Chapter 63: From now on, write for me.

Chapter 63: From now on, write for me.

T/L Note:

Bloodsucker Blood Demon

Villain Demon

I apologize to the readers for not editing this novel properly. But Im doing my best now and putting in a lot of effort. I hope you will forgive me for my errors. I have already edited the chapters 32 to 63. I just missed the terms Blood sucker and Villain, but I will change them from now on. Please understand. Thank you.

Chapter 63 From now on, write for me.



No, Maiev asked Flan.

Yes. You have talent, but your magic lacks substance.

Ha, Maiev snorted and shrugged her shoulders.

Substance this, showing that nonsense.

In the air, her eyes met Flans.

At the same time, ripples began to form in Maievs red lake-like pupils.


She took a step forward.

With that alone, the world changed.

In a world of pure white and rough texture, everyone existed only as sketches in graphite.

Youre late, Flan.


She took another step forward.

Then, once more, the world changed.

Shadows appeared in the world that was only drawn in outlines.

The concept of perspective was finally established.

World in Painting . A black magic that I invented and refined myself. Its over if you meet my eyes.

Maiev freely manipulated the World in Painting and filled the space.

It was an illusion that sucked you in just by looking into her eyes.

Thirty-two dotted lines that reminded him of cutting lines were drawn over Flans body, and he calmly asked Maiev.

Its not a method that uses life force as a price.

Who do you think I am? Of course theres a theory. I can do whatever I want in this world.

Thats interesting. This was worth seeing.

It wasnt a power that was obtained by sacrificing something.

There was a unique theory to the black magic of this world, and Flan confirmed that it was manifested based on that.

It was worth seeing thats ridiculous.

Maiev muttered.

Youre a human, but your mouth is so arrogant. You know that?

Flan was still obsessed with the black magic of the bloodsucker.

If he could fully acquire this theory, if he could apply it to the way he used the red mana of this world.

He would surely surpass the realm of the previous world. He didnt even think it was impossible.

Maiev. Can you adjust the time of this world too?

Its completely my world, right? Of course.

I like that too.

At the sudden remark, Maiev chuckled.

Ive never seen a human like you. Never.

Humans are infinitely powerless beings in front of fear.

It would be more than enough to feel fear if you were trapped in someone elses world and had cutting lines drawn all over your body.

Flan was different.

He was calm and composed, and Maiev was curious about the reason.

This time, Flan opened his mouth first.

Three times its calculated as three times. I could extend the time of the outside world by that much here.


He was right.

Its a perfect environment for research and training. It doesnt seem like aging is progressing either.

He was not afraid, but genuinely interested.

Maievs black magic.

World in Painting.

Flan was trying to unravel everything in this world, and he had already laid out a rough interpretation.

Arrogant, haughty, and ridiculous.

Maiev tilted her head slightly and licked her lips.

Hey, Flan.

What is it.

Slowly this time I want to ask you something.

Flan nodded his head calmly.

Okay. Listen carefully from now on?

Maiev lowered her voice.

She cautiously approached Flan, and whispered in his ear.

That is right now


At that moment. Red lines were drawn over the thirty-two dotted lines on Flans body.

It felt more like they were created than drawn.

It happened in an instant.

Maiev smirked and laughed.

You let your guard down, didnt you? I didnt really have anything to ask. Just die.

Maiev painted part of the white ground black.

A dark abyss of ominous energy was created.

She spat saliva into it.

Why are you, a mere human, acting so arrogant and crazy? You should be scared, begging for your life, and dying miserably. Thats your role.

Now, Flans mutilated corpse would fall into the black abyss.

He would fall and fall until there was no trace of him left.

All Maiev had to do was watch the insolent humans words quietly.

He would drop soon.

It was time for him to drop

This World of Painting.


At the voice that struck her ears like lightning, Maiev involuntarily lifted her head.

Despite the red lines that covered his body, Flan was standing upright in his place.

There are many interesting aspects to this world. First, I need to get some theory from you guys.

Maiev glared at Flan as if she was dumbfounded.

You, why are you still alive without being torn apart?

Interference is still possible, but creation requires a bit more conditions to be met.

