Chapter 56: How about you come out and explain yourself.

Chapter 56: How about you come out and explain yourself.

Chapter 56 How about you come out and explain yourself.

The next morning, I found a strange message on Trivia.

[ Do you need the cheat sheet for the midterm exam? ]

The sender was anonymous.

If they asked me if I needed it, the answer was obvious.

No, I didnt. I closed Trivia without any reply.

[ *Sephia ]

[ Flan student! ]

[ When is a good time for an interview? ]

I used to think of this interview as nothing but a nuisance, but now I felt its necessity.

It would be a good opportunity to express my strong will to participate in the subjugation festival.

[ Im thinking after the midterm exam. ]

I sent a message back to Sephia, then washed up and got dressed.

Today, we had to gather in the A-class classroom.

The midterm exam accounted for a significant portion of our grades.

I wondered if the heat from the victory in the swordsmanship tournament had subsided a bit.

As I opened the classroom door, that thought vanished.

All the students eyes turned to me at once.

They all had strange looks on their faces, but they were different from before.

I realized it as soon as I met their gazes. Hoping for the heat to die down was a ridiculous expectation.

I didnt even hope for it.

They needed many victories.

Enough victories to make them indifferent.

Its Flan.

Hey, dont stare so blatantly.

I ignored the voices that followed me like shadows and quietly took my seat.

It was still annoying, but it was better than the blatant provocation from before.

Flan, hi.

Soon after, Becky came and sat next to me naturally.

She still wore the scent of roses.

What are those guys talking about? Look here, everyone. Today is the midterm exam.

Then, a male professor I had never seen before appeared, instead of Violet.

Becky recognized him by his chubby and balding appearance.

Isnt that Professor Brody? Hes not in charge of the first year

Similar murmurs erupted from other places, but the male professor silently unfolded a large paper.

Professor Violet is a bit late, so I agreed to take care of the morning guidance.

The large paper wriggled like a living creature, then stuck to the blackboard like a magnet.

Since its right before the midterm exam, check your grades once. Keep it up if youre high, and do better if youre low.

Naturally, everyones eyes turned to the large paper on the blackboard.

It listed the scores of the tests we had taken so far, and the rank of the total calculated score.

There were various reactions.

Some students nodded their heads with satisfied expressions, but of course, there were more students who sighed with regretful expressions.

I only glanced at the total score rank.

Flan 2. Louis Rosevelt . . .

By the time I looked at that obvious rank, the eyes of the whole classroom were focused on me.

I looked at a few of the gazes directed at me.

Trixie had a subtle look, and Louis smiled brightly when our eyes met.

Wow Flan, congratulations.

Becky clapped her hands silently next to me.

And then she asked casually.

But by the way, did you eat the chocolate I gave you last time?

I shook my head.

It was still stored in the dormitory. Beckys lips twitched slightly.

Huh, huh? Really? Why havent you eaten it yet

I want to save it for later. Theres no other reason.

Huh? Oh, oh~

Becky twisted her head with an embarrassed expression.

Did you think it was too precious to eat? I made it roughly. Just eat it! Ill make you more later.

Did you prepare the materials?

Did I do something wrong just now?

Her expression turned pale. Just then, Brody opened his mouth again.

Hey, you guys. Shut up. Its not like youre singing or anything You all checked the results, right?

He continued, looking at the slightly sullen students.

Professor Violet is busy, but thats not the only reason I came in.

The professors eyes turned to me.

The other students eyes naturally followed.

As you all know, theres still some time left until the exhibition. How about it, did anyone feel like slacking off after checking the grades?

Brody played the visual record on the blackboard.

It was the scene where I faced Ivan in the swordsmanship tournament.

Lets use the remaining time to learn a little bit about the summoning branch. Today, Ill lecture with this record.

Sighs of relief came from here and there. The visual record continued to play.

Look, summoning is based on observation.

I nodded quietly at his words.

But it would have been better if he had explained a little more clearly that magical observation was the basis.RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

Isnt it sophisticated? Its thanks to the mana mixture. I only inject a fixed amount. Otherwise, it would overload both sides.

Thats not wrong.

But still, if it were me, I would have explained in detail how to calculate the amount of mana.

He was also immersed in it.

Around that time, their eyes met in the air.

He flicked his finger lightly.



Is that Becky?

The students murmured.

A thin mist spread and revealed the figure of a summoned creature that resembled Becky.

Its me, right?

Becky mumbled in confusion.

This summoned creature only copied the appearance. You can tell right away if you move it.

The Becky doll started to walk. But its movements were squeaky and messy.

If you try to summon something without expansive thinking, just by imagining it, this is the result.

He lifted the corner of his mouth slightly.

This is how the summoning happened For some, it was hard to move and control.

That must be it.

Thats when Brody opened his mouth.

Flans tone was quite rude, but surprisingly, he was more curious than angry.

Okay. Then how did your summoning happen?

The professors tone was not very polite.

For Brody, who had devoted his life to the summoning field of teaching, Flans appearance was a contradiction in itself.

Magical accident.

And Flan answered the professor with just five words.

The Becky doll started moving again. But this time, it was different.

Its movements were light.

And it even mimicked the small details, like smelling the sleeve part in the middle.

Becky and Brodys eyes widened.

The other students reactions were not much different.

The world you have seen so far is all an illusion.

He pointed to the Becky doll with his chin.

And even now you are living in the illusion of seeing.

Flan tapped his lower eye twice with his index finger.

But if you just accept this scenery as it is, you should know that it is shameful to call yourself a magician.


Wait, Ill share my vision with you.

He flicked his finger.

Blue lines began to appear clearly over the Becky doll.

Its a circuit. Read and remember this every moment. Only then, you will have seen the truth.

Actions, habits, joints, organs He saw them all as one circuit?

It was easy in theory, but hard to apply.

As a professor, Brody knew that better than anyone.

Wait a minute.

Brody interrupted Flans explanation.

Its a standard and excellent method. But theres one thing that bothers me.

What is it.

What you summoned by imitating is the original mage. Right?

The professor pointed to the Becky doll with his hand.

Mages have mana circuits by default. Thats why its possible to observe the mana circuits.

Flan just stared blankly at Brody.

As if it was obvious no matter what he asked, as if he expected it, as if he had no expectations.

Then how did you summon Ivans swordsmanship? Theres no such thing as a mana circuit in a knights actions.

Brodys face was full of doubt.

The basis of summoning is to implement the mana circuit of the original action exactly.


If there is no mana circuit in the original action, then implementing it is close to the realm of force.

Can you explain that too?

Its simple.

Flan created three attributeless spheres and threw them at the wall.

As they touched the wall, a circuit that resembled a maze began to form.



The students exclaimed.

Flan continued his explanation with a calm attitude.

Interaction with magic. The rules that are read at that moment.


Three spheres also touched Ivans body at the time, and right after that, he swung his sword and circuitized it.

Circuitized you say?

Even he, a professor, had never thought of creating and accessing a circuit that didnt exist.

Was that it?

Maybe most of them. No, all of them.

Brody swallowed a dry saliva.

He had always taught someone since he became a teacher, and learning was now a very unfamiliar sensation.

But he was definitely interested now.

He learned something new and wanted to remember it.

There were already one word to express this.
