Chapter 62: Well, it’s a decent magic. Good talent.

Chapter 62: Well, it’s a decent magic. Good talent.

Chapter 62 Well, its a decent magic. Good talent.

[ The magic tool called Dream seems to belong to the illusion category. ]

[ The beginners area is currently sealed off. ]

The meeting proceeded quickly, and Flan summarized the information he collected from the bloodsuckers.

No one tried to resist him, and no one doubted him.

He could get any information he wanted on the spot.

This was because the bloodsuckers had a dot-like organization structure, and also because Maiev was such a rare and mysterious freak.

It didnt take long for Flan to finalize his Flan and strategy in his head.

Now all that was left was to give orders.


Flan called her name softly.

She opened her eyes wide and pointed to her chin with her index finger.

Me, me? Yes!

He only called Teresa, but the rest of the bloodsuckers also straightened their posture and swallowed their dry saliva.

Listen up, all of you.

It was a short command, but it was irresistible.

There was no bloodsucker who didnt pay attention.

First, no student should die.

The bloodsuckers nodded silently. Or, they didnt even do that, looking at Flans mood.

Their goal was to prepare an exhibition that would satisfy the princess.

Therefore, Maievs black magic, which was called taxidermy, would not cut off the targets breath But still, it was necessary to prevent any accidents.

Second, move all the works to the room I designated. Im going to gather them all together.

The instructions given as a result of the meeting were only two.

There was no bloodsucker who didnt understand this content.

And there was no bloodsucker who opposed it either.

Flan got up quietly from his seat.

He smoothed his clothes, which were not even slightly wrinkled.

Lets go.

The bloodsuckers, including Teresa, followed Flan quietly.

The way from the cocktail bar to the beginners area was not far.

They didnt need to walk long.

The moment they stepped into the beginners area, they saw all kinds of works scattered around.

Flan picked one of them.

[ Hanging Man ]

It was a picture of a person who was tied tightly by one ankle and hung upside down in the air.

*My ankle hurts so much. It feels like its going to break. Please stop.

He interfered and flipped the person in the picture over, then Flan muttered.

Take it.

The bloodsuckers hurriedly took it.

He felt that they deserved some credit for their quick action, and Flan looked around the beginners area again.

Only the staff.

There were no students.

Among the many things that had turned into works, there was not a single one wearing the academy uniform.

In other words, the students had not been taxidermied yet.

Flan began to examine each work carefully.

[ Abstract ], which erased the eyes of the person, [ Smoking Lady ], which placed the staff in a pile of fog, [ Tightrope Walking ], which made them hang on a single line

Even among these many works, there was not a single one that had a student taxidermied.

But as he moved further inside.

A picture that took up a whole wall came into his sight.

[ Sandpaper ]

The students were in this picture.

The background description in the picture was so detailed that it was hard to tell apart from the real reality.

They didnt even know that they were already trapped in the world of the work, and the students were looking around the situation there.

At this point His plan was also not too late.

No, it was just right.


Yes, yes!

Flan said calmly.

From now on, you just have to record the appearance of all the students.

All of them Do you mean all at once? Or one by one in detail?

One by one, as detailed as possible until they are taxidermied. When they turn into works, move them to the room right away.

Even in the midst of the abnormal situation, Flan was calm and composed, and he was about to move his steps toward the room.

Hey, hey! Lord Maiev!

Teresa called him in a hurry.

Then What do we do after we finish recording?

Their eyes met in the air.

Teresa showed an awkward smile, revealing her teeth.

Flan answered lowly.

The dean will come.

The dean.

Who was the dean again?

Teresa racked her brain quickly.

The dean? Oh, you mean Sushia?

Yes. If you see her, tell her to come to me. And let her know that Im waiting.

With that, Flan left. His steps were firm and confident.


Teresa watched his proud back for a while, then started to record the situation of [Saphora] in detail.

A dazzling space.

The shining jewels and the intricate patterns of the decorations elicited admiration.

At least, they were not suitable for the interior of the deans office.


In the center of the deans office, a woman was resting her chin on her hand.


The woman was humming a tune, looking quite happy.

Her neatly combed hair had a silver hue like the dew of the elves, and her pointed ears twitched in response to her mood.

At a glance, it seemed like a pleasant scene, but if anyone actually saw it, they would not have any appreciation for it.

Her curled up lips were too grotesque.

Sushia, the dean of the novice area.

She was also known as the master of disguise among the blood demons.


