Chapter 90: …You!

Chapter 90: ...You!

Chapter 90 You!

The social gathering at Udits mansion was over.

Butler, a servant of the Knight of the Flickering Flame, was reporting various things to Scarlet.

Two hundred thousand?

Scarlets expression crumpled as she listened quietly.

Two hundred thousand. Did you just say that?

She asked again, facing Butler, who was trembling and opening his mouth.

Yes. Yes, miss. He took a check worth two hundred thousand gold coins. He said he was going to visit the midnight auction


Scarlet couldnt believe Butlers words.

Not a hundred gold coins, not a thousand, not ten thousand, but a whopping two hundred thousand gold coins.

People would call this an astronomical figure.

And he just took that much of a check.

Udits wealth was not infinite, and losing two hundred thousand gold coins would be a big blow.

You, you You just watched him do that? No one tried to stop him?

As Butler met Scarlets red eyes, his face was covered with sweat in an instant.

I, Im just a servant And he said, since he won the bet with Miss Scarlet, it would be fine!

Enough. Enough. Stop talking.

Ah, yes!

Leaving Butler behind, Scarlet quickly walked to her office.

Im going crazy

She picked up the ledger and examined it carefully with eagle eyes.

She turned the pages so hard that it was a miracle that the paper didnt tear.

Im going to lose it

First of all, the timing was bad.

Udit was currently facing big expenses.

It was pointless to say twice that losing two hundred thousand gold coins would cause trouble.

Dont interfere with anything he does

Scarlet remembered that she had promised that, of course.

And because she had promised, she had to keep it.


Even so.

Theres a limit to everything. This is

Scarlet put his hand on her head.

Her well-groomed hair became messy in no time.

This is not the time for this.

She got up from her seat and walked briskly toward the door.

Literally, this was not the time.

No, no

But she soon returned.

The midnight auction was already underway, and it would be too risky for Scarlet to show herself.

She got up from her seat again.

And then she sighed deeply and sat down again.


Anyway, after dawn, she had a meal with Theodore.

She had to ask him everything then.

The auction stage of Exclamation Mark was very splendid.

It was covered with black velvet and embroidered with gold ornaments.

Anyone who looked at it would think of nobility.

The expensive perfume scent, the leisurely laughter of the nobles, everything blended together in this place where I looked over the auction list for today.

They have everything.

Teacups, brushes, clocks, paintings, armor, wands And finally, Surt.

Surt was the name of a sword, but I still paid close attention to its name.

Tonight. I would like to thank each and every one of you for giving us your precious time

The well-dressed auctioneer appeared, and everything except the stage went dark.

The nobles chatter died down in no time.

From the first order, amazing items are waiting for you. Now, arent you excited!

As the auctioneer hurriedly spoke, the others moved the item to the center of the stage.

First, its a good idea to call the price and think about it. The first item. Look!

It was a clock with a luxurious appearance.

Its a clock called Reversal that the craftsman made with his blood and sweat. Its a masterpiece among masterpieces, where the color of the second hand and the appearance change according to the wearers magic. The starting bid is a thousand gold coins, and the bid is a hundred coins!

It would be nice to have it. But its not necessary.

The story of buying all the items is, only when all the items are useful.

I dont feel like indulging in luxury.

Thats what I thought then.

I sensed a faint energy from the clock.

Number 14, eleven hundred! Ah Number 113, twelve hundred!

The price kept rising as I pondered. But I focused on the energy.

There was no doubt. It was the energy of the ancient runes.

It goes without saying that every time I study an ancient rune, my magic level leaps up dramatically.

So I had no reason to hesitate. I made up my mind.

Number 64 is at 1,300! Number 65 next to it is at 1,400 right away!

1,500. 1,600. 1,700.

The price of the clock, which was rising fiercely, finally stopped at 2,500 gold coins.

Number 2 is at 2,500 gold coins. Is there anyone who wants to bid higher? I will call it three times and award it. 2,500 gold coins. 2,500 gold coins

My budget for today was 200,000 gold coins.

The clock with traces of ancient runes was 2,500 gold coins.


It was unbelievable.

There was no such thing as a bargain like this.

I pressed the button on the armrest of my seat.

There was no reason not to buy it, and no reason I couldnt.

Number 1, 2,600 gold coins!

Number 2, 2,700 gold coins!

The price of the clock soared even after that, but I didnt care about it anymore.


It was certain.

It was a manipulation-type ancient rune.

2,800. 2,900. 3,000.

I just pressed the button.

Whether it was someone who had a passion for collecting clocks, someone who admired the craftsman, or someone who wanted to buy the heart of a precious person with a gift It was all futile.

