Chapter 9: Too bad

- Ah!

Becky accidentally sprayed milk into the air.

She heard a noise and turned her head in shock.

When she saw that it was Flan who had approached her, she shouted in surprise.

"Oh, what's going on all of a sudden?"

"I thought I'd ask for directions."


“Where students can exercise, and where they can purchase magic scrolls and other items.”

“Why are you asking me specifically...”

"Because you stood out."

Becky pondered for a moment.

'Because I stood out...'

She must have looked pathetic eating bread and milk, and she felt embarrassed. As a result, Becky raised her voice for no apparent reason

“Hey, I’m busy too! I have to study for a test tomorrow! Find that yourself!”

"...You're busy preparing for the test."

At Becky's words, Flan tilted his head.

"The test should be based on your ability, shouldn't it? There's no guidance on how and what will be evaluated."


However, upon hearing Flan’s explanation, Becky was even more confused

"No, wait... You don't know Trivia, Flan?"


“Yes, Trivia.”

Flan, who didn't know about Trivia, which was common sense among magic students, puzzled Becky. She rummaged through her pockets and took out a notebook.

On the cover of the notebook, which was painted black, there was a broom that looked like witches would ride on it.

“All the seniors tell their stories here and talk.”


With an expression that seemed interested, Flan accepted it.

The notebook was an item for recording the past. The typeface written at a specific time was stuck in the past, and unless the notebook itself disappears, it preserved the records it contained as they were.

*Alumni pages

*Information pages

*Auction pages

*Secret pages

*Club pages





However, the notebook named ‘Trivia’ given to Flan was different. It contained the present, not the past.

Stories suitable for each category were written on each page, and even the typeface written in real-time had been reversed.

"Amazing. Is this available throughout the continent?"

"Of course not. Trivia is the symbol of the Magic Department. Its effect only works within the space of the Magic Department."

Flan fell into thought quietly.

It seemed that this was only the end, but even taking that into account, it was quite interesting.

Flan rubbed the trivia with his fingertips, reacting to the mana flowing inside it.

"This notebook is a receiver in itself. It extracts mana with a specific circuit as its unique signal."

If he just tweaks it a bit, he could use it even outside the jurisdiction of the Magic Department. Flan's curiosity quietly rose.

"A specific circuit for what... what did you say? No, what was that suddenly?"

However, such musings of Flan were abruptly interrupted by Becky, who seemed to be asking what he was talking about.

"Nevermind. Anyway, where is the talk about the test?"

“Look here.”

Becky pressed the 'information page' section. Then, numerous posts appeared. There were really useful ones, but there were also very severe insults toward the professors.

Flan burst out laughing without realizing it.

“I’m glad this didn’t exist.”

If Trivia existed in Flan's previous world, how much abuse would he have received? It was hard to imagine.

"What did you say?"


“... Huh? Anyway, look here.”

Meanwhile, Becky's finger stopped at a corner of the page.

“Ha, this.”

[Title: Newcomers to the Department of Magic will have a hard time.]


It turns out that Violet is in charge of the newcomers this time.

This is going to be a disaster. That professor doesn't understand the concept of rank. She doesn't even give any consideration for being young.

But this professor’s first test is always the same.

She just tells them to show their best magic skills. The crying students always come out.

To make matters worse, she tends to like manipulation-based magic. Prepare for that.


After reading the contents, Flan nodded her head.

It was definitely a useful communication space among students. Then Becky flipped through her notebook from the first to the last page like a habit. There was something written on the very last page.

【 My posts 】

[ Title: Is this a safe way to dress for a noble newcomer?]


A commoner pretending to be an aristocrat...

???? Noble newcomer, if you use this word you are by default not a noble.


"It's gross."


"It's strange? I followed the theory exactly as it was supposed to be..."

"No, no, the problem is that you applied a completely different theory now."

The laboratory where Flan arrived along with Becky was not tidy, but it was full of life.

It was clumsy, but filled with youth and passion, among other unique sensibilities that could only flourish in such an environment.

