Chapter 117: I have something to tell you.

Chapter 117: I have something to tell you.

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 117 I have something to tell you.

The long Hunting competition was finally over.

There was no sign of the Witchs resurrection, and the latecomers who arrived at the danger zone quickly cleaned up the representatives and left.

Despite everyone leaving.

Scarlet, the Knight of the Flickering Flame, could not leave.

She felt dizzy.

It was like she had vertigo.

Scarlet was rooted to the ground, as if her feet were nailed.

The reason was one person. Flan.

She was full of doubts.

Scarlet never showed any emotion that could be associated with weakness.

Confusion, worry, anxiety Those emotions would make her mastery of the situation falter, and she was in a position where she could not afford to waver.

But she was confused now.

Had she ever been so emotionally frail?

Had the wall of her mind that she had built up been so fragile?

She could not explain clearly what she had just witnessed, the flame, or her current state.

How did you?

How could you create such a flame?


How on earth

She had never failed to achieve anything, never failed to get what she wanted, and firmly believed that she had walked the right path.

She was the symbol of Judith, the Knight of the Flickering Flame.

She whispered countless questions to herself.


Scarlet kicked the ground and rushed to Flan in an instant.

It was almost like a charge.

They were both tall, and soon they were close enough to feel each others breath.

Flan looked at Scarlet quietly.

He did not seem pleased by her sudden approach.

Do you have something to say to me?

Flan asked in a low voice.

Scarlet asked him back with a shaky voice.

Just now! That flame! What was that?

Flan closed and opened his eyes quietly.

And he looked at Scarlet and answered briefly, as if he did not need to ask.

Its a simple magic.


Scarlet bit her lower lip quietly.

Thats not yours! Thats mine!

Flan had already turned his body halfway.

The moment Scarlet reached out her arm and grabbed Flans arm, the moment their skin touched.


Scarlets eyes widened.

The ash that was burned white and remained.

Flans unique ability circuit was in a similar state.


Scarlets eyes shook as her confusion deepened.

Was that flame really magic?

Whether it was magic or a unique ability.

It was a huge shock for Scarlet.

Flan narrowed his eyebrows and shook off Scarlets hand.

He quietly started to go his own way.

Stay there.

Scarlet said.

That warning would have worked for anyone, but it did not work for Flan at all.

I told you to stop!

It was almost a scream.

It was a very important issue, to deal with who could handle that flame.

If the one who could handle that flame was a traitor who abandoned the will of the family, who said he would change Judith to a magic family and throw away the legitimacy of the family

She could never tolerate that.


A dull sound echoed in the space.

Flan finally turned his head and looked behind.

On the ground in front of Scarlet, who stretched out her arm, her proud shoulder armor was embedded.

I have to duel you. Flan.

Duel. Did you just say that?

You dont deserve to handle the flame!

Flan looked at the shoulder armor on the ground for a while. Then he nodded quietly.

I accept.

Flan raised his eyes and looked at Scarlet.

But, Scarlet.

He did not know if his expression was mocking or ignoring, and Scarlet did not want to think about it.

I dont need your shoulder armor.

He left that one statement and left.

The joint conference room of the Merhen Academy.

[Magic Department -]

[Celestial Blessing 9,045] . . .

The joint conference room became noisy again with the mages.

There was no problem.

This was also the princesss command.


In the midst of the noise, another regular knight handed Conrad a document.

This is the list of survivors of the Hunting competition.

Conrad sighed deeply and took the list.

He moved his irritated eyes from top to bottom.


And he felt a sense of incongruity.

Once, twice, three times. The more he checked the list, the more his eyes widened.

What is this!

The list of survivors.

There was no name of his son, the leader of the Azure trainees.

Kian Cloud.

Two days later, late at night.

When I finally left Verkel and arrived at the academys main gate.

The scene was very different.

Theyre making a fuss again.

Magic fireworks make a loud noise and decorate the night sky.

The music of the band flowed from the ground and tickled my ears.

Becky, who stood at the gate, was surprised.

What, what is all this?

There was a red carpet leading to the magic department.

Not only that, but there was also a fence with fancy decorations on the side.

Who prepared these things for whom? It wasnt a problem that had to be thought of hard.

Trixie casually brushed her hair.

Of course, they have to do this much. We won.

Can I take this home later?

Becky fiddled with the jewels on the decorations. Of course, they were imitations.

Whiiing Bang! Pooong!

The magic fireworks are still coloring the sky. The closer we walk on the carpet, the closer the cheers of the people get.

And finally, when we stepped into the magic departments territory.


The eyes of the three mages except me widened.

Look over here!

Theyre here! The representatives!

Thank you for winning!

All kinds of students were cheering on the fence.


Beckys mouth opened wide.

Even Louis and Trixie didnt expect this much, and they muttered a word each.

So many people came, even though its night.


The three of them couldnt muster the courage to move forward.

It was natural.

When you encounter such a huge interest for the first time, you cant help but feel embarrassed.

The three heads turned to me.

Flan! What should we do?

Becky asked anxiously.

Just go with it.

Just go with it? This? Wait, wait!

I started to move forward.

The two except Louis stuck to my back and walked cautiously.

Walk confidently. We came back after winning.

Now that I think about it, thats true. But still!

Someone clenched the hem of my clothes on the back.

It was probably Becky.

I ignored the warm back and walked.

There was no reason to hesitate in my steps.

After walking for a while.


Someone shouted my name loudly.

I didnt have time to pay attention to each and every one of them, but I had to respond to her.


A white snowball-like thing hugged me in my arms.

I looked down quietly.

White hair, golden eyes.

Yushia. It was her.

Congratulations on winning! Of course, everyone is congratulating you, but Im the most congratulatory among them!

She said that and gave each of the representatives a small bag.

Becky asked nervously.

Yushia, what is this?

Its a glow-in-the-dark gift set! Before you go to bed, please turn off the light and open it!

Glow-in-the-dark gift set.

A look of embarrassment rather than joy. Only Louis opened the bag on the spot.

Oh, by the way, Flan!

Yushia stuck to my side and raised her feet. She barely matched the height and carefully cupped her hands around my ears and whispered.

I have something to tell you.

It was a very serious tone, quite different from usual.