Chapter 10: Louis, this is Flan

Chapter 10: Louis, this is Flan

"I'll start now."

Becky closed her eyes and focused her mind.

Blue mana swirled over her palms and pulled the water from the corner of the lab. The water and mana combined and transformed into a new form.

It was a cube-shaped ice.

When Flan's gaze turned towards it, Becky automatically opened her mouth.

"Professor Violet seems to particularly like manipulation. So, I'm going to use manipulation to sculpt the ice from now on."

Still sitting with her legs crossed, Rinne added a comment.

"Becky, do it as usual. Surprise me."

Rinne's face was full of self-confidence. She didn't seem to be worried about losing at all, as she lifted the corners of her mouth.

Becky calmly took a breath. Ice was the element she had dealt with the most, so it would be okay as long as she didn't make any mistakes.

She closed her eyes and manipulated the mana.

The aroused mana made a loud and fierce noise as it touched the ice. She imagined the scenery in her mind and kept sculpting the ice.

Finally, a frost flower was completed.

It was a famous flower that everyone knew. It was a rose.

“How is it?”

Rinne asked with her confident expression. Becky looked at Flan with a somewhat expectant expression.


Flan had received numerous requests for advice throughout his life.

Starting from career counseling such as which major to choose, to requests to proofread theoretical papers etc.

The requests were varied, but the answers Fann gave had a great impact.

There were students who decided to devote themselves to the field he recommended. There were scholars who shed tears because he added only a few lines in their work...

However, if there was something difficult for him, it was the question of beauty.

Since each person had a different perspective on this value, it was difficult to set a standard for it.

However, even so.

"...Can this academy really get an A at this level?"

Flan confidently expressed his evaluation.


Everyone in the lab was shocked.

The reason why Flan could confidently criticize the beauty that Becky created was simple.

Even before judging the standard of beauty, the manipulation itself was immature.

“Not good... Uh?”

Becky asked. Flan silently nodded his head.

"What's... what's so bad about it?"


“First... from?”

Becky was taken aback and stammered. Rinne, who was listening next to her, snickered.

“It’s better to do it again~ Who in the world can’t say something like that? Hey. If you’re that good, why don't you do it yourself?"

Flan was just laughing at Rinne’s sarcastic attitude.

The reason for the hesitation was not fear, but only annoyance.

First, it was cumbersome, and second, the amount of mana this body could hold was not much.

It took a whole day to refill all the mana that was completely exhausted.

Since he had to prepare for the test, he couldn’t use too much mana here.

However, Flan decided to take care of Becky’s magic despite the inconvenience.

He promised to review it, but most of all, because Becky’s anxious appearance was pitiful like a wet rat.

Flan calmly walked up to Becky and stood in front of her.

“Would it be okay if it was a rose?”

"A rose? Um... that means..."

Becky stopped talking and glanced at Rinne. However, Rinne waved her hand with a forceful expression.

"Don't mind me and just do what you want, Becky. Flan is so confident that he can do anything. Isn't that right?"

After hearing the response, Becky hesitated before opening her mouth again.

"I was originally trying to make a Columbine flower."


Flan briefly recalled the appearance of the flower. It was a strange shape with another flower blooming on top of it, also known as a Maebaltop Flowers. That flower was probably it.

“Create ice.”

“To make Columbine flowers? Ah, but it looks too complicated, so I gave up... “

“The shape of the flower does not matter. Just create ice.”

“Ah, yes.”

Becky stretched out her hands in front of him.

Once again, the power of mana surged through her, gathering the water in the lab to create a rectangular prism of ice.

“This time, aim for Columbine and manipulate it.”

Flan knew that it wouldn't be much help for Becky if he did everything for her from start to finish.

It would just be a show of tricks. Therefore, he planned to assist Becky. It would also use up much less mana from him.

“... Okay. I’ll start.”

Becky took a deep breath and began manipulating the flow of mana.

The ice began to break away with a creaking sound. Flan quietly observes the scene from behind.

Various items were neatly arranged in order, some of which were unfamiliar, and some were welcoming at first glance.


Suddenly, a voice beside my ear irritated me. Of course, I didn't show it at all.

Upon closer inspection, something was flying around my head.

A small female body and four wings.

It was a fairy

“Ah, Hi.”

“Hi~? That's informal~"

The fairy tilted her head at me and corrected herself.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Yes, yes!”

However, it was the first time I had seen a fairy in real life, as I had only seen them a few times in documents while researching ancient magic.

“So, what brings a student here~? It’s the first time I’ve seen your face~”

The green fairy continued to talk energetically.

“Need magic scrolls? Or elixir? Ah~ Of course we handle wands and staffs as well.”

She seemed to be freely flying around without any restrictions, but upon closer inspection, a circular barrier surrounded her body.

I was overwhelmed with curiosity.

What if I were to fix the barrier in place? Would the fairy also be fixed in place?

Without even realizing it, my hand moved first.

"If you need anything, just say it... Eugh?!"

Like a pinned insect, she made a popping sound as she was stuck to the air.

“What, what?! Why is it like this all of a sudden?”

The fairy grumbled and struggled.

I finally realized the situation and quickly released the pinning. I didn't forget to hide my hand behind my back.

‘Fixing the barrier also fixes the fairy.’

With this curiosity solved, now all that was left was to buy the item.

There were many different things, but the one with the highest priority had already been decided.

"Where is Trivia."

The fairy who had been clenching and unclenching their fists suddenly jerked their head towards me and leaned in close.

" even if it's casual speech~"

It was then that I realized I had used casual speech again. It was difficult for me to get used to showing respect to others.

Ahem, after clearing my throat, I opened my mouth again.

"I'm looking for Trivia."

“Yes, yes! Oh my God, no trivia? Come over here!”

The fairy led me into the store, flapping her wings eagerly.

"What material were you thinking for the cover~? The most popular one these days is the mahogany cover, but boys tend to like something cleaner. Leather, perhaps?"

"May I ask the price range?"

As I made my purchase, I wondered to myself, how much did it cost? I asked and was surprised by the answer.

"Oh, if you're a noble, it shouldn't be too burdensome for you. Depending on the rank, there may even be a discount.

“I am not a noble, and my rank is F.”


The fairy who had been fluttering around suddenly stopped in mid-air, scratching their nose as if in trouble.

“The rank... Is it F? It doesn’t look like that at all... “

Soon, the kind attitude completely disappeared, and the fairy brought out a trivia with a black paper cover with a flat expression.

It seemed familiar, exactly like Becky's.

“It’s 15 necks.”


The allowance Scarlett gave me was 20 neckles, but I had already spent all my money there.

The business was done. I was about to leave the store without hesitation.


I drop Trivia because I bumped into someone unexpectedly.

It was an unfamiliar sensation to bump into someone since in my previous world, I always had barriers up.

"Be careful and watch where you're going. Are you okay?"

The boy I bumped into was incredibly handsome. He was very tall with unbelievably broad shoulders.

While my own body was still in its early stages, his body was already fully developed. He had the kind of body that wouldn't even flinch against a knight's attack.

“Thank you.”

I nodded roughly and took the Trivia.

“Oh, isn’t it Flan?”

A girl interrupted.

Her blonde hair and blue eyes were quite familiar.

When she saw the trivia in my hand, she burst out laughing.

"After Basic Magic, now it's Trivia? You bought the cheapest one, right?"

When I saw the name 'Hailey' on the girl's name tag, I suddenly remembered.

She tapped the arm of the boy next to her and added her words.

“No answer. Louis, this is Flan. The one I talked about last time."

Hailey... she was the first person I met upon falling into this world.

--- End of The Chapter --

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