“...... “

Except for Becky and Flan, there were only two commoner female students in the laboratory. Seeing Flan, she abruptly stopped their research.

Then, one of them grabbed Becky abruptly.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

The eyes of the two questioners sparkled, and the person in question widened her eyes in surprise.

"Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"

“Ah well, there is no way you would have made a nobleman your boyfriend.”

A girl with orange hair and freckles, Tyr was slightly relieved. Becky shook her head.

“I am neither a noble nor her boyfriend.”

“Ah... Really? Aren’t you noble?”

They weren't particularly moved by the fact that he wasn't Becky's boyfriend, but the fact that he wasn't a nobleman seemed to surprise everyone quite a bit.

The other two, excluding Becky, looked at Flan with suspicion.

With a high nose, fair skin, and a frowning expression because he didn’t like something, they didn't seem like commoners at all.

Above all, one person was transforming this insignificant space into a luxurious one.

‘Can a commoner like that do this?’

She narrowed her eyes, making it seem like she was watching from this side instead.

"Hey, what's your name?"

With her navy blue short hair, Rinne asked outright.

It was a childish attitude, which made Flan a little displeased.

“Everyone here except Becky is in senior year. Well, first of all, did our newbie come here for something?”


"This isn't a place to hang out. If you're interested in Becky, come back another day."

Anyway, Flan's gaze was fixed on her hand.

Her nails were cut short, but not burnt.

Becky stepped in and tried to explain that Flan didn’t come for that reason, but Flan spoke faster.

“Did you major in destruction?”


"Are you not dealing with explosions or just unable to? Your fingertips aren't burnt."

“That.... I haven’t dealt with it yet.”

Rinne slurred her words and quietly put her hands behind her back.

“Is the lab used by a total of three people?”

Becky nodded quietly.

Flan narrowed his brows slightly and looked around the laboratory. Flasks that were red and black and stuck together, dust that stuck to his hand when he swept it across with his index finger.

After blowing off the dust, Flan muttered.

"It's so miserable."

"Uh, there, there, well..."

Fortunately, Becky was quick-witted. She held out both palms and slipped between Flan and Rinne.

"There's a new student rank test in the Department of Magic tomorrow. I brought him because he said he would do me a favor. He will just watch and leave right after."

However, Rinne's expression wasn't pleased.

"Who asked you to bring someone here? Is he your friend?"

"No, it's Flan's friend."

“He... your friend who will help me?”

Rinne's sharp gaze scanned Becky up and down.

“Didn’t I look after you enough?”

“Ah, so. It’s absolutely not that I don’t trust my sister... I just thought it might be good for new students to get to know each other..."

This was not good. Becky had tried to mediate but only managed to aggravate Rinne.

Rinne's cold attitude was terrifying to Becky. Suddenly, beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

"I was the one who suggested that I would do you a favor."

But then, Flan intervened with a calm voice.

Becky turned around with a pale face and mouthed something to Flan.

Wait... For... Me...

However, it seemed like neither Rinne nor Flan cared about Becky's words.

Rinne sat down at her desk, dumbfounded, and crossed her legs.

“You say you'll do Becky’s favor and help her in magic too. You follow her to the lab. I only see you as bluffing because you are just interested in Becky.”


"Yes, and it's irresponsible to criticize the lab other people use without a good reason."

Rinne continued to speak in a tone that seemed to hold back her anger.

"How good are you that you can say that? If you want to impress a girl you're interested in, you need to have a reason."

Rinne trudged past Becky and finally stood right in front of Flan.

“... Becky has already been looked after by me. Are you sure you can do better?"

"It depends on Becky's ability. Still, I'm not lacking in confidence."

Rinne snorted and looked in Becky's direction.

“Try it. Becky.”

“Yes? What...”

"Try the magic that you'll use in the test tomorrow, as I taught you."

“Ah... Yes, yes.”

Becky gulped down her saliva and focused her mind.

Soon after, Becky’s mana began to surge in the lab.

--- End of The Chapter --

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