The roulette wheel right after the number 0 came out. This is where the game begins.

「Serina, you bet all your money on black.」

「What? I don't want to. What will you do if the number 0 green comes?」

「Don't worry, I'll bet too. I'll give the rest to green!」

Saki also seemed to understand that it was a betting point, so she agreed to the bet. 

「All right then. No more bets, I'll close here.」

The dead dealer in the tuxedo said quietly, but there was a smirk on the corner of his mouth. I don't like this guy.

The roulette wheel of fate began to spin,......, and a white ball rolled across the disk with a clank.

The speed gradually slows down......, alternating between red and black winners.

「All right, come on! Come on three! Please, come on three!」

「It's all my money, come on seven! Come on!」

「Come out! Come on, you bastards!」

All the dead players and the onlooker are in a frenzy over the whereabouts of the white ball.

What are the prizes they are chasing?

Or maybe they're just enjoying the game, but then again, it doesn't have to be a casino.

「Oh, it's stopped! What?!」

「Wh-what's with this color!?」

The color is 00 blue, to the surprise of Serina and Saki.

Hmm, I've never seen that color before. It wasn't there before, but now it's there.

「There it is! The phantom blue!」

「Serves you right (laught)!」

The onlooker rejoice, thinking I've lost.

The dealer seems to think I've lost, too, and tries to scrape up all our chips with a T-shaped stick.

「But wait, look carefully. I'm betting on blue.」

I grinned and told the dealer.

「Wha, that's ridiculous!」

The dealer looks at the table area with a shocked expression.

There was a plain blue betting area, disguised as a table pattern.

There were a hundred blue chips stacked on the blue. The dealer must have missed them because they were the same color. Or maybe they thought that me, first-timers, wouldn't be able to tell.

「Houh, the blue is really here!」

The person who placed the bet seemed to have been skeptical as well, and was surprised.

「Well done, Nene. You were able to read my mind's instructions.」

If she can read other people's minds and activate her 【Empathy☆】 skill, she can communicate with them.

『Yeah, that's what I think, but look, 0 is green, so sometimes you'll miss.』

This was the hint that Serina had mentioned in a disappointed tone. It was enough to foreshadow the dealer's cheating.

「Right. There's another "Blue". A lot of people are saying that if this happens, the "Blue" will come.」

I guess it helps to be an outsider sometimes.

「Blue is multiplied by 1000. Come on, dealer, give it to the kid.」

The attendant with a cloth covering his face hurried the stunned dealer. The dealer hurriedly prepared the chips.

「Nene-chan, you did it! You've earned 100,000 red chips, you're indeed my number one disciple!」

「Yes, Letty-sensei!」

「That-is-why the disciple's chips belong to the master. Isn't that right? Guhehe.」


「Hey, Letty, you're ruining Nene-chan's image of you with your black desire when she adores you so much!」

「That's right. It's natural for a master to give something to their disciple. It's the other way around.」

Serina and Saki warned her, and Letty seemed to have given up. Although she looked reluctant.

「Okay, that's enough. I'll exchange the chips for prizes.」

The most important thing in gambling is to know when to pull out.

As long as there's a chance of losing, you should quickly withdraw after a big win.

「That was great」

「Thanks to Nene-chan.」

「Fufu, I guess so.」

When we went to the counter at the entrance while praising Nene, Gallard, wearing white armor, was waiting for us.

「It looks like you've won big, Alec-san. After all, you are exactly who I thought you were.」

「Is that a compliment?」

「Of course it is. You're very lucky.」

Man. You're saying it's not my ability?

Seeing my expression, Gallard hurriedly added.

「Oh, of course, it's also your ability. Luck is also a part of your ability.」

「I guess so. So what's the progress of the work I asked for?」

「Yeah, I found him. Dillmud-san, the man you're looking for. Fortunately, he's still in good condition.」

「Hmm? There are dead people in bad shape?」

「Yes, as you can see, we're dead, and our wounds won't heal unless we use magic or special tools. It's also very expensive.」

「I see. So that's why all the people are broke?」


Gallard shrugged his shoulders, but it's a tough world out there.

No, heaven must be different.

「Then, Dillmud-san.」



The brown-haired young man who came forward nervously was still paler than when I had seen him before, but he still looked much the same as when he was alive.

I wondered what Fianna would say when she rushed up to him, calling his name.

「Is this okay, Alec?」

Serina asks.

「About what?」

「Because she's your girlfriend and your wife, isn't she?」

「That's right. You thought I was a man who couldn't trust a my wife, huh?」

「Ahh, that's not the case, but

「Idiot! Why did you leave behind and go to the tower?」

Fianna scolded Dillmud for his death. He had greedily gone on an adventure on a day he had decided to take off, and there he had been beaten by Shin, the PK hero.

「I-I'm sorry. But it's a good thing I didn't take you with me.」

「Such a thing is. ......」

「Are you doing well, Fianna?」

「Yeah, I'm in Alec's party now, and we've defeated the Demon King.」

「Ohhh, so the rumors are true. There's been a lot of talk over here about Alec defeating the Demon King.」

「Dill, we went through a place called the Gate of the Underworld. If we go back through there, we might be able to return to the surface. So――」

「No, I can't.」

Fianna was about to suggest it, but Dillmud shook his head.

「The dead, once they've eaten food from the land of the dead, will only rot or turn into zombies if they return to earth.」

「No way. ......」

「You didn't eat any of that, did you?」

「Yeah, I'm fine, but ......」

「I'm glad. It's too early for you to come over here. Besides, you're probably going to heaven.」

「That's ......」

「Anyway, it was nice talking to you. And I'm sorry for being so selfish.」

「Fufu, I'm glad I could talk to you, too. It's been on my mind for a while. ......」

「Me too. Alec, you take care of her.」


「Gallard-san, can I ask you to take care of Dill?」

「Yeah, sure.」

「Thank you very much.」

「Okay, Dill-san, I think we should leave now. If we talk too long with the living, we'll feel like we're still alive . That's not good for later.」

「I understand.」

Dill is being taken away by Gallard.

「Dill! Take care of yourself!」

「Ha, what are you talking about, Fianna? I'm dead over here. See ya!」

The light-hearted Dill left, looking embarrassed.

「Thank you very much, Alec-san.」

「Don't mention it.」

If this is the least of Fianna's worries, it's probably a good thing we came.

「Now that we've done our business, it's time for the prize we've been waiting for!」

Saki said, and we nodded and headed to the counter again.