Sarah and I have made several deals during our adventures, and we have a trusting relationship, but of course, when it comes to money, we can't just take it easy. That's a recipe for trouble.

So, in order to get my just reward, I led Sarah up the stairs to my room.

「Fufu, I love Alec because you're quick on uptake! I feel my body getting excited too.」

Sarah, who says it outright lacks some sense of shame. I don't like women who are too loose, but in Sarah's case it's a little different, and I forgive her because she doesn't seem to be screwing around with men.

But I have to be careful.

「Sarah, you should only talk about such things in bed. If anyone overhears you, it'll be troublesome.」

I've already taken the 【Harem Formation】 skill, and there are no women in my party who care about such things, but I still have to say it as a manner of speaking.

「Eh, why?」

Sailor tilted her head as if she didn't really understand.

「That's ......」

「Because Alec wants to fuck, and I want to fuck, and the others didn't object, so that's fine! Well, my Jamie is being picky, but she's not here right now fufu. Penis, penis ♪ Penis, penis ♪」

I walked up the stairs thinking that she was completely unavoidable, but there was a man just standing at the top with a strange negative aura. Another troublesome person.

I look up at him and call out to him, preparing to be bombarded with complaints. It's not a good idea to say nothing to someone you know who is also a guest at the inn.

「Hey, Murphy. What's the matter with you standing there?」

「Phew, Alec. As a senior staff member of the inn, let me tell you one thing: ......, you can't bring hookers in here.」

Murphy, with the eyes of a dead fish, said disconsolately.

「Good grief........I know that, but would you say that to Sarah, an A-rank adventurer? If you didn't know her face, you could probably just apologize to her, but after all, Sarah is a famous person in Grandsword.」

Murphy, whose rank is so-so, is a veteran in this kind of thing, and it's not like he doesn't know about it.

「Murhh. Don't say anything weird, Murphy. I'm not a prostitute.」

As expected, Sailor's pride as an A-rank adventurer wouldn't allow him to protest, his mouth agape.

「Kehh, says the guy who goes straight to bed shaking his ass with a girl in his arms at the inn. I'm not saying you shouldn't bring your girlfriend with you, Alec. I'm just saying I don't like the way you're moving from one girl to the next.」

It seems that Murphy doesn't have a problem with Sarah, he just wants to complain about me. What a pain in the ass.

「Murphy, I understand what you mean. But I'll correct you on one thing. I'm not dumping women and replacing them, and I'm not buying them with money. By that logic, have you ever been satisfied with just one woman in your life? I'm sure you haven't, have you?」

「Hmph, you don't have to bring in women that money can buy. It's called manners, Alec. It's not fucking funny and it doesn't make me feel any better when you're walking around with a woman on each hand and bragging about your fun, you riajuu.」

I don't mean to brag about my riajuu aura, but I can understand why this guy is upset. If I were in the opposite position, I'd have to swear at least once here to get rid of my anger.

「Then, Sarah, stay away for a while. I just want to discuss potions with this guy.」

「Hoo, is that right. Then no other action is allowed.」

「Eh? Why do we have to let Murphy decide? Oh, yeah, Alec.」


「I can't get satisfied doing it alone, I'd like to try a threesome. I've heard it's fun to have three people at once.」


Then Sarah grinned bewitchingly and looked at Murphy, Oh come on, a threesome with Murphy in the mix? I don't like that.

「O-Oh hoo? Oi-oi. ...... For real? ...... I-I don't mind but, If Sarah wants to do it with the three of us, well, I'll go along.」

Murphy, who until a moment ago had looked like a crucian carp floating in a ditch, suddenly began to grin with a twinkle in his eye. Where is the man's pride in prostitutes and the manners of the inn?

「Ah, sorry~, I didn't mean Murphy, I meant the girls from Alec's party. One guy, two girls.」

Oh, so that's what you meant.


「I mean, Murphy and I have only played poker once, so we're pretty much acquaintances at best.」

「Kuhh ......! Yeah, right! No, I'm just kidding. As a friend of Alec's, I'm just trying to figure out if you're the kind of woman who'd go for another guy. That's great right? Alec.」

Murphy is an idiot for devilishly suggesting such a thing, but I think it's time to stand up for him. That's what poker buddies and man-to-man friendship are all about. If I piss him off too much, I'm going to get into trouble.

「Yeah, I owe you one, Murphy. See ya.」

「Hmph! Kehh! Shit! You think you've won, asshole?」

Murphy walks down the stairs, clearly in a bad mood.

「I'm sorry, Alec. I was just messing with Murphy.」

Looking over at Murphy, Sarah shrugged her shoulders and stuck out her little tongue.

「I thought it would be something like that, but don't be like that, Sarah. I'll take good care of you, so don't worry about what other guys say.」
