High in the sky, I could see a towering peak piercing through the clouds.

At the foot of it, a large white natural rock stood like a pedestal. It was as if it were a chopping block of a god greedily demanding that we offer sacrifices.

This must be the "Pellion Ring" worshipped by the centaurs.

Death to the loser.

In a duel before the gods, I don't think there is such a thing as a simple surrender. This was evident in the stern and tense expressions of the people and horses surrounding the arena.

In the midst of all this, there was one centaur with rust-colored fur, sitting in an absent-minded Yankee seat, picking his nose.

He was bigger than the other centaurs, and his muscles were strangely thick.

「Anikki, there's something that's been bothering me. That ningen (human). How can a ningen(human) stand on two legs? It's hard to stand on two legs all the time, right? Why is that?」

The other centaur who was asked was a graceful white horse. It was clad in white armor.

「The reason for this is that, unlike us, humans are born with only two legs. If they could grow back legs, they would be amazed at how easy the world was.」

「Ohhh, yes, that's right!That's my Aniki, you knows your stuff! Well you're a great master. Oi, you hear that, ningen (human)? I feel sorry for you! Hyahahaha」

「If you ask me, you're more pitiful if you can't lie on your back in bed.」

「Huh? On my back? What's the fun in lying on your back? It just hurts your back and neck.」

That's because our body shapes are different.

「Hmph, even though we are the same living things, we eat differently and sleep differently. I see, a tree diagram of species. All things are created by God in such a way that they can inhabit each other in order to be all things. ......」

Kyron-ani closed his eyes and smiled. He then turned his cold, blue eyes to me, this time with a straight face.

「But, child of man. Why do you seek the treasure of our clan? It is useless to human.」

「How to use it I do not yet know, but I found a page on it in the "Poems of Welgilius"」

「So you've found your destiny through magic. Foolish thing to do. ......」

「In any case, you can show it, borrow it, or have it given to me, well, that's a discussion for you and your friends, but it's for the sake of my precious friends. If the worst comes to the worst, ...... I'll take it by from you, you know?」

Hearing this, his younger brother, the centaur, stood up as if he were about to burst.

「What did you say!? You, just now!  Did you say you were going to take it from us? Aahhh? You know what? Taking from us is bad, you know?」

「Yeah, I know.」

「This guy ......! I've already decided to punish him. I'm already fired up. Aniki, can't you leave this to me? It's been a while since I lost my temper.」

「I don't mind, but he's strong, Pholus. I've seen his composure, and I've seen that he's been through a lot. A man who has passed through the line of death is strong in his own right. He's not a half-skilled fighter, you know. If you're not skilled, even you will lose.」

「Ha! The miraculous Big Brother, the mad dog of Cape Marei, is no match for a ningen (human). The Black Menko, Pholus-sama, will not be defeated by that human, even if you're my Aniki, I won't forgive you!?」

Whatever, it's not a mad horse, it's a mad dog. Oh well.

「It can't be helped. ...... Anyway, don't let your guard down, little brother. If you do, a person of level 300 will be no match for you. Even if they are another world heroes.」

His brother seemed to know what class I was in.

「All right! We are the chosen heroes, the ones who were promised the stars by the Gods! Now it's time for your punishment, you two-legged ningen (human). Come on! Don't just stand there, ring the gong!!!」

As his brother Pholus shouted brashly to the back, a large gong was struck with a stick by another centaur, and boom, boom, boom, boom echoed through the ring three times.

That was the signal to start the battle.

I'm going to use [Appraise] for my first move.

If you know your enemy and know yourself, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Even if they are inferior, I will not neglect my research.

〈Name〉 Pholus.

〈Age〉 19

〈Level〉 342

〈Class〉 Head Starfighter

〈Race〉 Hippocentaur.

〈Gender〉 Male

〈HP〉 525151/525151

〈MP〉 3/3

〈Status〉 Excited


A centaur of the Duchy of Tilt.


They have a pact with the Dukes of Tirto, and maintain a policy of mutual non-interference.

The Mad Dog of Cape Marei.

Active according to his own rules.

He has a blessing from Ares, the God of War.

Hmm, the world is a big place if he's a higher level than me, the guy who defeated the Demon King.

His HP is also higher than that of other ordinary monsters, but it's still almost double mine.

I'm curious about the divine blessing, but I guess I'll find out how much after a little slashing.

He's obviously a warrior type, so it should be a purely physical battle.

In the meantime, I'm in the class of "Komuso", which can also use magic, so the theory is that I should fight from a distance, but first let's have a melee fight.

「You're too slow, ningen!」

Pholus dashed straight at me, but jumped to the left in front of me and swung his club from the side of his shield. First, I defended myself with my shield.


I was able to catch the blow from the club, but I was hit with a powerful blow to the stomach.


「Hyahhaa, that's a front kick! You idiot! I'll give you credit for stopping my first attack, but I think the game is already decided. I'm going to beat you to a pulp!」

I see, front kick, .......

Since the upper half of his body was human, I unconsciously became aware that I was fighting against a person. I had to change my mind and think that I was dealing with a monster here.

「Oraa! One more blow! I'll blow you to the other side!」

Pholus was surprisingly dexterous, swinging down his club and kicking his front foot at the same time.

The front leg kick is a low kick, so the shield can't prevent it.

If that's the case, this is the place for 【Instantaneous Movement】.

「Ahh? Huuh? Where did you go?」

「Behind you, idiot!」

Pholus is wearing a black horse armor over his ass, but it doesn't completely cover him, probably because he doesn't want his movements to be impeded. I slam my sword into his bare thighs of his hind legs.



Both Pholus, who was attacked, and I, who attacked him, were surprised at the same time.

My sword broken with a snap. Well, it's a steel sword I bought at a store, so I guess it's only this strong. I'll need a better weapon.

「Damn it, what was that? I didn't see it coming, it was so fast! Is this guy really that bad!?」

Dripping with cold sweat, Pholus stepped back and distanced himself from me. That should have been the time to attack, since my weapon is gone, but he's still simple.

This guy's speed and power are a threat, but I think I can beat him in a melee if I wanted to.

「Calm down, my little brother. Do not be dismayed at every turn, blessed hero. A warrior should not be afraid in the midst of battle, even if it means death. This was more of an opportunity for you, wasn't it?」

His brother, Kyron, who is watching the match with his arms folded at the edge of the ring, tells him.

「Y-yeah, but hey, Aniki, if you can't see him, you can't attack him, right?」

「You can see him now. He probably just used a skill, a movement skill such as 【Shrinkage】 or 【Instantaneous Movement】. But you can always see him when he moves. He hasn't disappeared from this world. Look ahead and attack.」

It seems that his brother has had an unusual amount of experience in this field, as he immediately saw that it was not a kind of illusion or speed increase, but an 【Instantaneous Movement】. I'm not panicking at all. He has an unfathomable strength.

「Whoo! I got it!」

「Then remember, my little brother. If you use your skills, you can hit any opponent, no matter where they are. It's an attack that even I have no choice but to block. Believe in your skills that God has given you. You should just use it without thinking about anything else. That's how you win.」

「...... That's right, Aniki. I forgot something very important. ......」

Pholus regained his composure and looked at me with fixed eyes.