The hero of the centaur tribe, Pholus, I've beaten him to the skin.

But the real test begins here.

The older brother, Kyron, who instantly saw through my skills, had no gaps, unlike his younger brother.

Of course, his level is probably higher than mine.

This feeling is similar to when I faced Lancelot and the old man of Varius.

I felt the pressure of a gut feeling that I would lose.

Even so, I'm not going to back down one step.

I'm going to save my girl, Meena. Kaede is , well, she was just a side secondary.

「You have a good eye. Your class is Sword Saint ......, no even better.」

Kyron looked at me and smiled, but it seems that his skill is not something like 【Appraisal】 that can see through the opponent at once.

I tried to use 【Appraisal】 as well, but as expected, it was blocked by Kyron's skill and could not be viewed.

「My class is "Komuso".」

I could teach him that much and it wouldn't affect victory or defeat.

「Hooh, I didn't know there was such a class. ...... I see, you can use magic as well as a "Sage" and still be a perfect vanguard. ...... Are you a disciple of Valius?」

When he say I'm is a disciple of such a perverted old man, I'm tempted to deny it.

「How can you tell? I heard that you are Valius' master.」

「Umu, I taught him a few things in my short time with him. How is that restless young sex maniac doing?」

The Older brother Kyron looked to be in his thirties, but at this rate, he seems to be quite long-lived.

「Unfortunately, Varius was killed by the Demon King's faction. When I met him, he was already an old man with gray hair.」

「I see. No, I'm sorry, I forgot about the days and month. Forgive me, human child.」

「I don't mind, but, Kyron, are you going to use that bow?」

I ask, looking at the big bow in his hand.

「That's right. It doesn't matter if I use a spear too.」

It seems that he has 【Item Storage】, and now Kyron produces a spear. If you look closely, you can see that both of Kyron's arms are different in length, let alone thickness, on each side. It seems that the growth of his muscles and bones has become unbalanced due to all the bow pulling. It's unpleasant ...... to training that much.

「No, you can do whatever you want with it, but I'm in a hurry and don't have a replacement weapon. I'd appreciate it if you could lend me your sword.」

I'm going to ask for help. This is the only way to increase your chances of winning. However, don't use the【Talking】 skill. I don't think that using bad tricks or sycophancy here will work against this guy.

「Fumu ......」

「Guardian Kyron! You don't have to lend it to such an impudent Ningen!」

「Weapons are the life of a warrior! It is the fault of those who do not prepare it properly!」

「That's right, that's right! Weapons are part of your strength. Please beat him to a pulp with your bare hands!」

The centaurs around me to mook me, but Kyron raised one hand to quiet them and handed me his sword.

「No, this is a match before the gods with our destiny on the line, so we'd better give it everything we've got. Besides, if you don't give some help and put some stress on yourself, you can't expect to grow as well.」


A man who always aims for the top, even while they're looking up to him as a teacher. ...... This man is like a warrior among warriors.

In the first trial, I got hit with a nasty one right from the start.

If he'd balked a little, it would have been an easy fight, since my opponent would have been more than capable.

Kyron readied his bow in a natural way, as if he was about to give it a try.

There was not an inch of gap for error. I can't see it.

My opponent is completely superior to me.

How should I go about my first move?

There's absolutely no way I'm going to slash in front of him.

That's not good no matter what I think. If I'm not careful, I'll be killed instantly with a single blow.

But since my opponent is armed with a bow and I am armed with a sword, fighting at long range is a disadvantage. First of all, I have to get into my opponent's mind. ......

While I was planning this and that, a gong was rung mercilessly.

Time was up.

It can't be helped, just move first! I'll dodge his arrows!

It's 【Instantaneous movement】!

「Whoa! What the heck is that?」

「It's an alter ego technique!」

「Wh-Which one is the real ......!?」

Well, they're all real. First of all, don't let him target me, that's the best thing to do.

「Hmm, I was going to check on you a bit, but then I guess I should attack you.」

As he said this, Kyron drew his bow and took aim.

However, he didn't move the arrow's sight to match mine, he just looked ahead with a single point.

Does he aim at the moment of release? No, that would cause a slight delay no matter what. If he aimed and fired the arrow perfectly at the same time, the arrow would not fly in a straight line.

But I saw it.

When he released the arrow――it bent its trajectory in the air and even shifted in space to hit me.

It was almost a fluke, though I hurriedly flicked it with my sword.

「A-amazing ...... what's that ningen!」

「He flicked Kyron-sama's arrow!」

「No matter where you are, that arrow 100 out of 100 will hit you, and he blocked that bullshit cheat arrow on his first try!?」

「No, that can't be right, he must have been watching the training with Lancelot the other day!」

The centaurs are in an uproar because I just flicked one arrow, but it's not unusual for me to flick one.

I've never seen a space shifting arrow before. I don't know how it works.

「Hmm, you played with only your intuition. It's good to use your sixth sense, but it's not very good practice.」

「Shut up! I'm here to compete!」

I shouted in frustration and ran straight at Kyron. Kyron, without a hint of panic, gracefully attaches an arrow to his bow and slowly shoots it at me.

Here it is.

I'm not going to flick this arrow.

If I do, Kyron will pick up the next arrow.

I can't even get close to Kyron if I have to avoid him every time.

That's why I dare to take an arrow to my head.

Boom! I heard a sound that didn't sound like an arrow, and it felt like I had been hit with a heavy hammer, but I held on.

「Hey, it's stuck on him!」

「But, he won't stop running!?

「I-Is he still alive!?」

I closes the distance at once with 【Instantaneous Movement】 and takes a swipe at Kyron.

――No, I tried to hit him.

「Damn it!」

I had a fiercely bad 【Premonition】, so just before the blades touched, I stepped back.

There, Kyron's forefoot cut through the air.


My body gained even more momentum and I was pushed backwards.

The wind pressure alone is enough to blow me away. ......!

「You see that, That's the power of a grand master!」

「No one has ever struck a blow to Kyron-sama's torso before! He is truly inviolable and invincible! Tremble, ningen! That's different in your ability!」

「「「Kyron! Kyron! Kyron! Kyron!」」」

While I stood up with the arrow out of my head in a haphazard manner, the centaurs praised the name of the hero while beating their forefoot in rhythm.

That Kyron looked down at me and didn't make a single move.

...... I've been underestimated.

I'm the "Black Cat of the Wind" who defeated the Demon King.

First, let's touch his body and make him throw away the title of untouchable.

I used a skill specialized for this ―― 【Train Molester】.

As I approached him without him noticing, the invisible hand of God reached out to his strong ass.

「That won't work.」

「What! Guhh!」

I was hit in the stomach by a blow from Kyron's hind leg, and I cowered on the spot, writhing in pain.

「Hahahahaha! He's an idiot! He stood behind the horse!」

「Didn't your mother ever teach you not to stand behind a horse!?」

「I hope you get kicked to death by a horse!」

「Damn it, I'll just use magic――Jajajajajajajajajaja!」

「Hmph――Mana, answer my call and become my flaming shield with your magic! Flame Barrier!」

Kyron also chanted a spell and put up a flame barrier.

I had expected this, but it seems that this man can also use magic.

I continued shooting for a while, but the flame barrier completely blocked my ice spear.

It seems that he has the upper hand in magic as well.

Damn it, ......, but not yet. I still have a hand in this.

Yes, I've been in a lot of predicaments, but I've been able to overcome them all.

It's a skill――

I need a new skill here.