Three days later, we were on our way to our next destination.

We crossed the Central Desert and headed southwest, entering the northeastern part of the Austin Magic Kingdom.

「The next Typhon, right, and what should we do about that?」

Serina asked me to confirm the condition.

「This time, we should just kill it. But I read that we should prepare some alcohol.」

「If that's the case, we should go to the city and buy some liquor.」

「No, I have some liquor that I got from the centaurs. We can use this.」

I showed her the white bottle.

「Ah, Alec, can I have a taste of that?」

Marilyn reaches for it.


Naturally, I quickly dodge her hand and return the liquor to the 【Item Storage】.


「It's for adventures, Marilyn.」

「But I'm curious about the Centauri's alcohol. Why don't we just buy the alcohol again~?」

You're a no-good person. Well It's okay, because I still have more. Who would spend their precious adventure items thinking that they can just buy them again?

I was about to give her a lecture, but before I could, the carriage shook and stopped. ...... Again?

「I'll float the wheels. Everyone get off the carriage at once.」

The muddy road had caused the wheels to get stuck several times before.

「Wait, darling, we've come to the end of the road. I guess we'll have to walk from here.」

Saki, who was playing the role of a guard, came down and said.

「What? Then it can't be helped. Okay, we'll walk from here. Everyone, check your gear.」


A swampy area near the border with Toran. There's a Typhon up ahead.

I was wondering how such a monster survived without being defeated by Austin's elite magicians, but walking around in this muddy swamp is more painful than I thought.

It's no wonder the magicianss don't want to come near here.


As soon as we started walking through the swamp, Selma, the dark elf, held her mouth and almost collapsed.

「What's the matter, Selma?」

「Th-This smell, are you guys okay with it?」

「Smell? Ahh, it smells like a hot spring.」

「Oh, right-right, I forgot to mention that this is a poisonous swamp, so if you don't have 【Poison Resistance】, you'll die soon.」

Letty says. Come to think of it, all of us in the first team had 【Poison Resistance】.

「O-Oh, no. gufuh!」

「Fianna, give Selma a heal and an antipoison magic. In addition, I'll give you some points, so take the 【Poison Resistance】 skills.」

「Got it.」

「Th-Thanks a lot.」

The other newcomer, Tama (the big lion), looks unconcerned, but he's a boss monster. It looks like it comes standard with at least 【Poison Resistance】.

「Next time, please tell me about such things as soon as possible. It's life-threatening.」

「Well, sorry-sorry, but she's following us on her own, right?」

That's what Letty says, and she's right. Well, since I got her virginity yesterday, I'll at least take care of her.

「That's right. Selma, it seems that the next step is to fight, so it's really dangerous.」

「Mmm. At that time, I'll be in the back watching over you.」

「Me too!」

Lily said, taking advantage of the situation, but well, if there are so many of us, we can handle it with one or two spectators.

「Suit yourself.」

「Oh, darling, I found something!」

Saki, who was walking in the lead, raised her hand and called out to me.

「I'm coming there」

I used 【Levitate】 and went to Saki's place. I've been walking up to this point because I have to be aware of flying when I'm using 【Levitate】 all the time. 

「This is it.」

Saki pointed at it, and sure enough, there were traces of something large crawling through the mud of the swamp.

From the shape of it, I'm guessing it's not a limb, but the body of a snake.

「Whoa, you found the boss, huh? Looks like we should follow these tracks!」

Jouga says, but I don't really want to play chase in this big swamp.

「No, Jouga, I've got an idea. I'm gonna set a trap here.」

「That's a good idea, but is it gonna fall for it?」

「Look, there's some old trace here. Looks like it's been back and forth between here and there.」

「Oh, yeah. Could it be a pathway or something?」

「I don't know, but instead of walking around looking for it, let's try setting a trap here for a day.」


I immediately had Letty prepare the ground with magic and build a shelter nearby.

I put a bottle of wine in a position where I can keep an eye on it from there.

There was a shadow approaching slowly.

「Marilyn, that's enough joking around for now.」

「Ugh, I'm sorr~yy.」

Saki pulled Marilyn's hand when she tried to approach the liquor bottle and took her back to wait for her to compose herself.

...... Will it come?

When I thought, If it's going to take a long time, I'd like to take turns standing guard――

A hissing sound came out of nowhere.

「Huh? What's that noise, *mumble*――」

Jouga was about to speak, but Luka did a good job of covering his mouth to keep him quiet.

We all listened carefully and prepared ourselves to jump out of the shelter at any time.

「*shuu-shuu*...... smells, smells, smells like sweet, sweet liquor」

The Centaurs' liquor did not taste sweet, but it seemed to her that it's sweet.

The monster's upper body was that of a woman, and its lower body was that of a long snake, with eight snake necks extending from the body.

「『Kukuku, and the smell of the delicious meat of the ningen in that hole.』 Hawawa.」

Nene read her though with 【Empathy☆】, but yeah, if she had such a good nose, we would have found out long ago.

「Oh, have you noticed? Whatever, you can wait there quietly. I'll deal with you guys after I get this drink.」

She's underestimated us. But it's a good thing for us that she's aware of the trap and is willing to drink first. I signaled with my hand, stopped the member who were about to jump out, and waited for her to finish her drink.

「Mmm~, puha~, that's delicious, Hick.」

Maybe it's because she drank it all in one go, but she still seems to be pretty weak on alcohol.

Typhon turned red and looked at me with her snake tongue.


「Everybody, spread out!」

At almost the same time as I gave the order, Typhon leapt towards me at once, and the walls of the shelter scattered to pieces.

Author Note:

I've been working on a manga for a while now, and it's going to be published in Comic Ride Advance today!

After seeing the professional works, I gave up my ambition to become a mangaka.(;´Д`)