Emperor Gilan is definitely strong.

He's so powerful that he can stop 【Starlight Attack】 with his magic power.

This is the reason why, if you can defeat this strongest emperor, you can finish the game.

「【Dimensional Slash】」

I don't hesitate to use my strongest technique.

This is how I defeated the Demon King.

This is a skill that cuts the dimension itself, and there's nothing it can't cut.


「Aahh, that's regeneration using magic power again. How much magic does he have?」

Yes, an extraordinary regeneration ability.

So this is his trump card?

「Letty, cast a strengthening spell.」

「That's fine, but it won't do much good if he regenerates.」

「Then there's a spell that could take him down with a single blow... or maybe a gravity spell that sends him across the dimension.」

「That was a special spell that was only possible with the Headmaster. And someone burned my precious evil god.」

「Hmph, but you're still an A-ranked mage. Try something, Letty.」

「Fine. ――Wood becomes charcoal. Light into darkness.」

Letty began to chant here spell, but Emperor Gilan  didn't sit idly as she completed it.」

「You burn! You burn too! Burn! Burn!」

One after another, he pointed and attacked with a vicious blow of flame.

Everyone barely avoided it, but even so, it seemed to do a lot of damage just by grazing them.


「Luka! Hurry up, get over here!」

「Sorry. Thank you for your help, Saki.」

Even so, the friends helped each other and avoided the fatal wound.

「――Awaken! The scorching heat of hell! Look at the cry of the soul of the author who overcame the crisis of the deadline! Let the jet-black flames of darkness from the primordial chaos burn everything to ashes, 【Dark Narrow Fire Castle!】」

Letty's gigantic castle of fire was completed.

The flames enveloped Emperor Gilan's huge body.

「All right! Did we beat him?」

「You can't do that, Jouga. That's a flag.」


「Oh, no! He's still alive. No way. ......! You're telling me those flames did not damaged him!?」

To Hannah's dismay, Emperor Gillan's body was unharmed.

I'll have to adopt a more different method for this.

「N-No way, my A-ranked magic...」

「Letty! Give me that thing!」

I've decided to play my trump card.

「I-I got it.」

Letty pulls out a golden ball from her pocket.

It was made by alchemizing the materials obtained from the Seven Trials.

The ball that Letty held up emitted a dazzling light that poured into my body as magic power.

I see, this is the effect of strengthening.

I immediately understood, and gave instructions to everyone.

「Stay away from me. This effect it's going to be huge!」

The power and motivation that surged through my entire body overflowed.

It's beyond the capacity of my body's magic power, but still, the magic power from the golden ball doesn't stop.

「Alec! No, you can't get that much power! Your body won't hold out!」

Serina screams in pain, but I'll have to push myself to defeat him.

What, I also have the skill of regeneration. I can handle it, so I'll do it.


I was completely naked when I became huge and broke through the ceiling of the castle.

Well, I had no choice. I wasn't equipped with any scretchable armor or clothes.

The sword Murasame is also too small, so I put it back in my 【Item Storage】.

「Hey, Alec! Cover your front, front!」

She's a noisy guy. How can I put my clothes in the middle of a battle?

「You burn! Murghh!」

Emperor Gilan pointed at me and used his power, but my body didn't even catch fire from the blue flame.

All right, I can do it then.

But the time limit is probably three minutes. My body won't last much longer than that.

「Now, let's settle this, Emperor Gilan!」

「Very well. I'll crush you!」

Emperor Gilan seemed to accept the physical battle, and grabbed me.


Giants collide with giants. With each step I take, the walls of the castle collapsed.

We were evenly matched in strength.

The seven trials had helped, but I was still one step short.

It's not enough to be evenly matched. My power is beyond human capacity, and my duration is limited.

I guess that's where skill comes in.

The first thing I did was to use a Giant-specific skill that I had come up with as a candidate.


「Aahhhh, Alec's penis is getting bigger!」

「Ohhhh, that's awesome, brother!」


「Hey ......」

My massive genitals are so full of power, it's pretty stiff.

I swing it like a baseball bat and smash it against the emperor.

「Nuh-uh! Y-You bastard!」

As expected, he doesn't seem to have a taste for being hit with another man's genitals.

Then I guess this is next.

【Standing Masturbation】 New!

I move my left hand at high speed, thinking of all the women I've had in my life.

It's self-generating.

「Hey! Are you stupid!? You're an stupid aren't you!? What are you doing at a time like this, Aleeec!」

It's noisy down there, but of course, this is to defeat the Emperor. This is a serious battle.

「Don't screw with me!」

Emperor Gilan, in a fit of rage, lunges at me.

But if you close the distance here, you'll lose, Emperor.

A cloudy white aura erupted from my sex sword and landed on the Emperor's body.

「At this level, nuhh, my magic power is drained!?」

The magic power is absorbed by the more concentrated magic power.

The density of the magic power I had developed was far greater than the aura of Emperor Gilan.

「Guh, GHOOOOOO――――!」

With a final cry of regret, the Emperor's body disappeared.

I guess his entity was all magic.

「W-We won, didn't we?」

「Aahh, we won!」

「We did it!」

「I will not accept such a shameful victory! Fight with your swordsmanship, with your swordsmanship!」

Yulia is talking about the details, but he was not a lukewarm opponent that could choose tactics.

However, the "Black Cat of the Wind" was victorious once again.

Even if there are major defeats along the way, the last one standing is the winner.

We proved it.