With one hand, she rested her chin, and with the other, she examined the copy of the picture [Saphora].

Along with her leisurely humming, her face was filled with a satisfied smile.

Sushia had stuffed countless rabbit dolls into [Saphora].

At the same time, she also added a picture of a very large monster.

This monster, with eight human heads attached to it, gave a sense of disgust.

It was very suitable for inducing fear in the students.

[Cut open the belly of the dolls and find the key.]

[If you dont find it in time]

But there was no trace of any lie in Teresas eyes.

She was being sincere.

The one who is famous for disguising himself You mean that bloodsucker?

Yes. Oh, we have to move right now

Teresa started to panic at Shushias gentle voice.

You know, the taxidermy magic. Youve heard of it, right?

Of course I do.

I was the one who invented it. How could I not know?

But thats why the next words that Teresa uttered were so shocking.

Its unbelievable when you see it for yourself. He made portraits, sculptures, and even prints at the end Anyway, lets go.

See it for yourself?

Shushias expression twisted completely.

She was not pleased at all.

So she impersonated my abilities too? How dare he, copying my taxidermy magic?

Lead the way.


Teresa was taken aback by Shushias fierce voice.

Shushia urged him on.

I said lead the way. Lets go.

Ah, yes.

They started walking.

Teresas footsteps showed no hesitation. She looked loyal to anyone who saw her.

My curiosity overcame my annoyance.

Who was this guy who impersonated me?

Aha. Is this it?

When they finally reached a large door, Shushia muttered.

This was the room where the dream was stored.

Teresa nodded slowly.

Yes. Thats right.


Shushia turned to Teresa sharply.

Whats wrong with you?

What should I do with a dog that cant recognize its master?

I have no idea what youre talking about.

Teresa was innocent.

It was just that Shushias disguise was too good.

Thats why he was only irritated.

If a dog cant recognize its master, should I be proud of my skill? Or should I beat the dog up?

Teresa frowned.

I dont understand what youre saying

You dont have to.

Shushia started to reveal his red mana without hiding it.

Teresas eyes widened.

Youll find out soon enough.

Yo-you dont mean.

Teresa gasped and quickly pulled up his red mana, but it was too late.

Four frames trapped her faster.

[ Blind ] *Oh, I cant see anything. Nothing.

Teresa was taxidermied on the spot. Two black lines were drawn over her eyes.

This is what real taxidermy is. Pathetic.

He didnt even glance at the letters written in the explanation.

Shushia slowly walked toward the door.


Gathering her red mana and fixing her hair, Shusia passed through the huge door.

A long corridor revealed itself.

Dream was a very high-grade magic tool. It had to be stored separately like this.

Just being in the same space would suffocate and kill a low-level mage, let alone causing sparks or circuit damage.

The impostor too He must have enough power to stand in the space where Dream was.

She became more interested.

At the end of this corridor, that arrogant bastard would be waiting for her.


As she reached the end of the corridor, another door greeted Shusia.

As if it had been waiting for her alone, the door was already slightly open.

Thats why greeted was an appropriate expression.

Shusia opened the door with telekinesis and walked in.


And then, she let out a sound that even she couldnt understand.

A dark and huge room, a cold and chilled air, a tremendous amount of magic emanating from Dream

That was all as expected. But.

In the corner, a visual record was playing very loudly.

It showed the process of how he had stuffed the students one by one at [Saphore].

Also, the stuffed products that were arranged at different angles like a real exhibition, and the large papers that were stuck in the air with something written on them.

Shusia picked up one of the papers with her hand and looked at it.

[ Becky ]

Good understanding of the ice element.

Shows too much shaking in unexpected situations. This is a lack of faith rather than a lack of talent.


What is this

Shusias hand clenched the paper.

But beyond the crumpled paper, she saw many more papers, all written in the same way for each student.

She swept them all away with telekinesis at once.

And finally.

What came into her sight was, a mage standing firmly.

An imposing and handsome figure, elegant and red eyes that shone even though he was not a bloodsucker.

Black hair and pale skin that seemed to bind the shadows, and a sharp jawline.

The owner of the flawless blue mana.

So you were the one who did this prank?


In the middle of the exhibition that was opened only for him, he slowly turned to Shusia.


At the same time, a paper flew like a ray of light.

Shusia stopped it in front of her eyes with telekinesis.

[ Maiev ]

Well, a decent magic. Good talent.

Good talent.

Talent. Talent. Talent


A vein popped on Shusias forehead.