The hindrance was gone.

As soon as Sarah and I entered the room, we spared ourselves the trouble of taking off our clothes and folding them, and just taking off our gear and falling down on the bed together.


We looked at each other's faces and laughed as we undressed each other.

Then, her magnificent - if a bit underwhelming and modest - breasts were revealed.

I dug my fingers into her pink nipples as if I were pressing a button.


Sarah giggled a little, and then, without even trying to hide her sexual desire, she let out a squeal of pleasure.

I don't hesitate to run the fingers of both of my hands over her soft white skin, stroking the smooth curve of her ass from her nipped waist.


I can't help but notice how sensitive Sarah is. I put my tongue into her familiar belly button this time.

「Kyaaa, nnghhh, that tickles, Alec.」

「Then, here's the next one.」

I thought about going down, but I kissed her top mouth first. When I brought my lips close to hers, Sarah sucked on my lips herself. Her tongue slipped in aggressively as well. It's no fun being left to her own devices, so I tweak Sarah's breasts with both of my hands and return the favor.

「Nchuu, hauhh, chu, slurrp」

The sound of our tongues sliding together in sweet breath and saliva echoed lewdly on the bed. When our lips parted, we pulled a sticky thread between each other.

I looked at Sarah's face again, but the innocent smile of a young girl was gone, and there was the seductive face of a grown woman who was seducing me.

Following my instincts, I covered her up and started to move my hips violently.

「Nnghh, aahnnn, yaahnnn♪, I knew this is amazing. H-hey, Alec.」

「What's up?」

「Do you want to make a bet? The first one to cum loses.」

Sarah suggested with a grin.

「Okay, but what do you want to bet on?」

「I'll take one potion. I'll take two if I win.」

「What are you going to do if I win?」

「Then no potion.」

「Okay, fine.」

「Ehehe, I'm not going to lose, you know?」

It's a match. So I increase the speed of my hips and start to explore Sarah's weak points. I already know most of the weak points of women, but I don't know Sarah's weak points yet.

Sarah seems to be searching for the same points that make me feel good, and when I pull out, she squeezes her stomach to entwine it and moves her hips herself.


I feel like I'm about to cum, but I'm sure it's harder for Sarah than for me.


Sure enough, every now and then Sarah starts to cum lightly, and she closes her eyes sexily in ecstasy.

「Sarah, you wanted a potion, didn't you?」

「Y-Yes, I did~, Aahnnn, but I can't, cumming, I'm going to cum! Alec!」

It looks like I've won, but I'm going to have to enjoy this more than I did the match.

I stop moving my hips for a moment.

「Ehh? I was so close... Hey, whyyy?」

The bewildered Sarah still doesn't get it, but it feels better to hurry things up a bit right before something like this.

「P-please, Alec, move!」

She shakes her body and pleads with her moist eyes.

「All right.」

I can't hold back any longer, so I resume my movements.

「Nnghh, haah, hahnnn, wow, it feels so much better than before!」

Sarah embraces me and strains to eat up all the pleasure she can. I thrust into her as hard as I can and give her a rough pounding.

「Kuhh, Alec, I-I'm going to cum agaaiiin!」

Sarah, who had raised the white flag, let out a scream of pleasure and went limp, letting go of her consciousness.

I was on the verge of letting go of the white lust that I had managed to hold back, and I let it out deep into Sarah's belly.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

After a good workout, the two of us walked down the stairs, flirting, and Murphy was drinking at a round table in front of the counter.

「I'm not saying don't bring women into the Inn, you know. Hick. And then there's that guy with the scowl on his face, damn」

If you want to drink, you can drink in your room, but this guy is probably just trying to get at me.

「Uehhh, see you, ALec, Bye-bye」

As soon as Sarah saw this, she made a disgusted face, whispered only to me, and quickly went out the back door.

She didn't have to face me for a while, but I didn't want to use the back door.


「Huuh? What ...... Kehh! A ladykiller!」

「Who's the ladykiller? If you're going to complain so much, why don't you go to a brothel and get yourself refreshed? It'll take your mind off things.」

「Ha, a prostitute? You're recommending a prostitute to me? Hick. Why don't you introduce a girl from your own party or an amateur city girl?」

That's not my business. The girls from my party are for me. They don't belong to you.

「Murphy's been acting like that for a while now, and it's really annoying. He's a pathetic little man, isn't he? But it's your fault. Do something about him, Alec.」

Even the landlady is putting the blame on me.

「Hmph, I'll go out.」

With that, I decided to temporarily evacuate from the inn, where my discomfort level had risen.

「I'll accompany you, Master.」


I take Meena and go outside.

Soldiers and knights have begun patrolling the streets information, and security seems to have been restored.

However, when I look at the flamboyantly destroyed shopping district, I can only sigh.

How did this happen?

It was because of the shortage of potions, but then how did it happen? Come to think of it, Serina mentioned something about resellers earlier, maybe it's because those guys bought up all the stuff.

They're a total pain in the ass.

「Listen! You can't sell potions at high prices! The king has issued a decree! You can't sell them for more than a hundred gold!」

The soldiers are calling out, but I guess that's why they're banning it because the prices in the stores are so high.

「Hey, little girl, I'll sell you a potion for a thousand gold」

One of the townspeople whispered to Meena, even though the soldiers were right next to him. It's impossible to control this by law. Even under these circumstances, adventurers need to dive into dungeons to make a living, and when they do, they get injured and there's a demand for recovery medicine, so no matter how much power the king wields, there's no way everyone will comply.

「Shall we drop by the guild?」


I decided to check out the Adventurer's Guild, but I could see many adventurers inside the building with the shoes and wings sign, even at a time like this. However, the gates were manned by soldiers on guard and the entrance was a bit broken. Apparently, there was a disturbance here as well.

「Master, I'll go first.」

Meena goes ahead of me in caution. Well, I'm sure she'll be fine with the soldiers, but I'll let her do as she pleases.


After making sure it's safe, I go inside and check the bulletin board on the wall first.

「It's full of potions. ......」

「I bet.」

I knew what to expect, but the number of potion-related requests had increased dramatically. There were requests to buy them for as much as 10,000 gold, and it seemed that there was still a shortage of them. Among the posters, there was a notice that the merchant guild clan White Dog was planning to purchase 10,000 potions from the Kingdom of Portiana, but it didn't say how much or when they would go on sale.

「This means that there will be price increases and shortages in Portiana.」

Meena said, but buying the product would not be a fundamental solution. We'll have to produce it, after all.

「Listen up, everyone! If you need potions, we'll give them away for free. We'll release a hundred of them from our inventory. But only one per person. Just show your adventurer card at the counter and say you want to receive a gift from Clan Holy Grail Seeker.」

A red-haired man named Gallard, the leader of the A-rank clan, is standing near the counter.

「Oh, you're the Holy Grail Seeker, thank you very much.」

It must be a good thing, but I don't think a hundred of them will be enough to cover the demand.

This is an opportunity.

「Meena, let's go to Hans' workshop.」

「Okay, master!」