Chapter 91: I did say I would give up my seat as the lord.

Chapter 91: I did say I would give up my seat as the lord.

Chapter 91 I did say I would give up my seat as the lord.

Early morning.

It was finally time to have breakfast with Udits lord.

The mansion had been busy since dawn.

Welcome, my lord!

The maids shouted as they hurriedly got up and ran to the door to open it.

Welcome, my lord.

Scarlet also bowed her head to the lord.


The guest who looked around was a calm-looking man.

His dignified and authoritative appearance made him the obvious owner of the mansion.

Udits lord.

Scarlets father had returned.Nêww chapters will be fully updated at


Then, one of the maids stumbled.

She quickly regained her balance and apologized repeatedly.

Dont worry about it.

He was authoritative but also very restrained. His presence made the maids bow their heads deeply.

Finally, the lords gaze met Scarlets.

Its been a while.


As they exchanged greetings, the lord Theodore continued to look around.

As if he was looking for something else.

Flan is not here.

He went to the auction and hasnt returned yet.

She wished he would never come back.

But as soon as she answered.

The mansions door opened again and Flan appeared.

The lords gaze naturally turned to him, and Scarlet was displeased.

You too, its been a while. Flan.

But the lords greeting was gentle.

Flan just nodded quietly.

Scarlet gave him a glaring look, but Flans attitude didnt change.

He didnt open his mouth to greet him.

The lord.

Theodore took a few steps closer and examined Flan.

And he uttered briefly.

You seem different.

Do I?

Everything had changed.

The aura that was gathered, the eyes, the shoulders that were confidently relaxed, the tone that questioned back All of it.

But if he asked if he was his son, he was undoubtedly Theodores son.

What had happened?

That was something he would find out while having breakfast.

Theodores gaze turned to the head maid.

The head maid licked her lips as she received the lords gaze.

Breakfast is ready.

What about tea?

We prepared the one that suits your taste best, my lord.

Theodore nodded as if he was satisfied, and the maids who had been waiting opened the door immediately.

A spacious dining table.

Scarlet and Flan sat side by side across from the lord Theodore.

There is no conversation between the three of us.

For a while, Theodore just savors his coffee.

And after a moment, he opens his mouth.

Ive seen some newspaper articles from the academy.

His gaze is solely on Flan.

And everyone here easily understands what those articles mean.

Youve been doing a lot of things, Flan.

He also spends a lot of gold. As he pleases, a whopping 200,000 pieces.

Scarlet interjects.

Thats not important right now. We dont have much time. Lets ask the important things first.

But Theodore just quietly sips his half-finished tea.

The fragrance of tea slowly fills the spacious dining room.

Flan. What have you been doing, and what are you trying to do?

Flan looks at Theodore blankly.

He is not blindly opposing or angry.

He just seems genuinely curious about various things about Flan.

Naturally, he is intrigued.

The knight family of Udit, whose name is renowned.

What kind of thoughts does the lord of this place have?


Flan answers like that.

It is the answer to both questions that

Theodore asked.

In the air, the father and sons eyes quietly meet.

You still have no thoughts of the sword?


I see.

Theodore finally puts down his empty teacup.

Lets talk a little more in detail from now on.

His pupils also have flames in them.

Theodore, the lord of Udit.

He is the lord of Udit before he is a knight.

So maybe, he should be angry in this situation.

But he wasnt.

Rather, he was very interested in Flans change.

You who had no will to live.

In Theodores mind, Flan was always something heavy that sank.

He inherited a great talent, but gave up the sword, and at some point, he lost interest in everything.

He rarely came out of his room and skipped meals most of the time.

But what happened?

As long as its not a crime.

A fiery flame that burns life.


That was Theodores knighthood.

He burned himself to stay within that standard, and he wanted his children to live that way too.

I think I have already given you many swords that you can wield in the name of Udit.

Scarlet sighed deeply.


She couldnt understand his thoughts at all.

How will I face Mother later? What will the Knight of Flames think of you


Theodore cut off Scarlets words.

That woman would surely

His eyes were serious as he turned to face Scarlet.

He would have gladly challenged you to prove yourself.

Ugh Flan will be here soon.

Early morning.

Spitting out the hair strands in her mouth, Becky barely got out of bed.

Finally, today.

Flan returns to the academy.

So the girl had something to do. It was to check carefully if anything was missing.

I did everything. Im sure I did

Of course, she had done everything last night.

She learned various things from the pretty summoning book that Flan left behind, and finished the summary that he requested.

Becky yawned and walked into the spacious area.


But then.

In the living room-like space that the representatives shared, something caught the girls eye.

It was a huge pile of books.

To be precise, it was spilled out from the slightly opened door of Trixies room.

Should I wake her up and tell her?

Why. What are you looking at.


Maybe that wasnt a good idea.

Trixie was always cold as ice and sharp as a sword.

Becky didnt want to be stabbed or cut by her.

She had no choice.

She had to look at the books and summarize them if needed, and clean them up if necessary.

Becky slowly examined the books.


She turned the pages at a fairly fast speed.

Like it or not, she had become like this thanks to Flan.


And while she was looking, she exclaimed without knowing.

Shes already learning Elvish

Vocabulary, novels, research papers

There were various types.

One thing they had in common was that they were all written in Elvish.

Becky couldnt translate them with her ability.

No, not just her, but most people would.

Humans, being humans, had a hard time understanding the language system of elves.

It was needless to say that it took a lot of time and effort to learn and use it.

Not anyone can be the next lord

Becky stuck out her tongue and started to put away the books.

She put away one after another, until she reached the last one at the bottom.

It was noticeably thicker than the other books.

When Becky opened it without thinking.


This time, it was not words but pictures that greeted her.

Oh, its a picture book. Thats why its so thick.

Elvish was so difficult that there were books that explained everything with pictures.

Well, it was not a bad choice, considering the visibility.

She was curious, so she turned the pages slowly, one by one.

Joint magic? Thats high-level.


She turned the page.

A man and a woman each. Why like this?

Flip- Flip-

She kept turning the pages.

At some point, her hand slowed down.

Huh Is this a magic that doesnt require clothes?

Flip- Flip- Flip-

After turning a few more pages.

Beckys hand holding the book trembled.

At the same time, the girls face turned as red as her hair.

W-what is this

She muttered, but she couldnt take her eyes off the book.

To be exact, she couldnt peel them off because it was so shocking.

In the midst of that.

Suddenly, a dark shadow covered the book.

Becky had a bad feeling and looked behind her.


Beckys eyes, which seemed to be as big as they could be, widened even more.

The girls eyes quickly scanned the owner of the shadow.

A sleek academy uniform that looked like a suit, red eyes that shone like jewels, a sharp nose that seemed to have grown even higher.

The protagonist of the recent topic, with his characteristic expressionlessness.

It was Flan.

She had gotten into the habit of turning the pages, so Becky turned one without knowing.

Only then did she realize how serious the situation was.

Becky closed the book first.


She couldnt look into Flans eyes for some reason.

She was silent for a long time, and then squeezed out a word.

Its not my book.

Then whos the owner?

She couldnt answer.