valencia Kingdom. They've been running their business under the guise of law and power.

It was our little idea to take a shot at these unsavory people.

The original reason we infiltrated the Gilan Empire was to destroy the source of the dangerous drug "Madamada", but I guess it was just a last-minute trip. Yeah, I've decided that just now.

The three of us, Meena, Kaede, and me, approached the castle as the night fell and looked at the security situation. There was no moon in the dark night sky, but the white walls were eerily illuminated by bonfires and torches. On the upper side of the castle wall, there was an uninspired sign with the word "UND" circled around it.

「Alec, there are four guards below the gates, four guards above, and several sets of fully armed (full plate) guards with dogs patrolling the area.」

Kaede, who had already infiltrated the castle once and had a good grasp of its interior, reported.

「All right, it's easy enough to break through, but this time, our goal is to to Jack. We must be careful.」

「「Roger that」」

If we, who are over 300 levels, get serious, it won't take much effort to get past the soldiers' eyes.

I used 【Instantaneous Movement】, Kaede used 【Colorless Invisibility】, and Meena used her athleticism and jumping ability to land on the third floor balcony of the castle.

「Okay, we haven't been noticed. Kaede, where to next?」

「It's obvious, Alec. It's the studio where Polin-chan is recording. We'll fuck her live on air.」

「Hmmm. Meena, do you think you can prevent this by yourself?」

「Master, does that mean you don't want the guards around us to notice?」

「No, I don't care if they notice.」

「I'm fine. If I stun them and push them into the room one by one, I don't think they'll notice us right away.」

I thought that if the guards were communicating with each other by radio, we wouldn't be able to do that, but I don't know if the regular soldiers have that level of magical tools or skills. ......

「Well, worst-case scenario, they find out and surround us, we'll still be able to escape. Just don't destroy the facility here.」

I say this with Lily and the people of old Valentia in mind. The guards will undoubtedly be made up entirely of Gilan imperialists. I can't think of any other reason why they'd put up such a heavy guard, other than that they're afraid of the Valentian people revolting――If that was the case, there was no way they could have included Valentians as guards.

That's what I thought, but I later realized that I was gravely mistaken.

「Alec, you don't mind if I break Polin-chan, do you?」

Kaede turned around with a clear face and said something dangerous like that. She's a foolish yuri woman.

「Kaede, it depends on how you break it, but anyway, you should love loli. No, you can't break them.」

「Tsk, aren't you getting a little round, Alec? It's going to be a very boring country if the king is like that.」

「Shut up. I've never had sex that broke them before.」

「I wonder about that. Well, I'll make an effort. Anything more than that is force majeure.」

「Oh, man. ......」

I briefly wondered if I'd made a mistake bringing her along, but it seemed silly to be so concerned about the enemy. I'm sure that the people of the Gilan Empire have been doing whatever they want here until now anyway. They should be made to pay for it.

Well, let's just forgive the innocent Polin-chan for her virginity membrane. Of course, I'll be the one to break it.

The sex sword between my legs, Excalibur, began to awaken, but it was still early.

Leaning forward a little, I followed Kaede, who was leading the way.

「Polin-chan's first studio is in the throne room. It's straight ahead.」

Stun the Imperial Guard, who are also stationed in the corridor, with a hand sword and push them into the room.

「It's here.」

A huge rose steel door painted white. It seemed to hint at the fate of Polin-chan's virgin membrane. Kaede and I nodded at each other and gently pulled the two iron doors open.

Meena turned her back on us, stalling the guards here.

「Polin ♪ Polin ♪ Polin ♪ Polin ♪ Polin ♪ I want to be a bride who likes to cook~ ♪」

In the studio, which was a large hall turned stage, a young girl was dancing around in a dazzling spotlight.

「This is ......!」

I gulped. Was it an angel or a fairy? The girl, with her fresh green hair fluttering and her innocent arms and legs stretched out in a cute way, was dancing to the best of her ability, with a smile on her round eyes and a lot of expression, staggering from time to time, but with a lot of charm.


My crotch reacts with a gitchi sound! It reacts with a full erection that makes a loud noise.

I was not expecting much from Kaede, as I thought she would be very excited about an idol that was only a little bit cute,......, but this is the biggest thing I have seen in a while. No, there aren't many lolis this big.

Her frilly outfit was also tight around her chest and stomach, making the most of her infant figure.

