Chapter 42: I’ll Ask You

Chapter 42: I’ll Ask You

“There was no sound from over there, again.”

At Elysis’s words, Violet and the staff’s eyes widened at the same time.

That’s right.

The speed of the magic bullet without the safety device’s restriction was tremendous.

There was no way there could be no collision sound.

The three women’s heads turned towards Flan at the same time.

The scenery that came into view was simple, and also shocking.

The magic bullet that was disassembled and scattered in all directions, and the boy with a calm and weak attitude.

That was all.

Flan’s fingertips were severely burned at a glance.

It was even to the point where smoke was rising.

But still, Flan only glared at the empty air as if he was bored.

Violet opened her mouth with a dismayed expression.

“Elysis. That...”


Elysis nodded.

“It looks like he disassembled it again.”

“Wait, wait a minute. That doesn’t make sense. Wasn’t this magic bullet faster than the third one?”

“Yeah. I set it to the same speed as Yvonne Rose’s flash.”

At that, Violet gasped.

“Understanding the core circuit. Interference and disassembly without error. All of this in such a short time...”

“He did it all. What the hell is he doing?”

When Flan was evaluated over three rounds.

Until then, she had only thought of him as a useful guy.

She was still doubtful.

But now, after the fourth round, Elysis’s thoughts changed.

‘He’s an interesting guy.’

If she thought about Flan’s age, it would be right to call him a ‘gemstone’. But.

...He acted strangely, like a jewel that had been finished.

Elysis licked her lower lip.

She valued the inner aspect more than the skill of a magician.

There were many magicians who shone for a moment with excellent skills, but a truly great magician had to have an overwhelming spirit that would not back down from anything.

She didn’t expect him to have that kind of ability.

Yeah, that’s what she thought.

Elysis looked at Flan’s face again.

On the boy’s face, she glimpsed the overwhelming spirit she was looking for.

She started to feel greedy.

She wanted to see him on the real battlefield, not this kind of test site.

One step, two steps.

Flan started to approach her with a displeased face.

Soon he knocked on the black barrier three times and opened his mouth.

“What else do you need?”

Even though he couldn’t see inside, he was looking into Violet’s eyes.

“Hey, you.”

Elysis released the black barrier.

She asked Flan bluntly.

“Why did you interfere with your hand?”

Was it because her tone was so rough, or did he think it was a quarrel, Flan furrowed his brow.

“If you have a good understanding ability, you could have just looked and interfered. Why did you touch it?”


As if he was curious, Flan relaxed his expression and opened his mouth.

The three women only looked at Flan’s mouth.

“I didn’t have enough mana to examine it with my eyes.”

Everyone except Flan looked surprised.

A moment later, Elysis asked again.

“Then I have to ask you the same question again. Why did you touch it without avoiding it? Weren’t you scared?”

“I don’t understand either. If what Flan said is true, he would have hurt his hand badly if he was late in either understanding or interference.”

Violet chimed in from the side.

It was an absurdly dangerous thing.

If Flan’s words were true, he had done both ‘understanding’ and ‘interference’ for disassembly as soon as the magic bullet touched his fingertips.

Any magician without mana would have tried to avoid it.

“I’ll ask you.”

Flan, in turn, asked Elysis.

“Would you have avoided it?”

There was silence for a while.

“Flan did it.”

As all the students were startled, there was a fierce gaze towards me.

It was Trixie.

She was staring at me.

Whether or not, I started to sink into another thought.

‘How long has it been.’

I checked the condition of my left hand.

The burned fingers stood out.

If I go back to the dormitory and use healing magic, it will be fine, so it’s not difficult to fix...

The concept of getting hurt itself is very unfamiliar to me.

The stinging fingers are unfamiliar, trivial...

I don’t know how long it’s been since I got hurt.

But I don’t regret my actions.

I will never bend, even if I break. I will only move forward without losing my self-existence.


I even have a spirit artifact.

If I grow with the artifact, the summit is not far away.

For now, I just organized my thoughts like that.

“The representative election was fair, as guaranteed by the Mysterious Valley. If anyone still has doubts, come and see me.”

Elysis finished her speech with that.

Everyone closed their mouths at the word Mysterious Valley.

It seems to have a pretty high reputation.

Violet opened her mouth again.

“I’ll emphasize it again, you all worked hard to take the test. Now let’s move to the hotel inside the tower.”

The male students were on the 24th floor, the female students were on the 23rd floor... Violet’s explanation continued for a while and we finally moved to the portal.

But there was a problem in front of the portal.

Suddenly, Yushia screamed.

“What? What do you mean!”

Roughly looking, Yushia’s golden eyes were shaking as she looked at the portal staff.

“You can’t bring in a glow puzzle? Really?”

“Personal belongings are not allowed inside the tower for security reasons. Please leave them at the storage across the street.”

“No way...!”

Despair spread on Yushia’s face.

But I have luggage too. I looked at what I brought.

『 On the interference collision phenomenon of the summoning system 』

『 An elemental study on the softening system 』

『 A study on the pronunciation of fairy language according to the dialects of each continent 』 . . .

They were about eight papers that I carefully selected and selected again from the library.

I was in the library all the time after dinner, and I had no choice but to move with these papers to match the time of Violet’s sudden call.

“Student. This is also personal belongings and cannot be carried.”

Sure enough, not long after, the papers I was carrying were pointed out.

All the students looked at me. Violet said to me.

“Student Flan. Leave that at the storage.”

I thought about it and quickly made a decision.

I approached Violet.

I handed her the eight papers I had selected.


Violet’s eyebrows twitched once.

“Student Flan. Are you asking the professor to run an errand for you?”

“No. Please put these papers in my room.”

“I’m telling you for the second time, the luggage is outside the building... wait, what?”

“I’m the luggage.”

I forced the papers into her hand and turned around.

I’ve slept on the street before, so sleeping in the storage wouldn’t be hard.

“What... what did you say? Hey. Student Flan!”

I ignored her and quickly got on the portal.

I can’t see my papers sleeping in the cold.


As I was walking towards the storage room, I suddenly felt a presence behind me and turned around.

A white and fluffy ball of feathers was following me closely, then stopped as well.

Our eyes met naturally.

I asked Yushia, who was smiling brightly, what was so exciting.

“What are you up to?”

“Ah! Plan K!”

She exclaimed, lifting a box.

“Glow-in-the-dark puzzle!”