They were all powerless in front of 200,000 gold coins.

Again, number 1 is at 3,100 gold coins. I will call it three times.

3,100 gold coins. 3,100 gold coins. 3,100 gold coins! The clock goes to number 1!

The guests applauded me cheerfully. I just nodded quietly.

I will win the finals for sure.

Janet snapped back in a sharp tone, without realizing it.


She bowed her head slightly, but the lady-in-waiting coughed and said no more.

And then.

The last one! The item that will adorn todays finale! The blade that holds the full power of the elements, the miracle that slashes and cuts. Its Surt!

With the auctioneers shout, Surt was brought to the stage.

The starting price is 10,000 gold coins. The bid is 1,000 coins!

The strange red blade that contained a mysterious power.

As soon as Janet saw it, she pressed the button as if she was bewitched.

From now on, she will do everything in her power to get Surt.

The starting price was 10,000.

The bid was a whopping 1,000.

There were many who coveted the red blade. 12,000, 13,000, 14,000. The price soared to the ceiling.

Number 44, 20,000 coins! Any objections?

Number 44, Janet.

The four knights of the Celestial Blessing had scraped together gold coins from their respective clans. 20,000 coins was not easy for anyone.


Just then, Janet let out a sigh of relief.

Number 1, 21,000 coins!


Janets eyes turned to number 1.

Sure enough, he was interested in Surt too.

She frantically tapped the button.

Number 44, 22,000 coins!

She had been imagining swinging Surt for days.

She had to have it.

Number 1, 23,000 coins!

The auction had already become a duel between the two.

The auctioneers mouth never stopped, and everyone in the seats began to watch Janet and number 1.

Admiration, exclamation, cheer. All of that filled the auction hall like background music.

Number 44, 25,000 coins!

Number 1, 26,000 coins!

It sounded like a fierce fight to the ears. But to the eyes, the reality was completely different.

Number 44, 27,000 coins!

Number 1, 28,000 coins!

Number 44, Janets speed of pressing the button slowed down. It was not a fierce fight. It was more like number 1 was putting a leash on Janet and dragging her along.

Number 44, 30,000 coins! 30,000 coins have been offered!

The gold coins that the four disciples of the Celestial Blessing had gathered from their own clans. 30,000 coins.

A desperate last resistance.

Number 1 crushed it, without giving any room.

Number 1, 31,000 coins!

The bodies of the Celestial Blessing disciples stiffened.

The auction hall fell silent for a moment.

The bid had already surpassed everyones imagination.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Janet, number 44.

Bastian, a knight with scars all over his face, nudged Janets arm.

Janet, raise it.

His eyes were very serious.

Well make money for our family, even if we have to sell everything. Dont lose this.

Janet nodded, trying to catch her breath. She didnt have time to thank him.

A moment later. 32,000 pieces from number 44.

The auctioneer felt the pressure to break the silence. He finally opened his lips.

If there are no objections Ill call it three times

But then.

Number 1, 33,000 pieces!


The eyes of the novice knights widened in shock.

The four knights exchanged glances.

It was their limit.

They hated to admit it, but they had to. They couldnt afford to get Surt with their wealth.

The auction didnt wait for them.

Ill call it three times. 33,000 pieces, 33,000 pieces, 33,000 pieces! Sold! The owner of Surt is number 1!

The winner was officially announced as number 1.

A loud applause erupted for him.

The winner himself didnt seem to care much, he just nodded slightly.

The auction ended like that.

The nobles left their seats one by one, chatting. But Janet was still sitting.

Her eyes were on number 1.

He was still sitting too. He was inspecting his many auction items as if they were trophies.

And among those trophies, there was Surt.

Janet approached him without thinking.

Congratulations on becoming the owner of Surt.

She said that, not out of courtesy, but out of regret for not getting the item she wanted.

Number 1 didnt even look at her. He just examined Surts blade quietly.

And the next moment.

The words he uttered were beyond Janets expectation.

32,000. Thats how much you bid, right?

But the words that followed were even more unexpected.

Youre lucky. Somehow, the blade is below my expectations.


Number 1 stood up from his seat.

He didnt seem tall when he was sitting, but he was actually an imposing figure.

He said calmly.

Use the money you saved to train your knights.

He turned away from Janet.

32,000 wont do much.

He left those words behind.

Janet was stunned and stayed in her place, watching his back.



He wants her to train the knights?

She was frozen by his shocking words, when she suddenly realized that his voice was familiar.

And the moment she remembered who he was.


She screamed, almost like a shriek.