Blue mana began to ripple in Flans hand. He touched a point in the world.

Interference is possible? What nonsense are you talking about


But at that moment, the whole world swayed like a wave.

Maievs mouth opened wide.

Maiev. We need to have a serious conversation.


At the same time, Maiev felt something thin like a thread break in her head.



Not one.

They broke in bunches.

Her hand trembled slightly.

Soon, the vibration spread throughout her body.

Human like you

Her red eyes narrowed into slits.

The whole space began to vibrate.

How dare you touch my world!

She didnt have time to wonder.

Soon, a neat office appeared.

A huge wooden desk was placed, and Flan sat on a large chair with his back leaning.


Another chair fell next to her.

Maiev. Sit down there.

Haa Haa

She couldnt win.


She realized that simple fact then.

Cough, cough!

There was blood on her palm that covered her mouth.

She had pushed herself to the point of vomiting blood, but the other person didnt have a speck of dust on him.

His mental power was a world of its own.

He was never trapped in the World of Painting in the first place.


But still.

Maiev had pride as a blood demon.

She had pride in her name, and confidence in her achievements.

So, one more time.

With all her strength

She didnt care about Flan approaching her.

Thump Thump

She didnt hear his footsteps, nor did she notice the shadow looming over her.



Finally, Flan grabbed Maievs chin.

Thanks to that, she was forcibly pulled out of her trance.


Their eyes slowly met.

His red eyes were deeper than Maievs, who was a blood demon.

Sit down.

A cold voice.

She couldnt resist. Her confidence, pride, and dignity crumbled in an instant.

In the end, Maiev slumped on the chair.

Why did I spare you?

In the office created in the World of Painting, Flan asked Maiev casually.

Maiev swallowed her tension.

She didnt know why Flan spared her.

Flan glanced at her and said.

Your World of Painting was more than I expected.

It was possible to use magic inside, and judging by the [Saphora], it could hold multiple people.

The virtual world had infinite possibilities.

He could use it for various purposes and see the effects.

So, he planned to use it to his liking.

More than you expected?

Maiev bit her lower lip.

She was not used to being praised for her dark magic by a mere human.

Are you unhappy with this situation?


You sound so short.

No, no Haa No, sir.

But then, Hera opened her mouth.

[ Wow~ Youre still so arrogant, master. ]

Maievs eyes widened at the unexpected object.

Hera continued with a smile.

[ Arent all blood demons like this? Their pride is so filthy. They think theyre so noble. Ooh~ ]

You are a night spirit? Youre the princesss thing.

Hera snorted.

[ Who says so? I really hate being treated like a thing, you know? Especially by a blood demon. ]

How pathetic, spirits are all so stupid. You gave up the honor of being the princesss possession and chose a human as your master

[ Hey~ You just got defeated by a human, you know? Youre the one whos a thing if you get a dependency contract. Hmph. ]

The twos fight that wasnt a fight continued.

Shut your mouth.


[ ! ]

Flans frosty voice descended.

Maiev shuddered, and Hera immediately became speechless.




Sigh Yes.

Flan asked Maiev, who was biting her lower lip.

Explain the dependency contract.

Its as it sounds.

He asked about something that was obvious from the name, just to trample on her pride.

Dont you want to explain?

No. No, I dont.

Do this then.

A dagger appeared in Maievs hand.

Kill yourself, or attack me with all your strength.


Dont live with such an attitude. Do one thing.

Maiev didnt know Flans exact skills.

She only knew that he was stronger than her.

Quietly, Maiev put down the dagger.

A dependency contract is as it sounds, engraving a mark that makes you dependent on someone for life, and pledging loyalty.

She still looked down and avoided his gaze, but her tone was corrected quite well.

Flan nodded.

You know well.

And without any hesitation, the next words came out.

Engrave it.


Maiev lifted her head.

Engrave the mark.

Their eyes met.

Flan nodded quietly, and she suddenly couldnt calm down and took a deep breath.

Hoo Hoo

I had never thought of being enslaved by a human.

That should never happen.


From now on, write the World of Painting for me.

Flan said without a hint of hesitation.