Chapter 57: Because It’s Mine.

Chapter 57: Because It’s Mine.

Chapter 57 Because Its Mine.

Thats it.

The explanation was finally over.

It was time to go to the fair, so Flan left the classroom without hesitation.

But the ones left behind didnt move at all.

They had no reason to hold on to Flan.

The classroom was silent as a mouse.

The thing that broke the silence was not a human voice.

Scratch, scratch

As one person started to take notes as if possessed, the rest soon followed suit.

Scratch, scratch

Scratch, scratch

It didnt matter if they understood Flans explanation or not.

Anyone could admire something amazing.UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

They just wanted to record this admiration.

Hailey swallowed her dry saliva.

She was also a magician for the time being.

She wanted to ask various things, but she couldnt. Because the target was Flan.

She had no choice but to close her eyes and review the explanation she had just heard.

But it was not easy to concentrate. Her thoughts about Flan spread out randomly, making her head complicated.

Focus. Focus.

She muttered to herself, but there was no way to focus.

The eye to observe only the core of the countless mana circuits, and the method to calculate the exact amount to enter there without error.

It was so difficult that she couldnt understand it even if she focused fully.

There were too many distractions in her head right now.

She decided to just take notes for now and look at them again later.

But unfortunately, she didnt have a notebook and a writing tool.

Scratch, scratch.

It felt like the world had left Hailey behind.

While everyone was busy taking notes, she just sat there blankly.

It was natural for her to feel anxious.

She cautiously tapped the shoulder of the female student next to her.

But she didnt even look back.

The girl, who had fallen into a complete trance, seemed to have forgotten Haileys existence altogether.

Hailey didnt have the courage to tap someone elses shoulder twice.

Just do it yourself.

The theory was just a basic foundation. It was up to the individual to embody and apply it.

So, if she tried hard by herself, she could do this much


She touched her forehead with her hand. It was impossible.

She couldnt help but sigh.

It was too late to take notes, and there was no way to do it even if she wanted to.

Hailey bit her thumbnail in frustration.

She was afraid of being left out, of falling behind.

There was only one way to solve this crisis.

To borrow the notes of someone who did it properly.

Saphora is a separate area outside the campus, despite being owned by Merhen Academy.

It was more of a regional term than a specific space or building.

The scale of the fair was so huge that it couldnt be summed up by any ordinary word.

Now they just had to ride the carriage under the professors guidance. But the students were slow to get on the carriage.


Broody, who was supposed to lead the group, just stood there blankly.



The professor finally lifted his head.

At the same time, he realized what he had to do.

Becky tilted her head and asked.

How do we ride the carriage?

Just get on. Pair up with whoever you want, four at a time.

That was the best Broody could do.

He still couldnt sort out his thoughts and his head was numb.

It felt like he had been hit hard somewhere.


The reason was obviously that boy.

He made even himself, a professor, learn, and he turned the magic department upside down. He still had a lot of worries that tangled each others tails.

But even if he didnt understand, he had to admit it.

Ill bet my teaching career on it.

Suddenly, Violets words came to mind.

The eyes filled with confidence and the courage that he spat out with resentment. Broody felt like he finally knew why.


Ah, okay. Got it~

Becky turned around politely after greeting him. Her expression was bright as she answered.

The reason was simple.

She had already made a reservation to ride in the same carriage as Flan.

Hey, Flan! Why did you summon me of all people?

Because youre mine.

What, what, what, what, what, what?

She didnt want to ask Louis about Flan, and asking the person himself was even harder.

She asked the people around her first, including Jenny but of course, none of them had succeeded in taking notes.

Why? Whats up?

Becky asked cautiously.

But Hailey still just looked at Becky.

She had come to Becky as the easiest and simplest way, but when she opened her mouth, it wasnt easy.

Just a few days ago, she had no reason to talk to Becky at all.

Hey, can I go to the carriage if you have nothing to say?

Oh, its nothing.

Hailey finally changed the subject.

Asking Becky to lend her notes was too hard for her.

I was wondering if you saw Louis. We have to ride the carriage together, but I cant find him.


Becky pointed to a carriage with the tip of her index finger.

There, Louis was sitting alone.

After giving a light nod, Hailey immediately moved towards Louis.


Hailey shouted at Louis.

Their eyes met in mid-air.

Oh, Hailey.

You were here? I was going to get another carriage for you.

But the moment Hailey stepped into the carriage.

Sorry. Theres no room here.


There was a brief silence.

Hailey asked cautiously again.

What do you mean?

I have a lot of questions for Flan, so I asked him to ride with me.

But there are two seats left. Cant I ride with you?

Louis scratched his head as if he was embarrassed.

Well Oh, there they are.

Haileys eyes followed Louiss gaze.

Behind Flan, Becky and Yushia were trailing along.

Louis smiled apologetically.

Those two also asked Flan to ride with them, so we decided to ride together like this.

Then what about me

Sorry, but this opportunity wont come again. Lets sit together next time.

Hailey stiffened as if she had been hit on the back of her head, and the other three got into the carriage.

Flan, can I sit next to you? Like we talked about earlier.

Cant you ride in the luggage compartment?

Fair~ Fair~.

With a thud, the carriage door closed.

Oh, Flan! Ive sorted out the papers! Becky is.

Aaaah! Yushia! Why did you have to bring that up!

Voices came out of the carriage with a hole in the ceiling.

By the way, four people are perfect for playing glow-in-the-dark puzzles!

Yeah. Lets all try it together then?

Wow Louis, youre awesome. You did this?

Get rid of it.

They kept coming out.

Among them, there was no voice of Hailey.

What the hell. Hey! Theres no matching part?

Becky Youre holding it upside down

Oh? Really?

Haha Kids, take it easy.

Move it.

They never stopped.

Haileys expression darkened.

She had never been so envious and impatient watching someone elses daily life.

Even though the voices were coming from right next to her, they felt as far away as the horizon.

Hailey could never join them in that space.

But, is this really glow-in-the-dark? Really?

Yes! Come closer, everyone!

Like this Will this work?

Im telling you to move it for the third time.

She couldnt make a sound or join them.

Wow! What is this! Its so pretty with the fluorescent light!

Yes! This is a glow-in-the-dark puzzle!

Oh Flan would like it too.


Aaah! My glow-in-the-dark puzzle!

Hey, Flan! What are you doing!

Hahaha This is so funny.

Get out.

At every moment.

Hailey just looked at her feet.

Wow, what are you?

The first thing I heard from the president after arriving at Saphora.