「Then, let's see the list of prizes. I've got some red chips for you. a 100,000 chips.」

Serina said to the staff at the counter. They won't be reluctant this time. It's the store's rule to exchange red chips for prizes.

「Very well. Now, please look at this paper.」

The staff member held out a piece of paper.

Special prize : 100,000 pieces: You can talk to any living person you want (5 minutes).

First prize : 50,000 pieces: Tickets to heaven (one way).

Second prize : 30,000 pieces: Restoration of the body (not resurrection)

Third prize : 10,000 pieces: 100,000 gold coins.

「Ehh, what's this?」

「Wow, the specials are terrible! What a rip-off!」

「Can I have this changed?」

The members complained one after another, but I guess that's the way it is. This is the land of the dead, and what the dead want is here.

Bard and the professors from the magic academy who visited in the past probably returned without exchanging anything but gold.

There is nothing in the Land of the Dead that the living need, and that is why there are no rumors about it.

But there's a couple of things I'm curious about.

「Is it possible to make a reservation for this ticket to heaven?」

I'm going to ask him about that. If it can be reserved, I'll be glad to have it. I need to earn more chips to exchange tickets for everyone.

「No, you can't, and it's for the dead only, regrettably.」

「I guess.」

「I'm not convinced.」

「Stop it, Saki. A hundred thousand gold coins for third prize, a million in total, we can take it home with us. It's not like we're going to go back to the store and complain about winning.」

「Ahh, you're right, sorry, sorry. I got a little carried away with the negotiations.」

「Here's one million gold coins. Please check.」

I'm going to make sure that I have exactly one million gold coins, and I'm going to transfer them to my 【Item storage】. I'll distribute them to my friends later. There are people who are still looking at me with devouring eyes.

「Okay, let's go home.」


We left the Purgatory Casino in high spirits, but ...... sure enough, dead people were following us in droves.

「Tsk, they're annoying. Here, I'll buy you a big round of drinks. Take it.」

I took out a silver coin from my 【Item Storage】 and scattered it around the place.

「Whoa! Silver coins!」

「Give it to me, it's mine!」

The dead jumped to the silver coins and began to pick them up, but now they could be scattered.

「It's now or never.」

「Yeah, right.」

「That's not going to happen.」

Tsk, you're still here. There's a guy I don't want to see too much.

He's wearing white armor, and he's standing there with a big smile on his face.

「Mirity, right?」

I say his name, which I don't really remember.

「Right, I'm honored that you remember my name. Alec-san.」

He's a gold-digger who used to be a hero in the Gilan Empire.

「If you're here, then it seems your immortality was a lie, wasn't it?」

「No, since I am able to exist like this, it's similar. It's just that my range of action is a bit smaller.」

That's sophistry. You're not going to admit that you've been defeated or deceived, no matter what. This kind of person is troublesome.

「Well, it doesn't matter. We're leaving. Get out of the way.」

「Then the full amount of gold. That's the price for your precious lives.」

Mirity tells me with a smile.

「Hmph. Serina.」

「All right. 【Starlight Attack!】」

She immediately reacts to my command and jumps into the air, using a special move.

Mirity managed to dodge, but suffered a scratch on his cheek.

「Tsk, she's fast! But kuku kuku ...... You're all missing the point, aren't you? As a dead man, I have no fatal wounds. In other words, even if I'm inferior in level and ability, I won't lo――」


Mirity turned into black smoke and disappeared. Only his armor fell to the ground and rolled.

「What would happen if he disappeared as a dead person?」

Serina turned around and asked a questioned to me.

「Let's see. Another hell, or nothing at all, either way, it's not gonna be good.」

「You're right.」

「Alec, when we get back, you must share it properly. That's all the gold I could get my hands on.」

「I know, Letty. You don't have to worry about it.」

「All right, That's what my brother is!」

「Fufu, it looks like Alec you won't become brother, if you didn't distribute it」

「N-no, no, no, but brother is brother, right?」

「Meena, how's the smell?」

「So far, so good. We're not being followed.」

「All right.」

We made it to the Gate of the Underworld, keeping an eye out for tails.

「Hannah, make sure everyone's here.」

I'll leave it to the guy I trust the most to check the number of people.

「Okay. I'll do a roll call, too. First, Alec.」


Meena, Serina, Ione, Nene, Jouga, Fianna, Letty, Luka, Saki, and Hannah.

Lily and the others have not come to the Land of the Dead, so no problem.

That's all of them.

「Oh my? Marilyn's not here.」


Come to think of it, I don't see that noisy eater.

「Waaaaaiiiittttt~. Phew, I'm catching up. That's terrible, guys. I can't believe you're leaving without me.」

「I was just trying to find you, Marilyn. Why did you get separated?」

「No, because it's too much trouble to come back here when there's something good to eat.」

You're too greedy.

「We're leaving.」

We don't need to stay in the land of the dead.

We've got our own country.

「Yes, you're right.」

「「「Roger! 」」」

The Black Cat of the Wind left the Land of the Dead in a dashing manner.