Younger brother Pholus, a warrior of the Centaur tribe.

According to his older brother Kyron, he seems to have an incredibly rare skill.

If that's the case, this is not the time for me to sit around and wait and see.

The test of my skills ends here.

From here on, I'm going to win without question.

For the sake of Meena and my friends, I can't afford to lose even a single battle here.

In order to do this, I will have to do what I always do, which is to attack from a distance (out) and at range (in).

I used the 【Super Fast Tongue】 while stepping back and used ice magic in chanting.

It's my favorite ice javelin.

「Jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja!」

I chanted an abbreviated version of a mid-level magic spell that would normally take four syllables and more than four seconds to complete, spinning my tongue at high speed and spinning magic runes without interruption. When a number of silvery ice spears appeared in the air, they flew with great force like machine guns.



Pholus rises up on his hind legs alone and, with his front legs in the air, uses all of his two arms and two front legs to unleash a blindingly fast blow. He shattered the incoming ice spears with a shout of enthusiasm. Every last one of them.

――And then some more.


What the hell is this?

I looked over to see what the pain in my body was, but there were countless black needles several centimeters long stuck in both of my arms.

「Did you see that!? This is my special skill 【Random Dance Head】!」

I see.

I guess it's Pholus' skill to use his well-developed muscles to rampage through body hair at high speed. I knew what it was right away. It was simple, after all.

It was just a quick strike.

However, the centaurs have two more arms and legs than humans. If he use those four arms and legs, it will be four times faster than my Ice Javelin, which attacks with only one tongue.

To make matters worse, he soaks his own body hair in sweat and launches it at high speed at the same time.

The moisture-soaked horse hair is hard. It's a little shiny, but it looks like he doesn't bathe on purpose, letting the grime harden his body hair.

The skills of offense and defense are formidable on their own.

He looks like a dumb guy, but he is a bastard who uses his skills seamlessly.

「Hehe ...... Now, what are you going to do, ningen? If it is now, I can forgive you for getting down on your knees and taking out your full cock, okay?」

「No, thank you. That's not my hobby.」

Besides, my HP was still only down ten percent. There's also the automatic recovery 【Regrowth】, so it's not fatal unless I take a series of hits.

「My little brother, this is neither fight nor a punishment. This is a battle for your life. Go with the intent to kill from the start.」


The younger brother Pholus turns around with a suspicious look on his face, but he is a sweetheart every time.

I take advantage of this opportunity and unleash my Ice Javelin.

「Jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja!」

「Dahahahaha, that's not cool, ningen! That's the only spell you seem to have, isn't it? Can't you see it's useless? I can smash them faster than you can! It's useless, useless, uselesss!」

These idiots are easy to deal with.

As long as you can convince them that you are in an advantageous situation, they will repeat the same actions without questioning it.

I'm also damaged because the hairs launched by the 【Random Dance Head】 sting, but it's as calculated.



The battle seemed to be a stalemate, but.

「Murgg! Little brother, kill him quickly. At this rate, ......」

It seems that the big brother has already realized my intentions.

「Ahhh? Well, he's a little stubborn, but it'll be all right, it's totally fine? I didn't take a single damage――Wh-whaaaaaaaaaat!?」

Little brother Pholus shouted in astonishment.

It seems that he has checked his status and confirmed that he has taken damage.

If he stand there in one place, in the same place, the pieces of ice he played will fall and accumulate there.

And the ice that I shoot out at high speed is simultaneously freezing the air around you, you know?

「Oh, my leegs! My back legs are freezing!」

「It's not just your feet, you know? Pholus.」

I told him at the right time


His face scrunched up and his eyes peeled back, Pholus had to watch in real time as his arms were covered in blue ice. What would that feel like?

「Screw youuuuuuuu!」

Pholus bellowed and forced himself to jump out of his spot. His limbs were not missing, but his skin seemed to have been peeled off and blood was flowing. The apparent damage was not so bad, but frostbite is a condition caused by respiratory failure of cells and poor circulation. After being exposed to low temperatures, Pholus's body was no longer able to move satisfactorily.

「Bastard!Bastard!Bastard!Bastard!Bastard!Bastard!You bastaaaaaardddd! Die, I'm gonna kill you!」

In a fit of rage, Pholus began to pull out his own hair with both hands. The hair was rust-colored and fluffy like a lion's mane, but――This is bad!

This guy, no way!

「You noticed that, didn't you? But even if you knew that, you wouldn't be able to dodge my attacks, you know? 【True Dancing Head!】」

I realized that too late ―― if you bundle up dozens of hair and send them flying at once, their thickness will no longer be a pile.

I tried to escape by using 【Instantaneous Movement】, but I guess he also has the skill of detecting signs, and he shot me at the destination, shooting me in my arm and body.


「Hmph, Alec was it? You're strong. I'll give you that much. But you're fighting the wrong guy.」

Pholus stopping his attack, feeling like he had won. But I'm going to take that line right back at you.

I still have a lot of HP left.

That means――It's my victory.

「Pholus! I told you to go for the kill!」

His brother Kyron also scolded him angrily.

「Oh? But the match is――」

「Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja!」

I used 【Instantaneous Movement】 to get behind Pholus and hit him in the head with an Ice Javelin.


Pholus turned around and tried to shoot 【True Dancing Head】, but you can't use that technique without losing your hair, right?

「S-shit! My hair, it's freezing――」

「It's over, Pholus. You're strong. I'll give you that much. But you're fighting bad opponent.」

I said, and continued to chant the spell. Pholus tried to break his own hair, but the strength of the hair prevented him from breaking it immediately.

「――I ask the owner of the seven keys of the hill, I am a claimant under the Blood Pact of Ages. Come forth, tower of the sun, press and blast! Art is an Explosion!」

The explosion spell was complete. The spell caused Pholus to explode, and like Icarus, he flew high into the sky before crashing to the ground.

To show my victory, I raised my right arm high in the air and intimidated the surrounding centaur clan, who were staring at the outcome in stunned amazement.

「T-the winner, Alec!」


I guess he was that good of an opponent. In spite of the enemy's victory, the centaurs shouted with enthusiasm and excitement.

「N-ningen won!」

「He defeated the hero, Pholus!?」

「I-I can't believe it. ......!」

The older brother, Kyron, walked over to the overturned brother and pulled out a small bottle from his pocket and made him drink it. I'm sure it's a potion.


Although I had calculated his HP backwards and aimed for the last minute, he was lucky to survive.

「Ah, I'm sorry, Aniki. I've tarnished the name of Big Brother. ......!」

「Don't worry about it, little brother. A brother is one in two. This Ani will take back our fame and win.」

The older brother Kyron stood up and stepped forward.