Chapter 93: You already forfeited once to me.

Chapter 93: You already forfeited once to me.

Chapter 93 You already forfeited once to me.

Early in the morning.

Yushia finished her personal training early.

As soon as she returned to her dorm, she cast a spell to prevent eavesdropping, and made sure no one was spying on her.

Today was the first time since she transferred to Merhen Academy that Yushia checked on her activities.


The princess breathed deeply, just in case.

She didnt want to show any signs of nervousness on her first check.

She put on a pair of earplugs that were imbued with mana.

They looked ordinary, but they were amazing artifacts that allowed her to communicate with others.

After a while, she heard three beeps, and Yushia slowly opened her mouth.

Nice to meet you.

We are honored to hear your voice, third princess.

Their voices were full of zeal, and Yushia was very satisfied with them.

She also felt reassured.


An organization that Yushia personally created by recruiting the elite members of the royal family.

Each member was not only skilled, but also handpicked by Yushia herself.

There were 15 members in the Wilderness.

Yushia divided them into three areas, with five people each.

Ears that gathered information from the world. Eyes that focused on detecting the existence of Witch. Hands that carried out Yushias will.

The third princess finally spoke.

First, I want to hear the report from the Eyes.

Everything is going smoothly. We applied magic to all the glowing items that you personally distributed, so that they can detect Witch

Yushia listened attentively to the reports from the Eyes and Ears, nodding her head carefully.

Fortunately, everything was progressing well.

The only thing left was the Hands.

Their loyalty was unparalleled.

They were ready to do anything that she considered as work.

I will investigate this persons past in detail. And also, I will protect him.

She looked at the document in her hand.

For Yushia, it was obvious who this person was.

****** Flan Judith

Born in the Judith family.

Abandoned the sword and chose the path of a mage.

Sibling of the Knight of the Flickering Flame. ******

Flan, of course it was him.

Additionally I will also investigate the Knight of the Flickering Flame, Scarlet.

I will do as you wish, princess.

That answer was the end of the communication.

There was no one in the Wilderness who would question or doubt the third princesss orders.

Yushia smiled faintly on her face.

Sir Flan.

With a small hand, she lifted up the completed doll.

I hope you are happy.

The first thing I examined was the miraculous blade, Surtr, that I obtained from the auction.

I had no intention of ever wielding the sword, but I was quite interested in the elemental power it contained.

I scrutinized the blade for an hour.


When I extracted the elemental power that it possessed, I couldnt help but marvel.

Im satisfied.

The elemental current in the flask shimmered with a rainbow hue.

It proved its purity with its color.

I immediately overlaid it on the clock.

The clock that I got from the auction, that was handcrafted by an artisan, that had an elegant design, that many nobles coveted That clock.

If I handed it to one of the representatives, it would be quite useful.

With this, I could say that I had made a good profit of more than 30,000 gold coins.


Maiev, who was sitting on the floor next to me and polishing the auction items, opened her mouth.

What should we do with this blade? Surtr.

Throw it away.

Surtr, which had lost its elemental power, was nothing but an empty shell.

In other words, I had no more use for it.

But Maiev shook her head.

What if we sell it again?

Who would buy an empty shell?

Her face turned red.

Hup, eop, gek, egeak

She started to cry and snort.

I arrived at the basement of the tower on time.

Todays training, which was originally supposed to take place inside the World of Painting, was changed to a different place due to the observation.

Its wide.

It exceeded my expectations, a stadium-like audience seat.

It was a great stadium without a doubt.

As soon as I opened the door, everyone was there except for Louis.

Ah, Flan!

Becky pretended to know.

Im going to do the final check now.

Uh? Wheres Louis?

He asked for permission beforehand, hell be here soon.

I went straight to the point. I looked at each representative and said.

Considering that the event is Hunting competition, todays check will also be in the form of a battle.


Whether you like it or not, its an element that a magician can never avoid.

Becky swallowed his saliva nervously.

And one more thing.

My eyes turned to the audience seat.

The representatives eyes naturally followed it, and the next moment.



A question mark that was invisible appeared over their heads.

I understood their feelings.

The professors were at least eight in number.

The final check will take place under observation.

They didnt care about their confusion, and I calmly continued to explain.

Today, the focus is not on winning or losing, but on how well you hide your magic. You know why. If you fail to conceal your magic properly, a one-on-one battle can soon turn into a free-for-all.

You can choose anyone as your opponent, except for the spectators. Also, they will make sure that no fatal injuries occur, so dont hesitate to attack your opponent.

Finally, I looked at Trixie.

The first one is Trixie.


Choose your opponent.


Trixie nodded easily.

Her eyes were steady.

She seemed to have already decided who to fight. But Trixie didnt look at Becky or Louis.

One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes.

The silence stretched on, and the spectators eyes became a bit puzzled.

In the midst of the stillness, she finally asked.

You said I can choose anyone, right?


Okay. Then.

Trixie nodded. After a moment, she moved three steps closer to me.

Her blue eyes, like a lake, gazed up at me. Her eyes were full of determination.


The representatives next to me looked dumbfounded.

Looking at the spectators, they also seemed to find Trixies choice somewhat strange.

I shook my head quietly.

Thats a bad choice, Trixie.

It would be better for the spectators observation and understanding if people of similar levels fought each other.

But Trixie didnt back down.

No, Ill add a condition. To make it a good choice.

As she said that, the girl glanced at Becky. Becky, who was involved, subtly avoided her gaze.

Then Trixies eyes met mine again.

If I win, youll answer one thing, whatever it is. But if I lose, Ill do whatever you want.

Theres no chance youll win.


She cut off my words sharply.

And on her lips, a faint smile appeared.

Theres nothing impossible.

The end of the curiosity that I had harbored myself,

Trixie seemed determined to see it today.

You already forfeited once to me, remember?