Chapter 116: Remnants and Flames.

Chapter 116: Remnants and Flames.

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 116 Remnants and Flames.

A space where magic runs rampant and shadows swirl.

I walk silently along the path in the middle.

The sea that was formed by layers of shadow beasts had been split in half long ago.

There were no shadows to hinder my advance.

Most of them hesitated to attack, and if they did, I instantly annihilated them.

It was safe to say that there were none.

The witch stared blankly at me from afar.

I could see it clearly from here. Her lips that had curled up were back to their original height.


I uttered the two syllables again.

The night spirit that solidified into a bow shape in my hand.

The resonance of magic that formed into arrows.

I didnt need to hold them with my hands.

I just used telekinesis to lift them up and aimed without any error.

The witch tried to protect herself right away.

The shadow curtain wrapped around her several times, forming a shape like a bugs cocoon.


I could see their weaknesses too clearly.

To survive against the Witches.

I spoke to the three magicians who were watching me quietly.

You need to have the sight of a mage.

I overlaid mana on their retinas and shared my vision with them.

Then they saw the blue dots that revealed the weak points of the shadow curtain.

Magic is irregular and there are definitely parts that can be called weaknesses.

The three magicians looked at me and the Witch in the distance alternately, with their eyes wide open.

I stuck a magic arrow into the weak point of the curtain.


The arrow embedded in the shadow curtain poured my magic into the surroundings. It weakened the Witchs unique black magic.

Immediately after, the pitch-black shadow curtain became translucent enough to see through.

I aimed another arrow.

And fired.

The blue arrow drew a straight trajectory and stretched out.

The weakened shadow curtain failed to protect its owners body.


With a squishy sound of leather and flesh being pierced, the Witchs right arm flew into the air.

She widened her eyes.

The expression on her face was more shock than pain.

The Witch staggered and leaned against the wall.

The moment I formed another arrow.


Something fell from above and blocked my front.

At the same time, black energy spread in all directions.

It was a being that could no longer be called human. Its two eyes were pitch-black and the energy it emitted was only magic.

It was undoubtedly a Witch.

Only the silk sword in its hand retained its past.

Ella, one of the four siblings of the knight academy.

It was her.

I advised quietly.

Get out of the way.

But she didnt listen to my advice.

She spat out a blade-like killing intent and asked me one thing.

Flan, you remember me, right?

I didnt bother to answer.

I wasnt curious about what she had gone through, nor did I feel any emotion while facing her, who had transformed into a Witch.

But Ella seemed to be angry at that.

Answer me.

Ella muttered lowly and emitted black energy.

Her black silk sword tangled several times in the air.

It soon formed the shape of a hand and rushed at me.

Fast and precise.

It seemed to stretch to the left, but then appeared on the right, and aimed for the ankle, but then twisted the orbit strangely and tried to strangle my neck in an instant.

There was no blind spot in the black hand that reached out indiscriminately.

But there was a pattern. I calmly repelled the attack with telekinesis and read the pattern.

After bouncing it off exactly ten times, I asked.

Is this the best you can do?

Is this how youre going to stop me, or is this the only choice you have for an attack?

There was a huge difference between the two.

Ella was silent as if she knew that.


She took a deep breath and pulled up her magic, and behind Ellas back, black hands increased in number and formed a left-right symmetry.

Her unique ability, Weakness.

It was invisible.

There was no element of weakness in Flans magic circle.

The space magic and Flans magic circle began to resonate with each other.

The moment he quietly reached out his hand.

Everything that was visible changed.


The eyes of the three magicians and the Celestial Blessing widened.

On the ground, the wheat fields swayed, and in the sky, the intense starlight boiled.

In the scenery of a quiet village, a few windmills were spinning silently.

The sight that made her body shiver.

All of it was drawn with flames in front of her eyes.


Bastions dull voice came from beside her.

Janet felt awkward at the sight of Bastion, who had a scarred face and a pale expression.

She slowly turned to where his finger was pointing.

The shadows were part of the burning painting.

Even their movements, which were writhing and turning into a handful of ashes, looked like a dance of joy, because there was an artistic scenery behind them.

It was amazing.

It was amazing to burn all the shadow beasts in this place with one magic.

But it was not impossible.

And yet.

It doesnt make sense. This is impossible.

Janet couldnt help but mutter.

She had grown up with a strong desire for knighthood.

For Janet, the idol and the compass was.

Of course, it was Scarlet, the Knight of the Flickering Flame.

She honed her talent and had many hard times, and when she was young, she was frustrated several times, but she never doubted her path by thinking of Scarlet.

In other words, she knew Flickering Flame very well.

The wheat fields, the swaying stars, the windmills spinning in a quiet village.

How ecstatic and beautiful was the painting that depicted all these things with fire.

In that dreamlike sight, Janet felt the Flickering Flame.

The Flickering Flame of Scarlet, and no one else.


Janet closed her eyes quietly.

She tried to stop her brain from thinking that it might be clearer than the Flickering Flame.


Hey, Janet.

Bastion called her with a trembling voice.

He was sweating coldly, but it was not because of the heat of the fire.

Flans flames only burned the shadows.

Bastian took a deep breath and continued.

This, no matter how I look at it.


Janet blocked his mouth with her sword against his neck.

She had to stop him.

She had a feeling what he was going to say, and it was something that should never be uttered.

Dont ever say anything more.

Janet looked anxiously at the side.

The faces of the Celestial Blessing who turned their heads towards her were also shocked one by one.

The Knight of the Flickering Flame who arrived late.

The compass and faith of many knight students.

A strong candidate for the Sword Saint.

Scarlet Judith.

On her face, there was a clear confusion.

Her hand holding the sword was clearly trembling.

Meanwhile, in the joint conference room of Merhen Academy.

When the royal figures who arrived late captured Flans magic, the few words that were going between the people disappeared like a mirage.

The only thing that filled the record sheet was the fire that could be called art.

No other appreciation was needed.


Theodore Judith, the head of the Judith family, who was watching it next to the second princess.

He regained his senses after a while and quietly left the conference room.

One second. Ten seconds. Sixty seconds.

He was lost in thought in front of the closed conference room door, and he was struggling with something.

Flickering Flame.

He muttered that and immediately retracted his words.


He had to retract.

What he had just seen was not Flickering Flame.

He knew for sure. He was also certain.

That flame was.


It was undoubtedly burning.