Chapter 61: Portrait, Sculpture, Print.

Chapter 61: Portrait, Sculpture, Print.

Chapter 61 Portrait, Sculpture, Print.

*Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Get me out of here.

The description of the work keeps growing endlessly.

It spreads over the white floor of the square, turning it into a canvas.



Serena is still pounding on the frame of the painting like a madwoman.

[ Evaluation begins! ]

The title of the work is somewhat irrelevant.

Ev, ev, ev, evaluation? What is this?

Becky starts to tremble in her legs.

What is this an evaluation? What about the magic device? What can they possibly evaluate with this?

The magic device experience was already forgotten, and the students were gradually sinking into confusion.

But fortunately, the officials of the First Experience zone arrived in no time.

Everyone, calm down please.

It will be okay.

The officials gray robes and golden pins on their chests.

They were reassuring to the students.

They quickly examined Serenas appearance that had turned into a painting.

The movement of her fist hitting the frame, the description of the work that followed her mouth.

She was clearly alive.

But also, nothing more than a picture that was not a living being.

It was a phenomenon that could only be described as strange.

This is different from magic. Black magic? This is not black magic, is it?

The officials whispered among themselves.

*Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Get me out of here.

The floor was already pitch black.

Now, even the walls started to be covered with letters.

Louis calmly opened his mouth.

Can we stop these letters from spreading? They are making my friends more anxious.

It shouldnt be too hard.

The gap between black magic and magic was unspeakably large, but they could take some measures.

One of the officials touched Serenas painting.


He also stiffened up.

His soft skin gradually became glossy and hard, and eventually turned into a mannequin.

The title of the work was written on his chest.

[ The Price of Arrogance ]

A a mannequin?

This time, its not a painting but a mannequin?

Everyone who watched was shocked.

Louis cautiously reached out his hand to the mannequins nose.

Hes breathing. Hes alive.

At his words, both the students and the officials were surprised.

But they were also experienced.

They tried to control the students without showing panic.

Please do not move from your seats! We will move to the hotel immediately!

One of the officials drew a circle in the air with his staff.

It was a movement to create a short-distance warp gate.

After returning to the hotel, you must not leave your rooms! We will announce the schedule later


But only sparks flew, and the gate was not created.

The officials face hardened.

What is this

Another official whispered to him urgently.

The First Experience zone has been completely sealed off.

Sealed off? When, how?

Just now. We cant move outside.

Then what are we supposed to do!

He was flustered, and a vein popped on his forehead.

They spoke in a low voice, but the fact that the officials were talking with serious expressions was a source of anxiety for the students.

It looks like something really happened What are we going to do?

The students started to murmur again.

The floor that was once white was now black with letters.

The official looked around the students and spoke as calmly as possible.

We will walk to the hotel. It will be okay. We will protect you

But then.


She also opened her eyes wide.

Uh uh?

With a bang, her flesh turned into a doll.

It fell to the floor with a thud.

The title of the work was [ Protection Cushion ]

Ev, even the officials are affected

This is not an evaluation, no matter how you look at it!

Paintings, dolls, mannequins In no time, all the people involved turned into artworks.

One of the students finally couldnt bear the horror and screamed.

What the hell! What is this supposed to be!

At the same time, he also got trapped in a frame.

Stop, stop!

Half of the painting was painted blue, and he struggled like crazy to survive.

*Its cold. Save me. Im going to freeze to death.

The title of the work is [Polite Words].

The other party hears everything that happens here.

The moment you resist, you are stuffed.

The students who realized that all shut their mouths tightly.


As Flan snapped his fingers, the structure of the cocktail bar changed completely.

From the entrance to the windows, all the doors disappeared in an instant.

Thanks to that, darkness settled inside.


Some of the bloodsuckers swallowed their saliva.

The red eyes that started to glow here and there, and even Flans pupils shone brightly among them.

Human. Bloodsucker.

Something strange that cannot be expressed by species.

Flan quietly recited his name.


What the hell is this guy.

That was the last chance.

Snap! Snap!

Flan snapped his fingers twice.

Crack! Four chairs floating in the air were cut off in an instant.

When he came to his senses, they were perfectly trimmed into the shape of a frame.

He quietly drew a formula in his head.

The reason I hide it in my mind is because the color of black magic and normal magic is starkly different.

I draw the magic of Creation in one corner of my mind and make a frame for the painting, and in the other corner, I draw the magic of Manipulation.

I will manipulate Gabe as a single material.


Four frames stick to each side of Gabe: east, west, south, and north.

Gabe hasnt grasped the situation yet.

From calculation to magic manifestation, the speed is like lightning.

I cast two Illusions at the same time.

The trick of double activation.

I will make the audience recognize Gabe as a work of art.

I will make Gabe himself recognize himself as a work of art.


Gabe and the bloodsuckers finally noticed the situation.

The trapped guy roars with all his might, but no sound comes out.

It was already a painting.

Gabe struggles on the black canvas.

A short title is attached.

[ Failure ] Portrait

Everyones eyes went blank.

For a moment, time seemed to flow slowly, and Flans lips curved.

His face seemed to say this.

You are, a failure.


Gabe sensed a bad situation and banged on the frame like crazy. But Flan doesnt stop.

He creates a landscape on the canvas of illusion.

The black background disappears, and in its place, countless knives are inserted.


The blades pierce Gabes flesh without hesitation.


Blood splatters, flesh is torn, bones are shaved, and Gabe screams, but no sound comes out in this process.

Even Gabe, whose body is in terrible shape, gets a name.

[ Theme Recognition ] Sculpture.

There was silence for a while.

Even the bloodsuckers couldnt imagine the scene, and they all had their heads blank.


Finally, a desk smashed the whole frame.

[ Words of Stupidity ] Print

This whole process took only 2 seconds.

The bloodsuckers stared blankly at the situation.

They realized the situation three beats late.

Lord Maievs black magic.

Its a bit different from taxidermy.

No, maybe its something more than that.

Taxidermy, title, description.

All those elements are exactly the same. But still, its different.

Was it black magic?

No, just magic? But can you do that with just magic?

With their bodies completely frozen, the bloodsuckers began to exchange glances.

A bloodsucker who could take charge was needed, and there was only one person who could do that.

Soon, everyones eyes focused on Teresa.

Teresa shook her head, but it was useless.

She had no choice but to open her mouth.

She had to squeeze her lungs to spit out a few words.

Uh, excuse me

I felt his cold gaze on me. I quickly raised my hand.

To appear more polite.

Is it really you, Lord Maiev? Haha

He tapped, tapped, tapped.

He tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingertips a few times before opening his mouth.

So youre the material this time.

Im s-s-s-sorry!

I bowed my waist immediately.

I didnt doubt you or anything! Its just that your taxidermy is so amazing! Yes!

Blood seeped out from under the desk where the blade was stuck.

In no time, the floor was stained with blood.

The moment it touched his toes.

Lets continue the meeting.

He said.