「What do you think, Alec, now you want to go in there and fuck her, right? Props to me for not fucking her alone before reporting it to you.」

「Yeah. I don't know how you could restrain yourself from looking at this loli girl. Honestly, I can't believe it. ......」

「Fuhh, the show hadn't started airing yet. Kuhh, It was worth the wait to see her dance so pretty. Now, let the party begin! Hyahhaa! Let's get fucked!」

Kaede ran straight to the stage, but I guess it was enough for her to jack up the airwaves for a public rape show, impressing the audience and destroying the face of the Empire. I'm going to hit the guards in the hall with my 【Ice Javelin】 and freeze them so they can't move.

「Kyaaa, wh-what's wrong with you people?」

I love how Polin-chan looks surprised and terrified as she clutches a magic tool that looks like a microphone.

I want to lick her face like this.

「I am Kaede, the preacher of love. Now, Polin-chan, let's wake up to yuri first.」

Kaede quickly takes her place behind her and strokes her healthy cheek.



Kaede and I craned our necks at the strange sound.

The next moment, Kaede jumped back, holding her arm, blood splattering from her right arm.

「Damn, I-I've been hit!」

「Hiihihihihihi! You're a slow, slow person! It's a hundred million years too early for you to be touching my lovely master with your filthy hands!」

There's something out there.

I know it's there, and I can hear it, but it's so fast that I can only see part of the afterimage.

What the hell is that thing?

I'm a leve 300+ hero with 【Kinetic Vision Level 5】, and I can't even keep up with my eyes?

I'm using [Appraisal] here.

「Damn, I can't catch the target.」

The appraisal is triggered only when you focus on the object in front of you. So it seems that you need to be able to capture it in your field of vision.

「W-Watch out, Alec, it behind you!」


I hadn't seen any sign of it before, but when I turned around, I saw the black giant behind me swinging its hammer down.

I hurriedly used 【Instantaneous Movement】 to dodge it.

The jet-black giant's blow created a ten-meter diameter crater in the floor and shook the entire castle.

「Heey, Berserk, you can't destroy the castle, Bad-desu」

Polin-chan said lightly, as if she was scolding her little brother.


The giants stopped moving, though silently.

I can't figure out what kind of relationship she has with this giant right now, but it seems to be under Polin-chan's control.

What's with this loli?

It was inexplicable――but more than that, I had a fierce 【Premonition】 all over my body.

「Kaede! Let's get out of here. These guys are stronger than us...!」

I can't catch up with my understanding, but that's probably what it means. In fact, Kaede is still chasing after the quick enemy that attacked her arm, but she is unable to catch up. Kaede is also a level 300+ another world hero, and yet.

「Tskk, I've got a loli I can fuck right now, and I'm supposed to run away!? Are you still a man, Alec! If you're a man, you won't miss the loli in front of you even if you die tomorrow, you'll give your life, soul and social status to it! That's what a true lolicon gentleman is!」

「Shut it! This is a leader's order, I can't stand to die before I fuck Loli! You can die after you fuck her, but dying before you fuck her is not the way of a gentleman, Kaede!」

「...... You have a point. But it's hard to shake this guy, you know?」

「Hi-Hihihihi! But don't think you can run away from this cute and lovely "Hakubi"?」

A deafening man's voice stopped right in front of my face, and I finally got a glimpse of the monster, but I've never seen anything like it before.

It looked like a cat, or a rabbit, or something.

But what was most bizarre was not its shape, but rather the texture of its skin, which looked like white porcelain.

I know this feeling from somewhere――.

「Master, come here!」

Meena senses something strange in the throne room and opens the door from the outside.

「Fool, I'm going to annihilate you! Hi-Hihihihi!」

I sensed that the monster who called himself Hakubi was trying to get to Meena.

There was no way I was going to let that happen.

I instantly picked out a list of potential skills that I could use here without looking at anything.

【Body Fluid Skipping Level 5】 New!

「Guohhh!? Uehhh, what the heck, there's something weird on my back right now? It's a nasty feeling and smells like squid. ...... Hiiiiii! Polin-chan, get it off! Get this dirty thing off my baaack!」

「That's disgusting☆, stay away from me」

Hakubi tried to approach Polin-chan, but the jet-black giant dealt it a glorious blow back with its hammer.

「Gubeh! What the hell are you doing, Berserk!」

Hakubi was furious, and this time he lunged at the giant.

This is our chance. It's now or never if we want to escape.

I used 【Instantaneous Movement】 to pick up Kaede, who had already hidden herself with her Invisibility skill, and tried to fly again.


「Kyaha☆, did you think that the bottom of the human race could escape from this Polin-chan?」

「Kuhh, She has 【Instantaneous Movement】――!?」

I was slightly shaken by the appearance of the Polin in front of me, and my thoughts stalled.

That one tenth of a second completely determined our defeat.

The next moment, I didn't even know what had been done to me, but my consciousness had been cut off from my neck.