The Underdog Broadcasting Station is located in a renovated royal castle in the former Kingdom of Valencia.

The "UND" sign is secretly removed by our hands.

「Listen here, we'll use the magic circle to get to Emperor Gilan before they notice us.」


The 『Black Cat of the Wind』 begins to move. Its movement is truly a gale, and it is a supple black cat that doesn't even make a sound of footsteps.

The easy-going castle, oblivious to our intrusion, seemed to be broadcasting live in its throne room.

「Polin♪ Polin♪ Polin-Polin♪ I want to be a bride who loves to cook~♪」

While the loli girl idol was singing and dancing―

I looked around and saw that white thing. I think it was Hakubi. It was a quick creature.」

While killing any sign of me, I move behind it and pull out my sword Murasame.

One flash.

「Huh? Somehow the water was splashing on me. Aarghh, y-you bastard is!」

Hakubi turns around and sees me, but its HP is already down to zero.

The creature split in two and turned into white smoke.

So this is it?

「Hmph, it wasn't as big a deal as I thought. I thought it was going to be level 400.」

But the lack of response was too much for me to take in.

「Ahhh, Hakubi! How dare you! Berserk! Crush him!」

Perhaps in response to Polin-chan's faltering voice, a magic circle of light appeared on the floor, from which a jet-black giant emerged.

Hmm, so these guys are Polin-chan's summons.

「I'm your opponent. Haah!」

Ione quickly slashes in. All right, you got it.

The giants stopped moving as if it were frozen and turned into smoke.

「N-No way. Even Berserk!」

「Polin, you just roll over there. 【Turtle Shell Binding!】」

I used Ariadne's thread and tied her up.

「Kuhh, what is this thread? I-I can't break it.」

She's an attractive loli girl, but I'll have to have fun later.

The only ones left are Mirity and Emperor Gilan.

「Let's go!」

We hurry to the magic circle.

The magic circle transported us to a jet-black room, where we found Mirity and Emperor Gilan.

「Your Majesty, I regret to inform you that our tax revenue is down from the previous year. We need to raise taxes more.」

「Fumu. Let's get rid of the useless people who don't pay taxes and make them work harder and harder.」

「Right away!」

Good grief, do you really think you can increase tax revenue that way?

「Yoo, you two. I'll tell you one thing, deprivation is when you're not good enough. Giving, that's the strength of a king.」 (TLN: sorry bit hard to understand this line)

「Y-you're Alec. That's absurb, I'm sure that at that time, His Majesty's blow burned every last shred of your flesh!」

Mirity, the hero in white armor, looks at me in dismay.

「That's right. But I'm real, you know?」

「Then it's time to bury you again!」

The sword that Mirity pulled out and my Demon Sword Murasame collided. The sparks made a thunderous sound and scattered violently. Both blades stilled at one point.

「Murghh, why is it that you're stronger than before?」

Mirity furrowed his brow as if to say he didn't understand. I say.

「Of course. People grow up, you know. It looks like my weapons are better than yours.」

「Kuhh, I-It's freezing ......!」

Mirity's body, which had been bathed in drops of water, froze from the arms up.

I gave him a flash of my Demon Sword as he hurriedly tried to step back.

「Gwahh.....I can't believe this...... , but I've been given 【Immortality】, and your attack are not enough to kill me.」

「I hope that's true.」

「Ggh! Guaahhhh!」

He might come back to life, but for now, Mirity has been taken care of.

「Now, you're the only one lef, Emperor Gilan.」

I say to the giant emperor who is looking down at me.

「Very well. Then you will know firsthand, the power to take away.」

The emperor stood up and waved his right arm.


I didn't know what was coming, but I had a strong feeling that I was in trouble. Without hesitation, I jumped backwards to avoid it.

Then, the floor I was standing on shattered loudly.

Did he send something flying? No, I couldn't see anything. So, ...... wind pressure, or is this a direct attack of magic power?

I'm familiar with this kind of attack. The boss of the ninth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return, the Dark Dragon, also used magic power as breath.

「Avoid that attack!」

I give instructions to my companions.


「All right, I'll go from here this time!」

Without even looking at the attack the Emperor just made, Jouga slashes at him.


Ione also runs in.

「【Circle Wave!】」

Luka sends a shockwave from her sword.

「――I will redeem. I seek it in a pact not of master and servant. Efreet, demon of rage, destroy my enemies with your fierce fire! 【Flame Spear!!!】」

「Hawawa, 【Fi-Fireball!】」

Letty and Nene used magic, but I don't think a fireball would work on the Emperor. Well, that's fine. It will be at least a check on him.

「【Starlight Attack】 Okay, I hit it!」

Serina's attack hit him, but due to his huge size, the disintegration did not spread to his entire body immediately.

Besides, he's ......

「Ahh, the disintegration stopped!?」

「It's magic power! It's materializing magic power to seal the wounds on his body!」

Letty shouted, but it seems that he regenerated his body with magic power. It's a terrifying amount of magic power.

Of course, the former Demon King also nullified Serina's 【Starlight Attack】.

We had also discussed this kind of situation beforehand.

「You burn!」

Emperor Gilan pointed at Serina and made a creepy face.

「Oh shit, avoit it, Serina!」

「Kuhh, aarghhh!」

She seemed to have put up some kind of barrier, but it still couldn't prevent his attack, and blue flames flared up all over her body.

Tsk, you don't have immortality or regeneration.

「Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja!」

I try to lower the temperature by hurling my ice magic at her body. But the flames don't go out.


「Damn it, then Murasame, I'll give you my blood and magic, so put out that flame!」

I put my magic power into the sword and gave it a swing, and the water droplets finally stopped the flames.

「Serina-san! ――Goddess Eir, grant my wish and show me a miracle. 【Large Heal!】」

Fianna casts a recovery spell, but she's got a pretty serious wound. It seems that there is also an attached effect, and the wound heals slowly.

Tsk, this is going to be a tough fight.