In the Swamp of Death, the fifth trial, the battle against Typhon, began.

The snake woman took the lead, but there was no way we were going to sit around and wait for her to hit the shelter. We quickly jumped out of the way and avoided her attack.


Jouga swung his two-handed sword to slash at her, but the snake woman moved easily over the swamp and easily dodged it.

「Damn it!」

The terrain here is in her favor.

But there are people here who can use levitate magic.

「【Starlight Attack!】」

While levitate, Serina used her special move from behind the snake woman.


「All right, I hit it!」


We all thought that we could win, but the chain of disintegration stopped when the heads of the eight snakes slithered down.

「Oh, she's molted!? Kyaaa!」


Then Serina, who was hit back, was blown hard backward.

「Tsk, one at a time! Make sure to kill her head one by one.」

I didn't panic and gave the order. Serina still had some HP left, so she could recover.


「Hmph, how dare a ningen crush one of my heads?......brace yourselves!」

The rest of the seven snakes' mouths snap open and their sharp fangs glint as they bite down.

「Avoid them!」


With a *cling*, Luka flicked the snake's fangs with her sword, but it still looked tough.

...... Indeed, I've defeated the Minotaur and gained experience fighting the Centaur brothers, but I should let the members gain some experience here.


The head of another snake entered the chase, but Hannah successfully checked the enemy's movement with her rapier there. Even though their bodies are not connected, the coordination between friends is perfect.

「You know what! As long as I'm not drunk, you guys are ......!」

The human head of Typhon gritted her teeth in annoyance, but yes, in battle, the condition is important. It is also important to be in good physical condition.

「Don't ride if you drink, If you're going to drink, don't ride, If you drink, don't drink alcohol! No minors. Absolutely don't! 【Holy Destroy】!」

For some reason, while uttering a Japanese motto, Elisa made a huge move and slashed in.


One head flew off.

「All right! We can do it!」

「I'm here, too」

Julia stepped forward and took a stance, but Letty flew her magic from behind.

「――I will redeem. I seek it in a pact not of master and servant. Efreet, demon god of rage, destroy your enemies with your fierce fire! Get out of the way! 【Flame Spear!!!!】」


「Hey, that should be my part there.」

Well, Yulia is not a regular member, so there is room for improvement in coordination.

However, Letty's Flame Spear pierced the snake's neck one after another, leaving her with only one head left.

「D-damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you, damn youuuuuuuuuuu!」

「It's my turn now 【Waterfowl Sword Secret Technique! Cormorant!】」

Ione sinks into the water with topun.

「Kkuh.....Hmm? It doesn't come to your mind. Kukuku, it seems this bottomless swamp is too hard for you, hahaha!」

The snake woman laughs happily, but ...... 

Let me explain.

A cormorant is a bird that can dive to a depth of 10 meters, and stay there for up to a minute.

The swamp in front of the snake woman rises――

Ione came out of it and cut off the head of the snake woman from below.

「Wha, How can this be  ......!」

With a shocked expression on her face, Typhon is dead.

Brown smoke rises, and the swamp becomes silent.


「All right, everyone's doing great.」

「Phew. That was a pretty dangerous enemy!」

「That's right. If she hadn't been drinking and getting drunk, I would have been scared.」

「Aleeec! Look, look, I found a big egg!」

Lily picked up a football-sized egg from the swamp, probably laid by the snake woman.

「Let's see if there are any more. Keep looking.」


All the members of the group searched the area, but there was only one egg. Oh well. If it spawned again and attacked us, we'd have to kill it again.

「Phew, I want to take a bath.」

Letty and Nene's water magic washed away the mud on our body, but Serina said with a subtle look on her face.

「We should try to find an inn in a nearby town. But if they don't have any, you'll have to put up with the hot water in the tub.」

「Yeah, I know.」

We hurried to our next destination.