Chapter 41: Is it a glitch?

Chapter 41: Is it a glitch?

The rules are simple.

Inside the rectangular evaluation hall, we have to face the magic that rushes towards us.

That’s it.

But it’s not enough to just manifest magic.

We have to suppress the flying magic with our own magic.

Only then can we call it a true success.

ᅳThe evaluation of Trixie von Fritz and Louis Rosevelt is over.

Louis is currently in first place.

I watch their evaluation with that thought in mind.

A staff member of the magic tower kindly explains the situation.

The staff member and Violet are watching us from inside the black barrier on the other side.

It’s a one-way mirror.

They can only see us.

I had to admit that both Trixie and Louis were gems.

Louis used his light element well, and Trixie used her fire element well.

They both succeeded in manifesting magic quickly.

But they stopped at manifestation, and their power was not impressive.

It was inevitable.

These gems were not properly polished yet.

A magician who is still in the gem state cannot change the world.

There is no way that either of them will become the representative.

And it’s my job to show them why, starting now.

After the evaluation was over, Trixie left with a displeased expression, and Louis came over to me.

He opened his mouth in a gentle tone.

“I did my best, but I’m still disappointed.”

“Reflect on yourself. Repent.”

Then you’ll surely become a decent magician someday. Louis nodded obediently at my words.

“Of course I should. But Flan, you don’t seem nervous at all.”


I’ve never been nervous in this world.

I answered with my expression instead of words.

As I looked at him with a calm gaze, Louis burst into laughter.

“Don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying this with any other intention. I just like you. The way you told Professor Violet that you would be the representative, I personally felt that it was cool.”

ᅳLast. Flan, please come out.

Just then, the staff member of the magic tower called my name.

“Good luck, Flan. By the way, can I watch?”

I nodded lightly to Louis and headed towards the center of the evaluation hall.

Fast magic manifestation, one-hit suppression.

These are the two conditions that I put forward as the representative’s qualifications.

Since I said it with my own mouth, I intend to pick it up myself.

I will do it for sure.

I want to shorten the period of being ignored as a magician by even a second.

ᅳThe evaluation will begin.

The evaluation began with a brief announcement.

The training that I repeated steadily did not betray me.

As I focused my mind, the mana that became much more refined than before wrapped around my body.

ᅳFirst round.

I looked at the magic that began to condense in the far distance with my n***d eye.

I want to go beyond the thoughts of others.

I abandon the idea of winning with speed. I will take away the ‘speed’ from him.


I carefully tore apart the swirling magic with a strange sound.

The refined mana in my body accelerates my thinking and raises my computing power to the limit.

At the same time, the whole world loses its color.

A world that is only distinguished by black and white.

In the midst of everything in sight turning white, only the magic on the other side looks black.


The moment the magic bullet started to move.

White lines began to pulsate from the blackened body.

Each and every one of them is a core circuit.

The important thing is, I saw it.

If I already confirmed it with my eyes, it’s not hard to interfere and dismantle it.


The magic crumbled without flying much. Silence flowed inside the evaluation hall for a while.

‘Two more times?’

Assuming that he fires with the same power, I can dismantle it perfectly two more times.

This is the limit of the total amount.

But it’s no problem.

Both Trixie and Louis finished their evaluation with the third round.

I won’t be much different from them.

ᅳSecond round firing.

The magic bullet rushed towards me. The composition of the core circuit changed, and the speed also increased from the first round.

But the result doesn’t change. Just like the first round, it disappeared before it touched me.

ᅳThird round firing.

Finally, the third magic came flying, and I dismantled it again.

‘Only this?’

I was disappointed by this.

They said my unique ability was Flash. But it was nothing but a name, with its pathetic speed and power.

Villains ruin human lives without regard to means and methods.

They don’t just try to break them with force. They can disguise themselves as precious people, or offer sweet temptations...

But if you trust yourself more than anyone else, you won’t be easily swayed by such temptations.

She had to admit it.

Elysis became very interested in Flan after just a few conversations.

She opened her mouth, hiding her nervous expression.

“Let’s see.”

The staff member who heard that proceeded with the evaluation.

-First shot.


The staff member tilted his head.

It was because the magic bullet disappeared without flying properly.

“Is it an error?”


Elysis answered sharply.

She turned her head and looked at Violet.

“Violet. Did you see that?”

“...I did.”

Violet nodded quietly.

They both understood.

This was not an error of the equipment, but a ‘disassembly’ created by a perfect interference.

But accepting it was another problem.

Elysis spoke first.

“What grade is the interference course?”

“It’s a second grade course.”


“Oh, by the way. On the orientation day too...”

“Orientation day? What about that day?”

Violet shook her head.

“It’s nothing. I’ll proceed with the evaluation.”

Violet muttered, unable to take her eyes off Flan.

The staff member did so.

-Second shot. -Third shot.

They proceeded twice more, but the result did not change.

He had no difficulty at all.

He calmly dismantled the magic bullets with smooth and efficient movements.

There was no sound at all during the three evaluations.

It was so elegant.

‘He thinks differently.’

He had already surpassed the idea of ​​fighting with magic.

He was trying to prevent the opponent from gaining speed in the first place.

His interest soared.

No, it was about to explode.

The inside of the black barrier was engulfed in silence.

The first to break the silence was Violet.

“This... This means that Flan is really the representative.”

Elysis rubbed her chin without saying a word.

Violet opened her mouth again.

“Elysis. What do you think? Don’t you agree that Flan is the one?”

“Is that important right now?”

Elysis jumped up from her seat and pushed away the staff of the magic tower and started to operate the equipment.

“Hey, Elysis?”

The staff shouted with a bewildered expression, but it was too late.

‘How much do you trust yourself?’

Could he trust himself in front of such an absurd power?



Elysis, who was swept away by curiosity, was already in a state of no return.

Elysis unlocked the safety device of the equipment.

“What are you doing, you crazy? What are you doing right now?”

“Elysis! You can’t touch the equipment without permission!”

The staff and Violet immediately grabbed Elysis.

But Elysis was reckless.

She pushed her magic into the equipment with all her might and shouted into the microphone.

“Fire the fourth round!”

The fastest and most powerful magic bullet.

Yvonne Rose’s unique ability, a magic bullet with the speed of a flash, began to rush towards Flan.

Violet yelled.

“You’re really crazy. How can you do this as a guild leader?”

There was no answer.

Violet shouted again.

“Say something! Is this okay?”

“...There’s no sound.”

Elysis muttered.

Violet asked incredulously.

“What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?”

“That’s not the problem, you idiot.”

Elysis smirked and pointed to the other side with her chin.

“Even this time, there was no sound from over there.”