Chapter 92: Don’t forget to tell me your review later~

Chapter 92: Don’t forget to tell me your review later~

Chapter 92 Dont forget to tell me your review later~

Dont slack off too much.

Flan turned around halfway and clicked his tongue.

Becky felt wronged and protested.

No, no. I didnt slack off!

It was just for fun, right? Anyway, do it by yourself in a place where no one can see.

But Beckys words didnt reach him.

Having become a magician who slacked off while looking at strange pictures, Becky could only pout.

She had experienced many moments of shame and humiliation in her life, but this was the first time it was this bad.

Theres no point in looking at it. It wont help you. Theres a huge gap between reality and that.


While she was swept away by various shocks that she had never experienced before, another door opened.

Beckys eyes naturally turned to that direction.

Messy hair and a slightly swollen face, as if he had just woken up from sleep. Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

A body curve that couldnt be hidden by a single shirt.

It was Trixie.

Becky greeted her with a detached expression.

She probably didnt know what a big deal had happened just now.

Youre up.


Trixie answered coldly as usual.

The blue-haired girl combed her hair with her hand and buttoned up her shirt, then her eyes moved to the book that Becky was holding.

Trixies fingers stopped buttoning.

The book that was in Beckys arms flew up and landed on Trixie.

You, you. What is this. Why did you touch this kind of book?

Trixie asked with her eyes wide open.

Becky had no energy to deal with anyone else.

Its your book

Its not my book.

You didnt even look at it, and you said this kind of book.


Trixies face turned red and she muttered some words.

Dont vomit. And this is confiscated. Ill find the owner and return it myself. Just remember that.

With a bang, Trixie closed the door.


Becky was still sitting down, and sighed.

And she thought quietly.

She thought and thought, and she got angry.


She ran to the locked door and shook the knob.

Hey, hey! Because of you, I!

As soon as I came out of the corridor of the magic tower guest room, I ran into an unexpected person.

A girl with striking blonde hair.

Hailey Lumian.

It had been quite a while since I had met her like this.

Hi, Flan.

Hailey greeted me first.

She had a basket in her hand.

Its nice that the magic department made it to the finals in first place. You did really well.

She said out of the blue.

I just came to give Louis something. But since I ran into you, I wanted to congratulate you too.

She added, looking at me with a rather friendly face. But compared to before, Haileys face was noticeably pale.

I just nodded my head briefly.

Anyway, Im glad the scandal was all cleared up. I dont know what you were thinking, but the article department dropped everything. Thats a relief!

Thats what she came to say in such a hurry, but it turned out to be about the scandal.

I remembered the conversation I had with Eliza, the editor-in-chief of the article department, when we exchanged business cards.

It seemed to have some effect.

Phew, I was worried about some things, too. I trust you completely, Flan, but from the girls point of view, there were some ambiguous aspects.

Sephia continued to talk excitedly.

Anyway, it turned out to be a needless worry~ Everything related to Flan is so good that its suspicious. Is it true that whatever you say comes true, like the rumors on Trivia?

Thats how the principle of resonance works.

Oh, you always talk about magic even at times like this.

Sephia chuckled and licked her tongue.

At the same time, she looked at me with a meaningful look.

Well, half joking, half serious. Honestly, it might be a regrettable situation for the girls. It was an opportunity to stick to Flans side by taking advantage of the scandal.

Sephia sighed.

Because Haileys expression, who was standing next to her, had noticeably worsened.

Sephia coughed awkwardly.

Ahem, Ive been talking too long when there are other students here. Anyway, the conclusion is that the misinformation has been corrected. You can rest assured!

Finally, she finished talking.

Is it okay to stop dealing with her now?

I thought so.

Hey, Flan~

This time, Professor Audrey opened her mouth with a strained voice.

This was something he could tell even without looking at their faces, just by browsing the trivia.

He could feel their excitement from every post.

But then.


He saw a familiar figure in his eyes.

Someone was walking with their pink hair hidden under a robe.

Martin followed them without hesitation.


His call made the person in the robe stop and turn their head awkwardly.


Is that really you? When did you get out of the hospital?

Just now.

Aria Fontaine.

The guy who flipped a deadly scroll while working on a project with Flan, and ended up in the infirmary.

She looked around and asked.

By the way, how did you know it was me?

Your hair was sticking out of the robe, man.

As if she didnt know that, Aria pulled the robe tighter over her head.

She eyed Martins appearance. Then, she noticed the lipstick marks on his neck.

Youre still messing around with girls, huh.

Dont look at me like that. I came to the academy to meet better girls in the first place.

And whats with that tacky card?

Martins business card, which should have been white, was slightly glowing in the dark.

Oh, this?

Martin pointed at his card with his index finger.

Yushia did it. For all of us.

Yushia Who is that? Your current girlfriend?

You wouldnt know. She transferred after you were hospitalized.

Aria narrowed her eyes.

Is she pretty? She must be. Youre so proud of this trash.

I like her face. More than just like. I love it.

Is that a mark on your neck? Cover it up.

Hey. I wish I had that.

Martin lowered his head and said.

But, those girls follow their master until they die. Like dogs.

Cant you seduce one? Tsk.

What can I do if Im not their master?

This time, Martin looked at Aria.

She was holding something tightly in her arms.

Aria. What is that?

What, this? What do you mean what?

Fire sparked in Arias eyes.

The paper crumpled slightly as she gripped it harder.

Flan. His weakness.

Does he have a weakness?

Of course he does. I wrote down everything I observed during the test when we fought.


That seemed useless.

Martin barely swallowed the words that reached his throat.

For now, he decided to take Arias expression seriously.

Instead, he asked something else.

So, why did you write down his weakness?

Arias eyes widened at Martins question.

Flan is going to be the representative of the Black Magic Tournament.

Did you hear that at the hospital?

I heard it after I regained consciousness. From the newspaper.

She said with a voice full of anger.

Im going to report Flans weakness to Yvonne, and make her suffer a crushing defeat.


Yeah. The first-year representative of the Knight Department. Yvonne.


Martin tilted his head.

Why Yvonne? Why give it to her?

The first event of the Black Magic Tournament. Combat. The representative of the Knight Department is Yvonne. You idiot.

Aria. Thats over.

Yeah, its over. I know that. How could Flan beat Yvonne The outcome is obvious.

Aria gritted her teeth.

But just in case, Im going to report it. Flan, that bastard, has to be humiliated for me to feel better.

Oh I see.

Move. Im busy.

Aria turned around and started walking.

Martin stared blankly at the back of her head, and then, at some point, he burst into laughter.

Hey. Aria!

He raised one hand and waved it from side to side.

Tell me how it goes later~